Rachel Carson

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In 1962, Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring,” (UCSC Science Library has multiple copies) her groundbreaking exposure of the environmental harms posed by the mosquito-killing pesticide DDT. Informed by her alarm over the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, Carson’s work challenged prevailing assumptions about chemical safety and helped birth the modern environmental movement. Carson’s writing, research and the challenges she faced as a woman taking on one of the country’s most powerful industries led to College 8 being named in her honor. So profound is her influence, she continues to be attacked to this day social network map

Nice web bio


The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson CBS

Rachel Carson PBS American Experience 2017 9 min intro (oddly, given this PUBLIC TV, it is currently locked behind a paywall).

Rachel Carson (video) episode of Bill Moyer's Journal (includes play, "A Sense of Wonder" based on her life).

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Excellent 1993 PBS documentary McHenry Library VT2457 also online.

Newer 2010 documentary Sense of Wonder another link.

Books and Articles

Essay on Rachel Carson's influence.

questions to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Silent Spring.

NYT's Revkin on influence (many good links) 10/12.

Frank Graham, editor with the Audubon Society, wrote follow up to Carson’s work, “Since Silent Spring” his reflections on her legacy (audio and text).

Carson's letters (audio).

Silent Spring’s lost legacy, told in fifty parts by Sandra Steingraber, published in the September/October 2012 issue of Orion magazine. 11/12.

On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson by William Souder video interview. Interview with William Souder (audio), author,"On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson."

Souder also is the author of Under a Wild Sky: John James Audubon and the Making of 'The Birds of America,' a finalist for the 2005 Pulitzer Prize. 9/14. 12/17 UCSC talk on Under the Sea Wind. Under the Sea Wind


Frank Graham, editor with the Audubon Society, wrote follow up to Carson’s work, “Since Silent Spring” his reflections on her legacy (audio and text).

Carson's letters (audio). LOE.org 2012.