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[https://time.com/5679965/university-of-california-fossil-fuel-investments/ The University of California Is Dumping Fossil Fuel Investments] Whoohoo, huge win! [https://www.cityonahillpress.com/2019/03/01/we-demand-a-fossil-free-uc/ (City on a Hill story)], [https://politics-of-sustainability.ucsc.edu/2016/08/28/fossil-free-uc/ (2016 video of Carson College talk)].  To see why see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Eco-heroes Bill McKibben], who pioneered divestment with 7 of his college students who created [https://350.org/ 350.org].  
[https://time.com/5679965/university-of-california-fossil-fuel-investments/ The University of California Is Dumping Fossil Fuel Investments] Whoohoo, huge win! [https://www.cityonahillpress.com/2019/03/01/we-demand-a-fossil-free-uc/ (City on a Hill story)], [https://politics-of-sustainability.ucsc.edu/2016/08/28/fossil-free-uc/ (2016 video of Carson College talk)].  To see why see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Eco-heroes Bill McKibben], who pioneered divestment with 7 of his college students who created [https://350.org/ 350.org].  
[https://news.ucsc.edu/2020/01/whale-entanglements.html Study connects marine heat wave with spike in whale entanglements] Jarrod Santora, a researcher in applied mathematics at UCSC's Baskin School of Engineering and first author of the study, published January 27 in Nature Communications 2/20 see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Category:Marine_Mammals Marine Mammals].
[https://news.ucsc.edu/2020/01/mckuin-fish.html A new study of the climate impacts of seafood products] reveals that the processing of Alaskan pollock into fish sticks, imitation crab, and fish fillets generates significant greenhouse gas emissions by Brandi McKuin, a postdoctoral researcher in environmental studies at UCSC. see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Overfishing Fishing].
[https://news.ucsc.edu/2020/01/mckuin-fish.html A new study of the climate impacts of seafood products] reveals that the processing of Alaskan pollock into fish sticks, imitation crab, and fish fillets generates significant greenhouse gas emissions by Brandi McKuin, a postdoctoral researcher in environmental studies at UCSC. see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Overfishing Fishing].

Revision as of 00:58, 5 February 2020

This page is for fun and striking ideas. GreenMuze is a reliable source, as is Grist List as well as Inhabitat. See also Good News, and Featured Stories and News pages for more serious journalism.

New Pages

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New page: Mushrooms are amazing, including bio-remediation (even eat plastic). 'shroom chair 3D printed.

New page: humor which (believe it ot not) is related to

New wiki page Culture Jamming Examples: "Phone Story" the iPhone app contains a mini-game exploring a different problem in the consumer electronics supply chain. How would you like to force children to mine precious metals, save suicidal workers from jumping to their deaths so they can labor another day, or find the cheapest way to dispose of mountains of e-waste—all while keeping productivity up so you can toss shiny trinkets to adoring consumers? Exxon hates your children needs support.

New Page: Awwwwwwwww (pictures of adorable animals).

Urban Agriculture
Sea Level Rise
Food Safety



(see also Slugs in Action, local eco-heroes)

The University of California Is Dumping Fossil Fuel Investments Whoohoo, huge win! (City on a Hill story), (2016 video of Carson College talk). To see why see Bill McKibben, who pioneered divestment with 7 of his college students who created 350.org.

Study connects marine heat wave with spike in whale entanglements Jarrod Santora, a researcher in applied mathematics at UCSC's Baskin School of Engineering and first author of the study, published January 27 in Nature Communications 2/20 see Marine Mammals.

A new study of the climate impacts of seafood products reveals that the processing of Alaskan pollock into fish sticks, imitation crab, and fish fillets generates significant greenhouse gas emissions by Brandi McKuin, a postdoctoral researcher in environmental studies at UCSC. see Fishing.

Julie Guthman on history of strawberry farms (audio interview), new book is Wilted: Pathogens, Chemicals, and the Fragile Future of the Strawberry Industry UC Press, 2019.

UCSC helps develop Egyptian Center of Excellence for Water: Brent Haddad leads research effort focused on improving water supply and quality in Egypt 1/20.

Global study of street networks reveals growing urban sprawl: Policy intervention needed to curb sprawl, improve walkability and public transit use in new and expanding cities 1/20 see Land Use.

A Minefield of Purple Urchins Devastated Kelp Forests in California: Warm water and “sea star wasting disease” helped urchins take over the coast, a new study finds. 11/19 see Seastar wasting update 3/18UCSC research on starfish disease 11/13. Mysterious epidemic devastates starfish population off the Pacific Coast (video) PBS 1/14. You can help do citizen science research. More opportunities. LOE audio. Oregon 6/14. 5/15 update.

Letourneau's datasets propel research that shows biodiversity improves crop production. When Environmental Studies Professor Deborah Letourneau was getting ready to retire, she gave several of her datasets to younger researchers so they could make use of them. And did they ever. 11/19.

Digital Scholarship Innovation Studio:

   Democratizing access to technology
   Creating opportunities for students to learn through and Critical Making
   Building partnerships with UCSC faculty and staff to facilitate research and teaching that incorporates 3D data
   Developing and maintaining spaces that foster open experimentation and innovation

The related Digital Scholarship Innovation Studio has printers 11/19.

Mangroves reduce flood damages during hurricanes, saving billions of dollars in property losses “This work helps to identify where to invest cost effectively in habitat restoration and conservation, which is critical for building coastal resilience,” said project team leader Michael Beck, research professor of ocean sciences at UC Santa Cruz.

UCSC Biologist Upasna Sharma wins NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Prestigious $1.5 million grant will fund Sharma’s research on how environmental effects can be passed down from parents to their offspring 10/19.

UCSC ocean scientist Raphael Kudela is a lead author of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which provides new evidence for the benefits of limiting global warming 10/19.

New report details 10 ‘critical transitions’ to tackle the climate crisis and feed the world UCSC agro-ecology work is key. 9/19

Beautiful, full-color Field Guide to Plants of UC Santa Cruz makes exploring the landscapes of the campus—and the county—fun and rewarding, a labor of love for author Nathalie Martin (College Nine '17, environmental studies), who hopes the 173-page volume filled with photographs, maps, and tips will inspire others to build their knowledge of local plants "and all the curiosities and wonders that accompany them." 5/19.

Stacy Jupiter, a marine scientist with the Wildlife Conservation Society (Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology UCSC 2006, won a MacArthur Foundation "Genius Grant" for “extraordinary originality and dedication,” with a no-strings-attached award of $625,000. Jupiter, 43, lives in Fiji and works on conservation programs which work involves integrating local cultural practices. As a graduate student at UC Santa Cruz, Jupiter worked in northern Australia studying how coastal mangroves and coral reefs were affected by land use in a major watershed.

Wild animals key to mediating landscape’s capacity to store carbon, researchers say: Chris Wilmers coauthors new report saying carbon-cycle models must consider animals 12/18, see Wildlife.

Environmental, social changes shift how elephant seals communicate 12/18 see Marine Mammals.

UCSC chemists develop safe alternatives to phthalates used in plastics: Growing concern over the health effects of phthalates has spurred a search for alternatives that can add flexibility to plastics without leaching out 12/18 see Plastic.

Central California's stream restoration projects unevenly distributed, study finds, video full article 7/18.

Due to Colony Collapse Disorder, Environmental Studies senior Forest Peri wanted to make a welcoming home for native bees.4/18.

River blindness breahthrough River blindness and elephantiasis, debilitating diseases infect as many as 150 million people worldwide. They are among the "neglected tropical diseases"; cell biologist William Sullivan a professor of molecular, cell, and developmental biology, developed a drug. He teaches at course on neglected diseases.7/18.

Paul Niebanck Prize: the Founding Provost of College Eight (now Rachel Carson College) in 1972-73. In his honor, a group of friends and alumni have create an endowment to fund an annual $2,500 prize to a UCSC student whose work contributes original and innovative insight into the idea and practices environmental analysis and planning in the urban and built environment, broadly defined. June 1 2018 deadline. see scholarships.

All UCSC undergraduate students, of any college or major, are eligible.

Seastar wasting update 3/18UCSC research on starfish disease 11/13. Mysterious epidemic devastates starfish population off the Pacific Coast (video) PBS 1/14. You can help do citizen science research. More opportunities. LOE audio. Oregon 6/14. 5/15 update.

Green Chemistry Braslau Lab are trying to eliminate hormone-disrupting chemicals. supports STEM 4/18, see Plastic.

American Indian Resource Center has brought great people here to speak such as Winona LaDuke, Emily Houzous (nursing) and authors of “Decolonize Your Diet: Plant-Based Mexican-American Recipes for Health and Healing”, Catriona Rueda Esquibel and CSU East Bay professor Luz Calvo. Here Sat 2/10/18.

Polar bears finding it harder to catch enough seals to meet energy demands: UCSC Study reveals high metabolic rates, meaning polar bears need a lot of fat-rich prey, but more than half of those studied were running an energy deficit 2/18. see Wildlife and Category:Global_Warming.

Heart monitors on wild narwhals reveal alarming responses to stress: As sea ice melts, new findings add to concerns about the effects of ocean noise and increased human activity on deep-diving Arctic whales 2/18 see Marine Mammals.

Your Food Has a Climate Footprint: Here’s What You Can Do About It produced by the University of California in partnership with Slug Sanjayan 12/17.

Video tags reveal surprising details of blue whale feeding behavior 11/17 see Marine Mammals.

Turkey tale: How the big birds have pecked their way into campus legend:The number of wild turkeys on campus seems to be on the upswing, creating drama, amusement, mild alarm—and a few ruffled feathers 11/17.

Gary Griggs and coauthor explore California’s captivating coastal edge from past to present and look ahead to how climate change, fisheries, petroleum industries, and coastal development intertwine to transform coastal communities 10/17; see Sea Level Rise

New solar cell materials Physics grad student Katie Hellier—who also has a degree in fashion—is doing research into solar 10/17 see Solar.

Dena Spatz New UCSC study maps the world’s most vulnerable island species and identifies invasive species as a key threat to their survival 10/17. see Invasive Species.

Materials Science and Engineering Initiative focuses on sustainability 6/17

James Zachos, professor of Earth and planetary sciences. is doing Global Warming research with Christina Ravelo, a professor of ocean sciences and more. elected to NAS as his research has reshaped scientists' views of long-term climate change and rapid climate transitions during the past 65 million years. 4/17.

UC Santa Cruz among greenest universities in Sierra Club ranking 8/16.

1500 undergraduate Koret scholarships 11/16 For other funding see Scholarships.

Help eagle lead research

Students to pitch viable ideas for positive environmental change UCSC startup weekend 11/16. see Design Challenges, Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurs, and creativity. For other funding see Scholarships

UCSC students get first-hand scientific experience while monitoring the elusive big cats as part of the Puma Project.(video). In the first published results of more than three years of tracking mountain lions in the Santa Cruz Mountains, UC Santa Cruz researchers document how human fragmentation of habitat affects the predators' habits. UCSC helps capture and safely release cougar near downtown. New research on hunting techniques 10/14. See Big Cats page.

11/16 update: sea otter hunting studied.

Julie Guthman (Kresge, '79, sociology), researches organic agriculture. audio interview on her new book Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism UC Press, 2011. Overview. Agrarian Dreams: The Paradox of Organic Farming in California, the first social science study of organic foods in the United States, has been updated. 2015 (award). The powerful fumigant methyl bromide will be retired from California’s strawberry fields at the end of this year after more than 20 years of fierce debate over its effects and alternatives. According to new research published by UC Santa Cruz professor and food studies expert Julie Guthman, these debates often pit the health and well-being of farm workers against the economic viability of growers while overlooking the constraints and availability of farm land. 9/16.

Hillary Angelo, UC Santa Cruz assistant professor of sociology, argues in the journal Nature that while big cities appear to be islands of sustainable living, issues of social equity and global impacts are missing from measures of cities' environmental friendliness. 8/16 See Stewart Brand in Eco-heroes.

Hunger at UCSC 5/16 More.2011. See Hunger.

Earth Week Events!

UC sells off $200 million in coal and oil sands investments whoohoo! If you want to get involved, or just learn more, contact FossilFree UC: aphinney@ucsc.edu.

NEW Sustainability Minor!.

Bus tracking in realtime at UCSC started by students of computer engineering Professor Katia Obrackza, who initially pitched it as a project for undergraduates looking for a senior design project. Another group of students on the project, working with electrical engineering Professor Stephen Petersen, had to figure out the best location for an array of base stations to receive the GPS signals.The web app piece—SlugRoute—was designed by Wade "Simba" Khadder, an undergraduate in computer science who took a prototype to a UCSC Hackathon. See Entrepreneurship. 4/16.

'Good' bacteria could save amphibians hit by fungal diseases UCSB More. even more.

History of art and visual culture professor T.J. Demos, who is also director of the Center for Creative Ecologies will present Climate Justice Now!--Art Activism, Environment Today is the title of the 2016 Arts Dean’s Lecture Series--an array of free public talks running March 30 to May 25 at UC Santa Cruz. See Art.

Percolating ideas: Grad student Sarah Beganskas is studying what could become part of the solution to California’s water crisis: collecting storm runoff so it can seep into the ground instead of being diverted to rivers and seas. 4/16. See Water.

Wild, Wild West Coast study of warm water effects. See Marine Mammals 2/16

UC’s Global Food Initiative addresses student food security challenge 1/16. See Food Scarcity.

Ecosystems of California is a new comprehensive reference of California’s ecological abundance featuring contributions from 149 experts including 19 with ties to UC Santa Cruz. Co-edited by Erika Zavaleta and Harold Mooney. 1/16.

Mercury-Laden Fog Swirls Over California Coastal Cities cites Peter Weiss-Penzias.

Utopian Dreaming conference videos.

Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) internships. 12/15.

UCSC's Gabe Zimmerman died five years ago in the shooting that badly wounded Congressman Gabby Giffords. 12/15 update: Moved by Zimmerman’s commitment to public service, two UC Santa Cruz alums, Alex Clemens (Porter, '89, international politics) and Jonathan Klein (Merrill, '89, politics), created a scholarship fund in his honor. Now, Professor Emeritus David E. Kaun, a founding faculty member in economics, will match up to $20,000. The five Zimmerman scholarship winners to date are pursuing activities in social justice ranging from technology, medicine, and human rights. 12/15.

Sea lions exposed to algal toxin show impaired spatial memory: Permanent neurological and behavioral changes caused by the neurotoxin domoic acid may affect sea lions' ability to survive in the wild 12/15. See Marine Mammals.

UC launches Cool Campus Challenge in push toward carbon neutrality 10/15.

UC Scientists Have Found a Link Between Amazon Wildfires and North Atlantic Hurricanes.

UCSC Carbon Fund projects really creative and varied. See also Scholarships and Funding.

Kristy Kroeker, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology with $875K Packard funding, plans to conduct large-scale studies of marine ecosystems to understand how these global changes will affect not only individual species but complex assemblages of multiple species (kelp and acidification) see Ocean.

Beth Shapiro. How to Clone a Mammoth.LongNow talk on rewilding (video) by Stewart Brand.see also TEDtalks on rewilding or de-extinction, including the Tasmanian Tiger and brooding frog. Pioneered by UCSC's Soule. carried on by Beth Shapiro. She will develop conservation genomics tools with a focus on species of special concern to California. See ReWilding.

Male elephant seals use 'voice recognition' to identify rivals, study by graduate student Caroline Casey and research biologist Colleen Reichmuth finds (video) 8/15 see Marine_Mammals.

Bacteria inhibit bat-killing fungus, could combat white-nose syndrome.Bacteria found naturally on some bats may prove useful in controlling the deadly fungal disease known as white-nose syndrome, which has devastated bat populations throughout eastern North America and continues to spread across the continent. Joseph Hoyt, a UC Santa Cruz graduate student who leads the study. 4/15 see Wildlife.

Electric skateboard one of the entrepreneur prize winners. see Elec vehicles.

Mark Lipson (MRL '81) helped bring organic labeling policy to the nation 8/15.

A team of UC Santa Cruz students has advanced to the regional finals of the million dollar Hult Prize, the world’s largest student competition and start-up platform for social good. Each year the Hult Prize, in partnership with President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Global Initiative, challenges students around the world to develop innovative social enterprises that aim to tackle pressing issues faced by billions of people. The winners receive $1 million in seed capital, as well as mentorship and advice from the international business community to launch their newly formed company. 3/15 see Entrepreneurship.

Hasti Afsarifard, put a 3D printer in spaceWhen the SpaceX Dragon containing a 3-D printer blasted toward the International Space Station last week, it was propelled by more than rocket fuel. It was boosted by the vision of Hasti Afsarifard, a UC Santa Cruz student. That dream sent her to Cape Canaveral, Florida, and it didn't end there. 10/14. See Entrepreneurs.

Shrinking range of pikas in California mountains linked to climate change 2/15.

Report projects future wave and wind effects on Pacific islands 1/15 see Sea Level Rise.

Climate changes during the 21st century are expected to alter the highest waves and strongest winds across U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands.

Scientists drill through half mile of Antarctic ice for data on ice sheet stability UC Santa Cruz glaciologist Slawek Tulaczyk is a chief scientist of the WISSARD project, which has just reached another milestone. 1/15 See Arctic.

UC students beat a billionaire for beach access 10/14.

UC goes solar! 10/14.

UCSC named a 'silver bicycle-friendly' university see Bikes.

UC Santa Cruz biologist Nicole Thometz set out to quantify the energy demands of a growing sea otter pup, as it accounts for high mortality rates among female sea otters in some areas. 6/14 See also Marine Mammals.

Terrie Williams looks back at otter rescue at the Exxon Valdez spill 25 years ago. see [UCSC marine mammal research].

Divestment: UC Santa Cruz's Student Union Assembly (SUA) joined four other UC campuses in passing a resolution for divestment from fossil fuel assets in the $6.5 billion UC General Endowment Pool. See also McKibben in Eco-heroes.

Yosemite bears and human food, see da bears.

UCSC alums: Hoyt Peckham has been awarded a 2014 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation to expand on his work with coastal communities in Mexico to support sustainable fishing practices win award for turtle research and head NOAA: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has appointed UCSC alumna Kathryn Sullivan to serve as administrator for NOAA. 3/14. See Turtles and UC Slugs in Action.

UCSC's Hawaiian monk seal toy raises funds to save endangered species see Marine Mammals.

UCSC astronomers have discovered a distant quasar illuminating a vast nebula of diffuse gas, revealing for the first time part of the network of filaments thought to connect galaxies in a cosmic web. 1/14.

College 9 mural leads Oxfam to ask, Can Art change the world? see Art page.

Seeds from UCSC Arboretum may help threatened species in aftermath of recent fire.

Elliot Anderson, an Associate Prof. of Art & Electronic Media in the Art Department and Digital Arts and the New Media, is seeking student researchers to work with him on his "Silicon Monuments: An Augmented Reality Tour of Silicon Valley Superfund Sites" (http://www.siliconmonuments.org/). The project is described below. If you are interested, please contact Professor Anderson at: ewanders AT ucsc.edu. See also Volunteer Opportunities.

UCSC Study Finds That Otters' Taste For Crab Is Fighting Water Pollution 8/13. see Marine Mammals.

New device harnesses sun and sewage to produce hydrogen fuel. A novel device that uses only sunlight and wastewater to produce hydrogen gas could provide a sustainable energy source while improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

Bee research.

Robert Ludwig works on Renewable bioenergy: hydrogen production by direct photoconversion.

Carbon capture technique produces hydrogen fuel, offsets ocean acidification Rau 5/13.

College 8's Glenn Stewart rapells down a rope at San Jose city hall to check on falcon chicks 4/13. Live stream webcam.

Matt Riese, philosophy alum made a hovercraft in the shape of a Delorean. He showed it at Maker Faire.

The Gabriel Zimmerman Meeting Room in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center was dedicated in honor of UCSC alum “Gabe”, killed at the January 8, 2011, shooting in Tucson, that left then Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) severely injured. Astronaut Mark Kelly, who spoke for his wife, remarked that Gabe, ran toward the victims when the gunman opened fire. He was the only legislative staff member ever killed in the line of duty. VP Biden also spoke (video).

Computer science major Radhika Mitra (though slightly flakey, bless her heart) founded a tax-deductible charitable organization called Renaissance Now to help artisans in developing countries. See Social Entrepreneurs

Don Rothman: "Avoiding the Humiliation of Silence in the Face of Cruelty and Injustice".VIDEO. Many students said his talk was a highlight of the Core course. Sadly, Don passed away in his sleep in early December 2012; he will be much missed.

UCSC pioneered the idea of rewilding, including bringing back extinct species. This has been taken up by LongNow, and was basis of TEDx conference.

Everything Else


TEDtalks amazing videos

BigThink Inventing the Future example: Charging Your Phone Using Your Own Body Heat




Stories: (Sometimes literally UN-cool)

Welcome to 2020: 8 Important Environmental Stories to Follow This Year 1/20.

To Help Save Bumble Bees, Plant These Flowers in Your Spring Garden 1/20 see Bees).

A Better Planet (video) Yale environmental law professor Daniel Esty presents 40 ideas to move toward ecological sustainability. 1/20 see Sustainability.

Innovation in Africa: examples, more examples 1/20 see Africa.

Take Your Climate Activism to the Next Level With January’s New Environmental Books 1/20 see Book Recommendations.

Social entrepreneur bringing power to Gaza 1/20 see Entrepreneurship and Solar.

World’s Fifth-Largest Tree Now Safe From Loggers in an 'Inspiring Outpouring of Generosity' California 1/20.

Giant Greta Thunberg / Mural of Swedish activist to watch over San Francisco's downtown 11/19 (she's also a time traveler) see Eco-Heroes.

California Will Build the Largest Wildlife Crossing in the World 12/19. see California and Wildlife.

16 Initiatives Changing Urban Agriculture Through Tech and Innovation 1/20 see Urban Agriculture.

Secondhand Adam Minter reported on the export of used goods and the impact “secondhand” culture has on American and global economics (video) 1/20 see Solid Waste.

The architect transforming cities into 'vertical forests' 12/19 see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Category:Sustainability#Green_Design Architecture.

‘Blue’ space: Access to water features can boost city dwellers’ mental health Research into public health benefits of integrating nature into cities has focused on green spaces. New studies suggest water features are just as useful and can piggyback on other infrastructure goals. 12/19 see Urban Planning.

“Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?” by McKibben, an environmentalist and author, as well as the founder of 350.org, a campaign group working to reduce carbon emissions.

U.S. Electric Bus Demand Outpaces Production as Cities Add to Their Fleets 11/19 see Electric Vehicles.

Can a Field of Mirrors Slash Industry Emissions? 11/19. Heliogen.

Giant Floating Solar Farms Could Make Fuel and Help Solve the Climate Crisis, Says Study 11/19 see Bio-Fuels and Solar.

Planting Billions of Trees Is the 'Best Climate Change Solution Available Today,' Study Finds from Eco-Watch 11/19 see Forests.

Heineken ditches plastic rings and shrink wrap in UK. Cardboard can ‘toppers’ to be rolled out as brewer tries to reduce plastic packaging 11/19 see Plastic.

California wildfires signal the arrival of a planetary fire age 11/19 see Wildfires.

Beat the poachers / Scientists plan to flood black market with fake rhino horn 1119 see Wildlife. See podcast on how to save wildlife.

We mapped how food gets from farms to your home 10/19 see Food.

Three global conditions – and a map – for saving nature and using it wisely 10/10 see Wildlife.

In Paraguay, rural communities facing deforestation see power – and profit – in a beloved drink 10/19.

Researchers Turn Algae Into a Material as Hard as Steel 10/19.

Scientists Use the Dark of Night to Generate Clean Energy 10/19 see Sustainability.

Ocean cleanup device successfully collects plastic for first time 10/19 see Plastic.

New from Information is Beautiful, Beautiful News charts all the amazing, encouraging, inspiring, uplifting things happening in the world. Trends and achievements we don’t always see because we’re fixated on the news. 10/19 see Datavisualization and Good News.

Meet The Electric Car That Doesn't Need To Be Plugged In 9/19 see Hydrogen power.

New report details 10 ‘critical transitions’ to tackle the climate crisis and feed the world UCSC agro-ecology work is key. 9/19

UN climate report on oceans and frozen regions warns: ‘Unprecedented transitions in all aspects of society’ needed to sustain life on Earth, related 9/19. see also Global Warming.

In TIME magazine, journalist-turned-climate-activist Bill McKibben describes how the world could look by mid-century if the collective we confront climate change head-on in the next few years. While we’re not “getting out of this unscathed,” McKibben describes paths forward after 2020 that are just as potentially politically achievable as doing nothing or not doing enough.

McKibben’s vision of the positive and possible is a welcome change from recent, despairing climate forecasts by public intellectuals — from David Wallace-Wells’ book “The Uninhabitable Earth” to Jonathan Franzen’s “What If We Stopped Pretending” (that “the climate apocalypse is coming”) in The New Yorker. see Cl-Fi U/dystopias. see also Global Warming 9/19

The Amazon fires are raging. This excerpt from Tony Juniper's Rainforest will help you understand what the world is losing. Read Chapter 4: Evolutionary Treasures 9/19 see Wildfires and Forests.

Fridge0: an open source hardware solar fridge with no battery requirement 9/19 see Green Design.

Cli-Fi: Rule of Capture: Inside the martial law tribunals that will come when climate deniers become climate looters and start rendering environmentalists for offshore torture. new science fiction graphic novel series “High Level” from DC Comics by Rob Sheridan. He is a futurist and former graphic designer for the band Nine Inch Nails. see also U/dystopias

40 Tons of Fishing Nets Pulled From Great Pacific Garbage Patch 7/19

How ‘Freeway Revolts’ Helped Create the People’s Environmental Law 6/19 see Environmental Justice and Environmental History.

What’s Worrying the Plastics Industry? Your Reaction to All That Waste, for One 6/19

We Were Missing Most of the Plastic in the Ocean: The highest levels of microplastics are found more than 650 feet below the surface. UC San Diego research video 6/19 see Plastic.

Just how big is India's 'Mount Everest of Trash'? The Ghazipur dump keeps growing and growing every year, catching fire and leaching toxins into the ground. What can be done about it? 6/19 see Solid Waste and India.

U.N. Report: 1 Million Species at Risk of Extinction especially mammals and insects 5/19 see Bio-diversity.

Historic Agreement on Plastic Pollution Reached by 180+ Countries Without the U.S. 5/19 see Plastic.

8 Must-Watch Environmental Documentaries to Kick Off Your Summer 6/19 see Environmental Films.

“A Message from the Future with AOC”: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal video 4/19.

Greta Thunberg—Swedish Teen who Inspired School Climate Strikes—Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, video 3/19 see Eco-Heroes.

Straws Made of Seaweed Could Replace Their Plastic Nemesis 3/19 see Plastic.

Citizen science shows that climate change is rapidly reshaping Long Island Sound 4/19 see Citizen Science.

Wolves ‘Established’ in Netherlands for First Time in 140 Years 4/19 see Woves.

Beyond Crabgrass: A Look At America's 'Radical Suburbs' 4/19 see Urban Planning.

Five Hawks Down: watch the tragic migration of six Californian raptors 3/19 see Birds.

Mushrooms Clean Up Toxic Mess, Including Plastic and Wildfires, So Why Aren’t They Used More? 3/19 see Mushrooms.

Ospreys’ Recovery From Pollution and Shooting Is a Global Conservation Success Story 2/19 see Birds.

Pollution Doesn’t Stand a Chance Against This Living Technology An early experiment at a city landfill showed how algae and sunlight can repair environmental damage. 3/19 see Bio-mimicry.

WATCH: Inspiring & Easy Way to Make a Huge Difference #LandfillChallenge 2/19 see Plastic.

A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow, Joshua Goldstein examines potential solutions to climate change already enacted by some countries. video 2/19 see Global Warming.

How sci-fi could help solve climate change 2/19 see Cli-Fi.

Our Food Is Killing the Planet — But It Doesn’t Have To 2/19 see Food.

Remember 'Pink Slime'? It Can Now Be Marketed as 'Ground Beef' 2/19 see meat.

Border Wall Threatens 93 Endangered Species 2/19 see Wildlife.

Elephant Seals Reclaim California Beach During Shutdown 1/19 see Marine Mammals.

Victory: A state court judge today upheld protection for gray wolves under the California Endangered Species Act 1/19 see Wolves.

Mountain Lions, Ghostwalker book author audio interview. 1/19 See Big Cats.

This Robot Is Delivering Coral Babies to the Great Barrier Reef 1/19.

EVs 101: Your Guide to Electric Vehicles 1/19 see Electric cars.

How You Can Help Regenerate the Planet in 2019, Starting With Soil 1/19 see Soil.

'Right to Repair': Fixing Our Own Broken Stuff Should Be Standard 1/19 see DIY.

If you recycled all the plastic garbage in the world, you could buy the NFL, Apple and Microsoft 12/18 see Plastic.

Buses Are the Electric Vehicle Everyone Should Be Talking About. Here's Why 12/18 see Transportation and California.

Bill Gates Unveils Toilet That Transforms Waste Into Fertilizer, Doesn't Require Water or Sewers 12/18 see Solid Waste.

Better Worlds: "a science fiction project about hope" see Ecological and Social Utopias 12/18.

Couple built a two-story house for $12,000 12/18 see Green Design.

What lies beneath: To manage toxic contamination in cities, study their industrial histories: a new book, “Sites Unseen,” sets out to discover how many such former sites exist and why, over time, they simultaneously seem to proliferate and disappear from view. 12/18 see Chemicals and Books.

The Anthropocene—Coming Soon to a Theater (and Museum, and Bookshelf) Near You 12/18 see Anthropocene as well as Green Movies.

New Books 12/18 1/19 update includes religion and regenerative farming, see Book Recommendations.

The Insect Apocalypse Is Here What does it mean for the rest of life on Earth? 11/18 see Insects.

Luxembourg / Country becomes first to make all public transport free 12/18 see Transportation.

Iconic Yellowstone Wolf Shot Dead in Legal But 'Senseless Killing' 2/18 see Wolves.

How everything about Thanksgiving as we know it was shaped by the marketing industry 11/18.

Here's how white colonizers set us up for uncontrollable wildfires see Native Americans 11/18.

California’s Wildfire and Climate Change Warnings Are Still Too Conservative, Scientist Says: Another hot, dry year is fueling the state’s deadliest, most destructive wildfire. Scientists say wildfires here are consistently surpassing their projections. 11/18 See Fire and California.

Californians are now lab rats for the long-term effects of toxic wildfire smoke As air quality hits hazardous levels in the Bay Area, scientists say we’re descending into unknown territory 11/18 see California and air.

Here's how local communities are turning vacant lots into thriving urban farms Cities across the U.S. are beginning to view vacant lots as opportunities to revive neighborhoods. 11/18 see Urban Ag.

Victorious California Ballot Measure Could Improve the Lives of Farm Animals Nationwide 11/18 see California.

Healing Ozone Layer Shows Why Environmental Treaties Matter After decades of thinning, Earth's ozone layer is slowing recovering, the United Nations (UN) said in a report released Monday, highlighting how international cooperation can help tackle major environmental issues 11/18.

Could 'Bionic Mushrooms' Be the Future of Renewable Energy? 11/18 see Mushrooms.

How a Game Can Move People From Climate Apathy to Action 11/18 see Games.

DEADLIEST YEAR ON RECORD FOR LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENDERS, AS AGRIBUSINESS IS SHOWN TO BE THE INDUSTRY MOST LINKED TO KILLINGS In 2017, almost four people a week were killed defending their right to a clean and healthy environment and already in 2018, around 130 environmental defenders have lost their lives.photo gallery. Take action at https://www.globalwitness.org or Amnesty Int'l 11/8.

Fisherman jumps in to free entangled whale off central California coast 11/18 see Marine Mammals.

Massive Study Finds Eating Organic Slashes Cancer Risks 10/18 see Food.

Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn 101/8.

6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe 10/18.

Scientists Warn We May Be on Track for 'Hothouse Earth' 8/18 see Global Warming.

'Giant Wind-and-Wave-Powered Pac Man' to Gobble Up Great Pacific Garbage Patch, see Plastic 7/18.

Invasion of the ‘frankenbees’: the danger of building a better bee. Beekeepers are sounding the alarm about the latest developments in genetically modified pollinators 10/18 see GMO's and Bees.

Rock ‘n’ roll is noise pollution – with ecological implications that can spread through a food web: Noise pollution has been recognized as an increasing threat for wildlife. For instance, scientists have shown that the sounds of mining can affect deer behavior. Noise from ocean drilling affects marine life. And sounds from recreational vehicles are a particular concern in natural places – spawning an industry of quieter electric alternatives. 7/18.

Island Press (eco books, started by a Slug!) summer e-books, for example Nature’s Allies, Larry Nielsen uses the stories of conservation pioneers to show that through passion and perseverance, we can each be a positive force for change. see eco-heroes.

12-Year-Old Girl Invents Plastic-Detecting Robot to Save Our Oceans see Plastic.

American War, (amazon) audio interview, (2nd 1/2) the first novel by Canadian-Egyptian journalist Omar El Akkad set in a near-future United States of America ravaged by climate change in which a second Civil War has broken out over the use of fossil fuels. More on Cli-Fi, see Writing.

Eat Less Water, by Florencia Ramirez, audio interview 6/18 see water and Food.

Blockchain is often spoken about, but few companies have taken the plunge and are actually using it. Utility Week rounds up some of the blockchain pioneers who are already exploring the benefits the technology could have in their sector or for their business, and who are even beginning to implement it.

6 Must-See Movies About Climate Change 6.18 see Global Warming and Green Movies.

Sculptures Under the Sea—and on the Front Lines of Climate Change 8/16 see Sculpture.

Scientists Accidentally Develop 'Mutant' Enzyme That Eats Plastic 4/18 UK Inventor Launches Campaign to Get Eco-Friendly, Plastic-Free Bottle Into Stores see Plastic.

Earth Day 2018: Ending Plastic Pollution in the Oceans, Land & Our Bodies, More Than 40 Companies Sign Onto Historic UK Plastics Pact , a groundbreaking alliance of companies, non-governmental organizations and governments working to transform packaging in the UK by 2025.Final Straw is reusable, 4/18 see Plastic.

5 Environmental Victories to Inspire You This Earth Day. 4/18.

Immersive Docu-Series Lets You 'See' Climate Change in Virtual Reality.

New Video Game Allows Players to Fight for Hope in a Dystopian Vision of Trump's America 4/18. see VR Gaming.

Data faked on cleanup Bayview Hunter's Point chem/ radiation (interview audio) 4/18 see Chemicals.

Solar Capacity Exceeded All Other Fuel Sources Combined in 2017, Study Finds In 2017, the world invested more in solar power than it did in any other energy technology and installed more new solar capacity than all other energy sources combined, including fossil fuels 3/18 see Solar.

World's First Road That Recharges Vehicles While Driving Opens in Sweden see Solar.

The Trump Administration Might Let the World’s Rarest Marine Mammal Go Extinct 3/18. see Marine Mammals.

Teen Innovator Targets Urban Air Pollution see Air. 3/18.

Robot-Proof: As co-authors Morton Schapiro and Gary Saul Morson argue in their new book, "Cents and Sensibility," an education in humanities may provide the greatest form of job security in an increasingly automated world. see Future History.

Netflix's recent documentary series, Rotten, tells the true and sometimes gruesome story of what goes on behind the scenes of global food production Rotten's first episode, Lawyers, Guns and Honey, digs deep into problems beyond the well-documented disappearance of bees and bee colonies. 3/18 see food and Bees as well as Videos.

World's First Mass-Market 3D-Printed Electric Car Costs Less Than $10K The world's first mass-produced 3D-printed electric vehicle could hit the roads by 2019. see Electric Vehicles 3/18.

How Crushed Volcanic Rock in Farm Soil Could Help Slow Global Warming — and Boost Crops: A new study explores how planet-warming carbon dioxide could be absorbed using ‘enhanced rock weathering,’ a natural process sped up to fight climate change. Global Warming.

Presidents Who Shaped the U.S. Food System (for Better and for Worse) 2/18 see Food.

China Reassigns 60,000 Soldiers to Plant Trees: a major reforestation project—growing 6.66 million hectares of new forests this year, an area roughly the size of Ireland, 2/18 see China and Forests.

18 Documentaries That Will Inspire, Outrage and Mobilize 2/18. see Environmental Films.

How Fast Food came to the Inner City (audio interview); 'Supersizing Urban America' by Chin Jou, (overview 2/18 see Food.

What Does China’s 'Ecological Civilization' Mean for Humanity’s Future? 2/18 see China.

Human Trafficking and the Seafood Industry UCSC talk 2/13: talk by Pulitzer Prize-winning AP reporter Martha Mendoza (Kresge '88) as she takes you behind the scenes of her team's ongoing investigations of human trafficking. see Labor.

Polar bears finding it harder to catch enough seals to meet energy demands: UCSC Study reveals high metabolic rates, meaning polar bears need a lot of fat-rich prey, but more than half of those studied were running an energy deficit 2/18. see Wildlife and Category:Global_Warming.

How California's Fires Are Linked to Climate Chaos, Soil Health and Food Choices 1/18 see Fire and soil.

Two Major Food Companies Announce War on Packaging Waste 1/18 see Solid Waste and Plastic.

“Human Flow”: World-Renowned Artist & Activist Ai Weiwei on His Epic New Documentary on Refugees 1/18 see Migration and Art.

Foodies Guide to Capitalism: Eric Holt-Giménez on the role of agriculture and food systems in capitalism’s development, and on forms of resistance to the current corporate food regime. audio interview;text interview, video interview 1/18 see Food and Colonialism. Food First is located in Oakland.

10 Ways to Be a Better Environmental Steward in 2018 12/17 including food waste.

What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse? 1/18 see Consumption and The Big Picture.

An Inconvenient Sequel Former Vice President Al Gore talked about his book in which he looks at the effects of climate change around the world. *** 10/17.

How an Ecological Approach to Architecture Can Help Reinvent Urban Food Systems 12/17 By weaving together infrastructure, urbanism and ecology, architecture is a perfect medium to envision the sustainable food systems of the future. see food and Green Design.

Year in Review, 14 Notable Climate Influencers of 2017 includes Attenborough who told Greenpeace of the "heartbreaking" footage he recorded of mother birds feeding their babies plastic, an iconic moment for him that pushed him to speak up about plastic pollution in oceans.12/17 See Plastic and Eco-Heroes.

To Make Fracture-Resistant Concrete, Let a Sea Urchin Be Your Guide 12/17 see Bio-mimicry including UCSC folk.

Stinkhorns, Truffles, Smuts: The Amazing Diversity—and Possible Decline—of Mushrooms and Other Fungi nice overview; we need more ppl to study them! 12/17 see Shrooms.

A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet see Eco-Heroes.

Chinese City to Become World's First to Switch Entire Bus Fleet to Electric 12/17 see China and Electric Vehicles.

Electronic Waste Study Finds $65 Billion in Raw Materials Discarded in Just One Year 12/17 see Solid Waste.

This App Donates Excess Food to New York’s Most Vulnerable 12/17.

Your Food Has a Climate Footprint: Here’s What You Can Do About It produced by the University of California in partnership with Slug Sanjayan 12/17. see Food and Global Warming.

Are Closer to Making Solar-Powered Jets a Reality 11/17 see also bio-fuel and Solar.

Leonardo DiCaprio Joins Forces With Mexican Government to Save the World's Most Endangered Marine Mammal: Rampant overfishing has driven Mexico's native vaquita to the brink of extinction, with less than 30 individuals left in the wild. 11/17 see Marine Mammal.

Science Suggests We're Making Fish Homicidal Through Antidepressants We Flush Into the Water 12/17 see Water.

Top 25 Most Endangered Primates: the Most Current List.

Florida Schools' Food Waste Program: A Win-Win to Fight Hunger and Save the Environment 11/17 see Food Scarcity.

Congress Is Preparing to Sacrifice an Entire Whale Species So Fossil Fuel Industry Can Search for Offshore Oil 11/17. see Marine Mammals.

3D Printing Turns Plastic Trash Into Public Furniture 11/17. see Plastic.

Electric Car Sales Surge 63% Globally big in China 11/17 see Electric cars.

'Antibiotic Apocalypse' as Livestock Is Force-Fed 80% of Prescribed Antibiotics Worldwide 11/17 see Meat and dynamic map.

Trump Administration Seeks Two-Year Delay on Pesticide Assessments Following Industry Request 11/17 see Chemicals.

20 Facts About Our Plastic-Packed Planet and 9 Ways to Help overview 11/17 see Plastic.

Like Game of Thrones? You'll Love Game of Floods: California, 2050. Doomed island dwellers face imminent climate disaster. What would Daenerys do? see Sea Level Rise and Games.

Californians Are Keeping Dirty Energy Off the Grid via Text Message:When power demand rises, OhmConnect sends out a text to customers: cut your energy use and you'll earn money. It's keeping demand spikes under control. see Green Design and CA.

Documentary Remembers Standing Rock in Beauty and Catastrophe 10/17 see Films and Activism,Native Americans.

Environmental and Public Health Disaster Awaits—If USDA Gives Organic Label to Hydroponics 11/17.

New Study Confirms High-Pesticide Produce Linked to Lower Fertility Rates 11/17 see Chemicals.

Tyson Foods Linked to Largest Toxic Dead Zone in U.S. History see Meat and Ocean.

WASTED! The Story of Food Waste trailer 11/17. see Food Waste.

Regenerative Agriculture: Our Best Hope of Cooling the Planet 10/17 see Food.

Hurricane Irma’s Overlooked Victims: Migrant Farm Workers Living at the Edge also in CA wine country wildfires. 10/17 see Labor.

‘Geostorm’ Movie and Climate Hacking: Are the Dangers Real? 10/17 see Geo-engineering.

The Argument That Industrial Farming Is an Efficient Way to Grow Food Is a Dangerous Myth That Risks All Life on Earth: Humanity is on track to deplete the world's soils within 60 years. There's a solution—but we may not use it in time. Dairy.

Big Food Is Worried About Millennials Avoiding Animal Products see Food.

Our addiction palm oil is decimating wildlife and threatening food security 10/17 see Bio-diversity.

Global Food Crops Also Face Earth's Sixth Great Mass Extinction 9/17 see Food.

EasyJet Plans to Fly Electric Planes Within 10 Years see Electric Vehicles.

Court Ends CA State’s Practice of Rubber-Stamping New Uses for Neo-nicotinoids which kill bees 9/17. see Chemicals.

Restaurant report card: What's in your fast food meat?

Mac ' Cheese makes you less manly 9/17 see Food Safety.

Plastic Debris Found on One of World's Most Inaccessible Sites 9/17 see Plastic.

For Critically Endangered California Condors, Oregon's Hunters May Pose the Gravest Threat 9/17 see Wildlife.

A New Food Label Is Coming Soon and It Goes 'Beyond Organic' 9/17 see Food Safety.

How Mushrooms Could Repair Our Crumbling Infrastructure 9/17 see Mushrooms.

Scientists Discover Octlantis, An Octopus City off the Coast of Australia 9/17 see shape-shifting video.

381 New Species Discovered in the Amazon 8/17.

World’s Soils Have Lost 133bn Tonnes of Carbon Since the Dawn of Agriculture see land and Global Warming

In Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist Paul Kingsnorth argues that it is time to abandon the notion of sustainability, "an entirely human-centered piece of politicking, disguised as concern for 'the planet.'" see Writing.

Earthships: 100% Sustainable, Inexpensive Off-Grid Homes Made From Recycled Materials (Video) Grow your own food, produce your own energy and reduce your carbon footprint in an Earthship home 8/17. see Green Design.

AI-Powered Food Computers Are Designing New Ways of Growing Crops 7/17 see Food.

2,600-Mile Journey Sparks Rising Tide of Activism to Fight Plastic Pollution. See Plastic 7/17.

Earth Has Entered Its Sixth Mass Extinction Event, Report Asserts: We’re witnessing a “frightening assault on the foundations of human civilization,” the authors say. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, biologists from Stanford University and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México investigated the health of Earth’s vertebrate population and described their findings as “biological annihilation.” 7/16.

Meet the World's Most Poached and Trafficked Mammal The gentle pangolin is being pushed to extinction due to demand for its meat and scales. see wildlife.

'World's Fastest Folding Electric Scooter' Revolutionizes Commuting 6/17 see Transportation.

Huge Milestone: Renewables Now Provide More Electricity Than Nuclear Power 6/17.

Beyond Organic: How Regenerative Farming Can Save Us From Global Catastrophe 6/17 see Global Warming and Food.

Ready to Purchase Solar Power Right From Your Neighbor's Roof? Brooklyn startup are making it possible to auction rooftop solar power directly to your neighbors, creating a market for home-grown clean energy. see Solar.

World's First Commercial Carbon Sucking Machine Turns Greenhouse Gas Into Fertilizer 5/17 see Global Warming.

Coral Reefs Generate Half of Earth's Oxygen ... and They Could All Die Off by 2050 see Ocean. 5/17.

38 Million Pieces of Plastic Found on One of World's Most Remote Islands 5/17 see Plastic.

NEW BOOK ON THE CLIMATE CRISIS MAKES THE PERSUASIVE CASE THAT WE’RE NOT DOOMED Drawdown, a new compendium of climate-stabilization tools and solutions edited by the versatile Paul Hawken, has an impressive subtitle: “The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.” http://www.drawdown.org/ 4/17.

Atlas for the End of the World (article); link 4/17.

This Tiny Caterpillar Could Help Solve the World's Plastic Crisis 4/17 see Plastic and Bio-remediation.

California Reaches Solar Milestone, Electricity Prices Turn Negative Solar power met roughly half of California's electricity demand for the first time on March 11, according to new estimates from the federal Energy Information Administration (EIA). see Solar.

Mexican Government Stands in Solidarity With Sea Shepherd to Save Nearly Extinct Vaquita 4/17 see Dolphins.

There's Now a Mathematical Equation Showing How Fast Humans Are Wrecking Earth: According to their formula, recently published in The Anthropocene Review, human activity is altering the environment 170 times faster than under normal circumstances. 4/17

New Miniseries Shows How Ordinary Citizens Can Help Advance Science—and Be a Part of Solutions: From the lead crisis to fracking, citizen scientists are doing much more than just reading about the issues. 4/17 see Citizen Science.

Farms Could Slash Pesticide Use Without Crop Losses, Research Reveals: Virtually all farms could significantly cut their pesticide use while producing just as much food. 4/17 see Chemicals.

Desalination Breakthrough Turns Seawater Into Drinking Water 4/17.

Frogs Made Famous by Mark Twain Are Finally Laying Eggs Again also Rare Species Discovered Breeding in Santa Monica Mountains, also Yosemite see Amphibians 3/17.

The world's largest artificial sun is now shining at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) The goal of the experiment, as the Guardian reported, "is to come up with the optimal setup for concentrating natural sunlight to power a reaction to produce hydrogen fuel." see Germany and Hydrogen.

10 hydrogen-powered cars in the works right now. Honda Clarity 3/17.

17 Food Heroes Who Are Making the World a Better Place see Eco-heroes and Food.

In 1962, Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring,” her groundbreaking exposure of the environmental harms posed by the mosquito-killing pesticide DDT. Informed by her alarm over the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, Carson’s work challenged prevailing assumptions about chemical safety and helped birth the modern environmental movement. A new PBS documentary premiering on January 24 examines Carson’s writing, research and the challenges she faced as a woman taking on one of the country’s most powerful industries. Interview with William Souder (audio), author,"On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson." see Eco-heroes.

50,000 Seeds Deposited to 'Doomsday Vault' Housing World's Largest Collection of Crop Diversity. see Food.

Fake news not new; David Sassoon, founder and publisher of InsideClimate News, gives a fine overview of denials. see More.

Radiation Levels at Fukushima Is So High It Killed Two Robots 2/17 see Nuclear.

The Madhouse Effect by Michael Mann : The award-winning climate scientist Michael E. Mann and the Pulitzer Prize–winning political cartoonist Tom Toles have witnessed the manipulation of the media by business and political interests and the unconscionable play to partisanship on issues that affect the well-being of billions. The lessons they have learned have been invaluable, inspiring this brilliant, colorful escape hatch from the madhouse of the climate wars.(video talk). See Global Warming. 1/17.

According to Oxfam’s new report, eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity: The gap between rich and poor is far greater than had previously been estimated, with big business and the super-rich fueling the inequality crisis by dodging taxes, driving down wages, and using their power to influence politics. 1/17. see Economics and Food Scarcity.

Eco-Watch 20 Most Read Posts of the Year. see News.

Eyeing Trump, Obama Bans Arctic Drilling (also off the East Coast). SNL satire12/16. See Arctic. Also creates two monuments.

Native ppl and vets beat tar sands Dakota Access pipleine: WIN! 12/16.

Ecotopia Rising: Iceland's Upstart Pirate Party makes waves in election ally of Green, while the election didn't bring a Pirate revolution, it did see the emergence of new parties, a decline in support for traditional ones, and a record number of seats for women — 30 out of 63. 10/16.

Map Shows How Your Consumption Habits Impact Wildlife Thousands of Miles Away 1/17. See Wildlife and Consumption.

World's First Solar Road Opens in France 12/16 see Solar. Dutch power their trains with wind.

In Huge Win for Oceans and Wildlife, California Phases Out Plastic Bags 11/16. see Plastic.

Greenpeace: 14 Photos of the Year 12/14. see Art.

8 States That Made 2016 a Huge Year for Clean Energy

NASA Produces First 3D Animation of Global Carbon Emissions 12/16 see Global Warming.

World's First Wind-Hydro Farm Supplies Power Even When There's No Wind. Germany leads the world because of the Green Party inspired by Ecotopia.

5 Rare Foods Protected by Women's Groups Around the World see Women.

Epistle to the Ecotopians: Ernest Callenbach (1929-2012), author of the classic environmental novel Ecotopia among other works, died at 83 on April 16th, leaving behind this document on his computer. It provides hope and guidance. Joanna Macy helps with despair.

In How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can't Change, Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (GASLAND) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change trailer. 11/16 see Environmental Films.

No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear: Toni Morrison on the Artist’s Task in Troubled Times 11/16. see Art.

New York’s Upper West Side Has Its Own Whale see Marine Mammals

New Bio-Diversity report. 11/16 see Bio-diversity.

'Brilliant' Climate Change Cartoon Goes Viral After Elon Musk, John Green Share It on Twitter see Comics and Global Warming.

The Doubt Machine: Documentary Explores Koch Brothers' War on Climate Science see Global Warming.

Eco, a global survival simulator presents you with a tricky challenge: Develop a civilization capable of tackling a meteor strike, drought, or rising sea levels, but don’t destroy the environment. 11/16 see Gaming.

8 Incredible Images Win Top Prize for 'Illustrating the Rich Diversity of Life on Earth' see Wildlife and Art.

The upper house of Germany’s parliament, passed a resolution on Monday that calls for the elimination of vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel engines by 2030. 10/16 Germany has led because of the Green Party inspired by Ecotopia.

Hope in the Dark by Solnit, see also Staying Positive.

The Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI) is pleased to announce the Winner of the 2016 Fuller Challenge: the Rainforest Solutions Project (RSP), a collaborative effort between three environmental organizations, which played a critical role in developing one of the most extraordinary approaches to conservation, social justice, and indigenous rights in recent memory, resulting in a historically unprecedented multigenerational agreement. See Entrepreneurship and Forests.

Watch This Man Walk Around NYC Wearing His Trash see Solid Waste and Plastic.

Earth Could Reach Critical Climate Threshold in a Decade, Scientists Warn see Global Warming.

60 Countries Representing 48% of Emissions Have Officially Joined Paris Climate Agreement.


World's First Boat Powered by 100% Renewables to Circle Globe see Out There Ideas.

10 Reasons You Should Start Foraging for Your Own Food see food.

10 Photos That Inspired Millions to Take Action 9/16 see Global warming and Images.

California Freeways Will Soon Generate Electricity 8/16.

A Bacteria That Produces Fuel? This Could Be the Future of Sustainable Energy. Renewable energy has entered an era of extraordinary change. 9/16 See Bio-fuels.

Dakota Access pipeline’s private security unleashed attack dogs and sprayed mace on protesters. 9/16 Native people resist Dakota Access pipeline 9/16.

Can toilets revive New York City’s oyster population? 9/16 see Bio-remediation.

From Ecosystems to Species to Cultures, Diversity Is Key to Survival by Dr. David Suzuki See also Systems Thinking.

Amazing Disgrace: California Is the Only State to Permit Driftnets, Which Kill Thousands of Whales and Dolphins 8/16 see Whales

Paul Allen's 'Great Elephant Census' Shows Catastrophic Decline in Africa 8/16 see Wildlife.

Yale Study: People Who Read Live Longer Than Those Who Don’t 8/16.

800,000 People Attempt to Plant 50 Million Trees to Break Guinness World Record see Forests.

Hype(r)loop, Elon Musk mass transit concept PBS video. 5/16. See Transit. and eco-heroes.

Extensive new report shows GMO crops safe, but not always as beneficial as predicted see GMO's.

Interactive Map Shows Which States Kill the Most Black Bears, Mountain Lions, Wolves and Bobcats 8/16, see Wildlife.

Solar robot boat stuck but plane crosses the Atlantic 6/16 see solar.

'What’s The Smartest Bug In The World?' Watch a Caterpillar Become a Butterfly in Under 3 Minutes 6/16 see Insects.

Learn a New Climate Change Phrase: 'Heat Dome' 6/16 see Global Warming

Researchers Around the World Are Learning From Indigenous Communities—Here's Why That's a Good Thing 6/16, see also Native Americans.

The Planet's Food Supply Could Be Saved By a Kind of Bee You Probably Have Never Heard Of see Bees.

'Threat Map' Aims to Highlight the Worst of Oil and Gas Air Pollution: 6/16 See Air and maps Two activist groups used government data to show 12.4 million people in the U.S. live within a half-mile of an oil and gas facility—and its pollution.

Bionic Leaf Turns Sunlight Into Liquid Fuel 10 Times Faster Than Nature: the idea of what the Harvard team call “bionic leaf 2.0” is an attractive one. It could deliver liquid fuels in convenient form that would make no difference to the planet’s overall carbon budget. In effect, it could bypass the vegetation stage. 6/16

Why Just One? Help Save the World’s Last Dinosaur see Turtles.

An Elegant Tool Called Squidpop That Scientists Want to Crowdsource: The device is so easy to use, researchers are asking for a “squidpop blitz” for World Oceans Day.

Huge News for Elephants: U.S. Bans Ivory Trade 6/16 see Elephants.

The Best Visualization of Climate Change isn't a Graph—It's a Death Spiral see Climate and DataViz.

Solar Boat to Make Solo Trip From California to Hawaii see Solar.

First Ever 100% Edible Six-Pack Ring Feeds Marine Animals Instead of Killing Them 5/16 see Green Design.

New Undersea Turbines Harness Enormous Power From Local Tides 5/16 see Hydropower.

World's First Whale Sanctuary see Whales 5/16.

Earth Week Events! See UCSC above.

Arbo-tecture see Sustainability.

Video of Drunken Rampage + $15k Reward = 3 Men Identified as the Culprits for Killing the World’s Rarest Fish 5/16 see Bio-diversity.

For 28 years, the U.S. Forest Service allowed Nestlé to pump water out of the San Bernardino National Forest under an expired permit, virtually free of charge, for bottled water. See Plastic and Water.

How Nature Can Help Provide a Much-Needed Solution for Dramatic Sea Level Rise 5/16.

Watch: Celebrate Some of the World's Most Incredible Animals Before They Go Extinct National Geographic Photo Ark Racing Extinction (video). 4/16.

Chernobyl’s haunting impact, 30 years later PBS Newhour video. 4/16 see Nuclear Power.

WWF and Leonardo DiCaprio: Wild Tiger Populations Increase for First Time in 100 Years 4/16 see Big Cats.

How an Army of Ocean Farmers Is Starting an Economic Revolution 4/16 see Overfishing.

Say goodbye to major cities if these scientists are right about Antarctica’s collapsing ice 4/16 see Sea Level Rise.

World’s First Plastic Fishing Company Wants to Rid the Oceans of Plastic Pollution 4/16. see Plastic.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Inspired by Naomi Klein’s international non-fiction bestseller. Filmed over 211 days in nine countries and five continents over four years, is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change. *** See Global Warming.

Merchants of Doubt (Trailer) audio interview) based on excellent Oreskes book, see global warming "debate" 3/15. **** highly recommended Creating doubt five min. overview of fake "debate" history. (video).

1 in 4 Deaths Worldwide Caused by Preventable Environmental Factors 3/16.

This Must-See Documentary Shows the Future of Solar Power Is Here Today 3/16 see Films and Solar.

In honor of fifth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster Interactive Map Details What You Need to Know About the World’s Nuclear Power Plants see Nuclear Power.

Wolves Have Some of the Worst PR in the Animal World — This Short Film Sets the Record Straight 3/16 see Wolves.

Photo Ark: One Man’s Journey to Save the World’s Most Endangered Species, see also Wildlife; 10 Stunning Images Show Human’s Huge Impact on the Earth see Art.

Palm Oil Scorecard: Find Out Which Brands Are (and aren’t) Helping Save Indonesia’s Rainforests see Forests

Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us' (The Overlook Press, June 2015) by David Neiwert, interview UpFront KPFA 7:00am March 9, 2016 Facebk. see Marine Mammals.

Military training for dolphins 3/16.

Bike Washing Machine Gives Whole New Meaning to ‘Spin Cycle’ or class. See Out There Ideas.

Driving Cars Powered by Organic Solar Cells Might Be Closer Than You Think see Solar.

Kinetic Energy-Harvesting Shoes Could Charge Your Smartphone or Be Wi-Fi Hot Spot.

We have a climate deal in Paris COP21! Activists take the streets despite ban after attacks to push for accountability and improvements. Fossil Fuel Stocks Tumble, Renewable Energy Stocks Soar; Activist art see Art.

Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline in Victory for Environmental Activists whoohoo!

Victory: Obama Protects 1.8 million Acres of California Desert 1/16.

15 Big Climate News Stories of 2015.

Lead poisoning in Flint Michigan because Koch backed governor takes over the city, undermining democracy.

Solar Road Will Provide Power to 5 Million People see Category:Solar. 1/16.

Want to Get Off the Grid and Live in Harmony With Nature? Build an Earthship 1/16 See Reynolds.

Lamps made from mushrooms, you can do citizen science 1/16.

CA irrigating our crops with benzene and arsenic laden wastewater left over from fracking 1/16

The secret weapon in the fight against tedium–trees.

Two Sisters Convinced Bali to Ban Plastic Bags by 2018 see Plastic.

More plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050, warned the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in a report, The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics 1/16.

Meet the World’s First Climate Refugees 1/16 see Sea Level Rise

Groundbreaking Study Says Asian Carp Could Make Up One-Third of Lake Erie Biomass see Invasive Species. 1/16

Victory: Obama Signs Bill Banning Plastic Microbeads 12/15 CA bellweather: California Senate Passes Nation’s Strictest Ban on Microbeads see CA.

The Surprising Good News for Wildlife in 2016 scan includes Rockstrom.

Watch 25 Years of Arctic Sea Ice Melt in One Minute 12/15.

2015: A Banner Year for Solar Energy, Solar Cooking Goes Mainstream

Solar-Powered Water Wheel Removes 350 Tons of Trash From Baltimore Harbor 12/15. See Solar.

‘Shrimp’ Made From Algae: The Latest in Fake Meat: New Wave Foods, a San Francisco-based sustainable seafood startup, is developing a lab-grown “shrimp” made from algae that could be as nutritious as the real deal. See Fishing and Entrepreneurship

The small coastal city of Morro Bay is considering a proposal that would put California's first offshore wind farm about 15 miles from the city's coast. The project would likely take years to pass the state's permitting process, but the project is already raising concerns about its environmental impact. California may soon be debating many such projects as Governor Jerry Brown signed a law last month that requires state utilities to receive half of their energy from renewable sources by 2030. 11/15. See also solar on Kit Fox. See Wind.

UC sells off $200 million in coal and oil sands investments whoohoo! Columbia steps up 10/15.

Monsanto Handed ‘Double Whammy’ by Mexican Courts Over Planting GMOs also GMO salmon approved for sale. see GMO's.


Jeff Goldblum, Ed Begley, Jr. Mock Fossil Fuel Industry in Funny or Die Video; Hidden Camera Prank Exposes Absurdity of Climate Deniers’ Arguments , alt link; a stirring climate denier anthem see Humor.

David Suzuki overview of mushrooms Avatar is real!

Camper You Pull With Your Bike Turns the World Into Your Backyard see Bikes.

This City is the World’s First to Mandate Climate Change Warning Labels on Gas Pumps.

Sweet Music: Fighting Pests With Sound Waves, Not Pesticides 11/15.

Solar Decathelon 2015 winners; see (current designs) another article and slideshow. 10/11 UPDATES 2012 winner is low cost. 2013 update video. See Solar.

4 U.S. Cities That Have Gone 100% Renewable

British journalist George Monbiot's “Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning" became a best seller in Europe and Canada but Monbiot could barely convince a publisher in the US to print it. (Audio interview) alt link. See Global Warming.

Oregon Wolves Lose Endangered Species Protections see Wolves.

Personal Storage Industry = $22 Billion and Growing: Our Addiction to "Stuff" Knows No Bounds 10/15. see Consumption and solid waste.

Check out some of the prettiest (and most depressing) climate change data out there.

Native Animal Rescue Santa Cruz audio 10/15. Need help with seabird rescue because of the Big Blob ocean warming. See Volunteer Opportunities. 10/15

Orcas: The California Coastal Commission has approved a $100 million plan to to double the size of SeaWorld San Diego’s orca tanks but there was one major condition: No more captive breeding. see Marine Mammals. Dolphin cell phone rescue (video).

Cooking with solar video. See Solar.

6 Things to Know About the EPA’s New Pesticide Rules For the first time since 1992, the EPA has updated rules governing the use of pesticides, which will protect the more than 2 million workers who produce America's food. 10/15

Shell Abandons Arctic Drilling Following ‘Disappointing’ Results whoohoo! 9/15.

California Senate Passes Nation’s Strictest Ban on Microbeads also Roundup pesticide (used with GMO's) 9/15 see Plastic.

How Close Do You Live to a Toxic Waste Site? see Chemicals.

Tidal energy UK

Scientists Turn Green Algae Into Biofuel at $50 a Barrel 10/15 see Bio-Fuels.

China progress on climate see China.

Cactivism purifies water, creates food. See green Design.


The Incredible Story of Humpback Whales Trying to Save a Baby Gray Whale from a Killer Whale Attack see Whales.

Elon Musk 9/15 Colbert interview.

China is helping Pakistan build the largest solar farm in the world. The Chinese company Xinjiang SunOasis took only three months to install a 100-Megawatt (MW), 400,000-panel pilot power project—marking the first solar power plant in Pakistan.

Citbank (America’s third-largest bank), recently published a report looking at the economic costs and benefits of a low-carbon future. ..because of savings due to reduced fuel costs and increased energy efficiency, the Action scenario is actually a bit cheaper than the Inaction scenario. 9/15

Solar-Powered Hydrogen Fuel Cell Project to Reduce Carbon Emissions at Hawaii Port.

Audubon Society: North American Birds Are Threatened by Climate Change 9/15.

Kimberly Levin’s gripping debut feature film RUNOFF is getting people talking about what goes into our food, the way we treat our land and water, and the ethical questions at the heart of everyday survival. 8/15.

Chloe & Theo: A Movie That Will Change the Way You Look at the World: the story of Theo, an Inuit from the Arctic, who travels from “the top of the Earth” to New York City with an important message for world leaders about the catastrophic impact climate change is having on his home. Upon arrival, he meets a fiery and fearless homeless girl Chloe and together they embark on an odyssey to save the world. See Films.

New Record-Breaking Solar Device Could Be Game-Changer for Powering Homes: Australian researchers have set a new world-record 22 percent conversion efficiency for artificial photosynthesis (hydrogen).

The New England Journal of Medicine Asks FDA to Reconsider Labeling GMO Foods 8/15 see GMO's

Amazing New Process Treats Wastewater, Captures Carbon and Makes Renewable Energy: An electrochemical reaction that absorbs more CO2 than it releases while creating renewable energy could transform emission-heavy industries. 8/15.

“California’s Toxic Fracking Fluids: The Chemical Recipe.” see Fracking 8/15.

96 million WATER-SAVING SHADE BALLS RELEASED INTO LA RESERVOIR (VIDEO). Analysis of drought (audio) see Water.

Whale rescued from plastic 8/15.(video) see Plastic and whales.

Grassroots Pressure Escalates to Shut Down Diablo Canyon Nuke Plant CA. See Nuclear Power.

Activists Score Victory in Effort to Stop the Government Killing of Millions of Animals see Wildlofe. 8/15.

Deadly Heat Waves Sweep the Globe 8/15 see Climate.

Japan Restarts First Nuclear Reactor Since Fukushima Disaster, Protests Erupt , US mines Grand Canyon 8/15 see Nuclear Power.

NASA Astronauts Grow Vegetables in Space for First Time 8/15.

The Influencing Machine: on propaganda and media manipulation (includes history) by Brooke Gladstone (NPR), Josh Neufeld. 2015 graphic novel.

Why Two Filmmakers Ate Nothing But Trash for Six Months see Food.

OMG Bay Area forest clearcut: The largest San Francisco Bay Area forest clearcut in 100 years will begin in August. An estimated 450,000 healthy, mature trees in the Oakland and Berkeley hills and county parklands will be cut down and chopped into logs and piles of wood chips. In an additional effort to publicize the plan and rally the SF Bay Area community, the environmental art project, The TreeSpirit Project, will host a community rally and make an art photograph with attendees on July 18 at 7 a.m.

The Art of Biophilia: Extraordinary Mosaics Incorporating Earth’s Most Colorful Creatures, gorgeous images. see Art and Bio-diversity.

Coal is no longer king in America. That’s the latest findings from the U.S. Energy Information Administration; it lost its number one spot as the nation’s top electricity source for the first time on record this April. See Fossil Fuels 7/15. You should know that the EPA's Clean Power Plan is under attack.

Very unCool: (literally) 75 Percent of Animal Species to be Wiped Out in ‘Sixth Mass Extinction’ says Stanford, UCB and Princeton study 6/15. see Wildlife.

California Finds Several Negative Impacts of Fracking, Approves Offshore Frack Jobs Anyway. 7/15

Orcas and Their Sixth Sense: The Deeper Ramifications of Cetaceans’ Echolocation Abilities see Marine Mammals. Echolocation proved by UCSC pioneer Ken Norris.


Climate Hope City: The Guardian unveils the ideal green city in Minecraft 6/15. see VR Gaming.

Ditching Fossil Fuels and Switching to 100% Renewables No Problem, Says Stanford Study and Hawaii goes for 100%. See Solar. 6/15.

Some progress at G-7 on climate and forests. 6/15.

The Yes Men did a talk at ESLP at UCSC. Their new (3rd) movie is The Yes Men Are Revolting launched 6/15. Community Studies graduate Jen Lopez ('07) talking about her career and working as a line producer with The Yes Men on their recent movie. video interview. see Culture Jamming.

This is crazy, but we actually have good news about climate change 6/15 see China.


20 Stunning Photos of Google’s Underwater Street View see Google Earth.

Take an interactive tour of the world’s (cutest) vanishing species 6/15. see Wildlife.

Literally UNcool: Here's How Many Ridiculously Hot Days Your City Will Have in the Future 6/15. See Global Warming.

Hope for Elephants as China to Shut Down Domestic Ivory Market see Wildlife.

Uncool: Oil spill returns to its ancestral waters near Santa Barbara. Dangerous to volunteers who jumped in bravely to clean up when co failed 5/15 see Oil.

New and unCool: Why have an underwater cabinet meeting? here's the answer: narrated by NPR's Richard Harris (Go Slugs!) More hints.

Fungus eats plastic, see Plastic and Mushrooms.

Giant Solar Floating Farm Could Produce 8,000 Tons of Vegetables Annually 6/15 see Green Design.

Solar Impulse Attempts Historic Flight Across the Pacific 6/15. See Out There transit ideas.

Is This The E-Bike That Finally Gets Commuters Out Of Cars? 5/15 see Transportation.

The White House is buzzing with plans to save the bees see Bees. Almonds Require a Ton of Bees and water.

This wind turbine has no blades — and that’s why it’s better see Wind.

25 Year Study Reveals Eco-Farming To Be Economically Feasible And Sustainable 5/15. See Food.

Standing Up by Sitting Down: Student Sit-Ins Demand Divestment: Swarthmore, Univ of Wa and nine other colleges with endowments totaling $72 billion have been beset by sit-ins since January, escalating the fossil-free movement. see Fossil Free UC and above. 5/15.

Merchants of Doubt Trailer see global warming "debate" 3/15.

Cowspiracy: As California Faces Drought, Film Links Meat Industry to Water Scarcity & Climate Change 5/15, see Water.

Climate Change Could Wipe Out 16 Percent of World's Species see Global Warming and Wildlife.

Stunning Photos of Food Finds After Dumpster Diving Across America see Food Scarcity.

Elon Musk: Tesla Battery Will ‘Fundamentally Change the Way the World Uses Energy’ 5/15. Elon Musk’s Tesla Battery + SolarCity’s Solar Systems = Clean Energy Future 5/15.

Cleveland Rocks: From ‘Mistake on the Lake’ to ‘Green City on a Blue Lake’ 5/15, see Green Design.

Solar plane zero emissions, see Solar. 5/15.

The World’s Oceans Are Worth Trillions Of Dollars, Report Finds see Ocean.

A study found that 60 percent of raw shrimp tested positive for bacteria, including salmonella, E. coli and listeria. In seven raw shrimp samples, scientists detected the antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, that could potentially lead to a dangerous infection. 4/15. See Food Safety.

Lester Brown: The Great Energy Transition to Solar and Wind Is Underway

Olmeca hip-hop tribute to Vandana Shiva. See Music.

Solar Bike 4/15 see Solar and Transporation.

Octavia's Brood :Science Fiction from Social Movements. An anthology of visionary science fiction and speculative fiction written by organizers and activists.

A new film, The OceanMaker, 3D animated short film which highlights how precious our water resources are. The film, which has appeared in many film festivals including SXSW, is set in a dystopian future where the seas have vanished and a young female pilot has to battle sky pirates for the last of the remaining water residing in the clouds. see Water.

Yosemite National Park is one of America’s most beloved parks; filmmakers Colin Delehanty and Sheldon Neill hiked more than 200 miles to capture footage inside the park and the results are absolutely stunning. Their finished product is a time-lapse video called Project Yosemite.

New Heat-Resistant Beans Could Stave Off Hunger In A Warming World not a GMO.

Highway Billboard That Grows Organic Lettuce and Generates Drinking Water. see Urban Agticulture and Water.

Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah is one of the largest independent film festivals in the world, attracting some 50,000 attendees, created by eco-hero Robert Redford]; One of the standouts premiering at the festival is Racing Extinction. There have been five mass extinctions in the history of our planet and we may be in the midst of a sixth. We could lose up to half the world’s species and humans are to blame. Another must-see film that screened at Sundance is How to Change the World, about the founding of Greenpeace. See Environmental video documentaries.

Ford Motor Co. will soon unveil a sun-powered vehicle. The C-MAX Solar Energi Concept is a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with solar panels on the roof that allow the car to recharge itself. The vehicle’s total range is 620 miles, and it can travel 21 miles using only electric power from the sun. “By tapping renewable solar energy with a rooftop solar panel system, C-MAX Solar Energi Concept is not dependent on the traditional electric grid for its battery power" 3/15. see Electric Vehicles.

Can Drones Stop Poaching and Save Rhinos and Elephants?Update 3/15), not if NRA can help it see Specific Species.

Epic Urban Treehouse Offers Glimpse Into Future Living. See Green Design.

Certified Naturally Grown: A New Way to Identify Pesticide-Free, Non-GMO Food: Naturally grown farming, considered to be the grassroots alternative to certified organic agriculture, requires a national certification by the CNG. The CNG conducts rigorous oversight to assure that all food labeled Certified Naturally Grown is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals or GMOs, being used by a growing number of small farmers who cannot afford the expense of getting an organic certification from the USDA. 3/15.

World’s Largest Contiguous Marine Reserve Created to Stop Illegal Fishing see Overfishing.

New Study Says Climate Change Helped Spark Syrian Civil War (and thus ISIS?) NYT see Global Warming.

Bison-tennial: Alaska wildlife officials are preparing to release North America's largest land mammal into its native U.S. habitat for the first time in more than a century. see Wildlife.

Beer Brewers Unite to Call for Action on Climate Change: Global warming could harm your beer.

Animals At 'Gunpoint' Posters Will Make You Rethink Your Next Purchase: Surfrider Foundation Europe has a simple message about consumer culture: "You buy, the sea pays." That's the motto behind a new ad campaign to combat the 5.25 trillion plastic particles currently polluting the oceans. 3/15.

Solar-Powered Airplane Prepares for Groundbreaking Around-the-World Flight see Solar and Transportation. 3/15

Global Divestment Day: A Huge Success with more than 400 events in 48 countries spanning six continents, including UCSC, put on by Fossil Free, a project of 350.org— bringing people together to stop the fossil fuel industry in its tracks. Harvard is stepping up pressure.

EWG's Dirty Dozen Report Lists The Most Pesticide-Heavy Fruits And Veggies Of 2015 2/15. See Chemicals.

Will Apple Challenge Tesla in the Electric Car Market? 2/15.

Conservation Biologists Using DNA Methods To Track Elusive Or Unwanted Species see Wildlife

World’s First Plantable Coffee Cup to Replenish Forests see Solid Waste.

Human powered vehicles (audio). see More.

The Real Junk Food Project, created a “Pay As You Feel” (PAYF) cafe, which asks customers to pay what they see fit for perfectly good food that, due to strict food labeling laws, would have otherwise been thrown out. 3/15 see Food.

Thousands to Rally Today Against Taiji Dolphin Slaughter for “World Love for Dolphins Day” 2/15. see Marine Mammals.

World’s First Wave Energy Array Goes Online see Hydropower.

Two Young Entrepreneurs Offer Way to Grow Food in Dead of Winter The converted shipping containers are “outfitted with vertical hydroponics, high-efficiency LED lights and an automated climate control system. 2/15. See Entrepreneurship.

23-Year-Old Hasn’t Produced Any Garbage in Two Years see Solid Waste.

Move Over Food Trucks, Food Bikes Are Taking to the Streets 2/15 see Bikes.

Nissan glow-in-the-dark LEAF features sunlight absorbing car paint.

Scientists Warn We're Ever-Closer To The Apocalypse, see Global Warming.

Norway first country to divest 2/15. See Scandanavia.

EARTH A New Wild (home); new PBS series (see Wildlife).

Naomi Klein’s new book, This Changes Everything, excerpt, reviewed by Sandra Steingraber. Colbert interview; extensive interview(2 parts) (audio interview) 9/14. see Global Warming"Debate".

Gov Jerry Brown inaugurated for an unprecedented 4th term, pledges major efforts to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels (while on the same day, the new GOP majority Congress doubles down on the XL Keystone pipeline which US #1 climate expert James Hanson says spells "Game Over" for the planet, with no reset button, despite the metaphor). Brown broke ground on CA bullet train. Brown was first governor in mid-70's, which is why CA uses half the electricity per person despite having a strong economy. His dad was also governor, and built our water canal system, probably also our roads, and oh yeah, the UC system. 1/15. See California and Mass Transit.

10 Must-See Electric Cars at this Year’s International Auto Show See Electric Cars.

The surprising link between things that make us happy and things that save energy 1/15.

Electricity from living plants 1/15 See Bio-fuels.

9 Big Market Breakthroughs of 2014

Toyota has announced that it will allow its competitors to use any and all of its 5,680 patents for hydrogen fuel cell cars, a move the company hopes will jump-start the widespread commercial production of cars powered by zero-emission hydrogen gas. 1/15 see Transportation.

Can Shoes Generate Renewable Energy with Every Step We Take?

Nick Hornby’s film adaptation of Cheryl Strayed’s blockbuster memoir, Wild.

We Have A Deal: The U.S. And China Agree To Historic Emission Reduction Targets 11/14.

Wolf OR7 has three pups in Oregon which will be safe from hunters if they wander in CA; also one in Grand Canyon. see Wolves.

Agriculture can take carbon out of the atmosphere vs adding to GHG. Related, Terra Preta has amazing properties.

Bio-bus runs on poo. 12/14. see Bio-Fuels.

Uncool: Earth Faces Sixth ‘Great Extinction’ with 41% of Amphibians Set to Go the Way of the Dodo 12/14 see Bio-diversity.

Designboom top Ten Architectural Design Stories of 2014 see Green Design.

Radical 'Shrooms: Bay Area Radical Mycology (BARM) is already conducting a couple of ongoing mycofiltration and remediation projects in partnership with the East Bay Municipal Utilities District — King Stropharia and oyster mushrooms, for instance, will capture and devour any E. coli that flow past them. BARM members meet once a month for potlucks, occasionally schmooze at fungi events, and generally share knowledge with one another and the world (last I heard, they’d planned a “Petri dish party” to help members do some DIY science). Bio-Hacking includes using shrooms to make furniture and building materials. PBS Newshour video 9/14. see Bio-mimicry.

Ecotopia lives! City of South Miami Officials Call For 'South Florida' Secession because of global warming inaction. More. See Ecotopia and sea level rise.

New IPCC report on global warming and Bill McKibben's take(350.org) see Global Warming. 11/14.

Renewable Energy ‘Creates More Jobs Than Fossil Fuels’ 11/14. See Economics.

Ocean Health Gets ‘D’ Grade in New Global Index 9/14. see Ocean.

Developing Countries Invest in Renewables Twice the Pace of Industrialized Nations 10/14 see Energy.

EWG's new interactive rate your food site see Food.

Google Street View Takes You To Gombe National Park, Home Of Jane Goodall's Chimpanzees see Eco-Heroes.

Sugary drinks warning signs change habits of US teens 10/14.

Energy from seaweed 10/14 see Bio-fuels.

Top 10 greenest cities in the world 10/14.How they did it. Pledge to 40% cut CO2.

[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/23/biking-cameras-_n_6029950.html Black box for bikes. see Bikes.

If You Don't Already Know What A Nudibranch Is, This Will Blow Your Mind see Ocean.

A recent documentary, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, asks why most leading environmental organizations are ignoring a leading cause of environmental damage.] 10/14.

Whole Foods Launches Radical New Food Labeling Plan 10/14 see Food.

DIY solar installation 10/14. see Solar.

Satellite images reveal shocking groundwater loss in California 10/14. See CA and Water.

It's Official: California Bans Plastic Grocery Bags 10/14 see Plastic.

Really literally UNcool: Greenhouse Gas Levels In Atmosphere Surged To New High In 2013, World Meteorological Organization Reports, so More Than Half Of North American Birds In Trouble Thanks To Climate Change but Californians saved 17 billion gallons of water in July, enough to fill 26,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, see also Yosemite burns 9/14. Big action had 400K people in NYC, 4K in Oakland 9/21.video. Followed by more radical Flood Wall Street. See Activism.

Bio-Hacking includes using shrooms to make furniture and building materials. PBS Newshour video 9/14. see Bio-mimicry.

Largest number of walruses seen ashore in Alaska is sign of ‘tremendous change’ in climate PBS Newshour video 10/14. see Marine Mammals.

“Pump the Movie" punctures the current petro-fantasy, a domestically significant, but globally marginal, increase in U.S. production of light-tight oil means the end to concerns about over reliance on petroleum 9/14 see Film and Oil.

World Leaders Say Addressing Climate Change Offers Unprecedented Opportunities for Economic Growth 9/14 see Economics and Sustainability.

Portugal filmmaker Gonçalo Tocha produced the inspiring short film The Trail of a Tale, which is a monologue of a letter from the future written to our recent past, telling us that the world, “It turned out right.” See also Good News

2 Guys in a Lobster boat stops coal freighter, provides important legal precedecent. video interview 9/14 see also Activism .

California Bans Plastic Bags . The bill, which passed both houses of the California State Legislature now heads to the Governor’s desk. If signed, California will become the first state in the U.S. to ban what advocates call “the most ubiquitous consumer item on the planet.” 9/14 see Plastic.

Obama protects the oceans 9/14 see Ocean.

Scientists Use E.coli To Generate Renewable Propane see Bio-fuels. 9/14.

On World Water Day, the World Resources Institute (WRI) has released a study that maps for the first time the water resources available to support fracking in the world’s largest shale exploration areas. See Fracking. 9/14. US cities ranked by drought vulnerability. See Water.

Study Links Polar Vortex Chills To Melting Sea Ice 9/14. See Global Warming.

UK Wind Power Beats Coal and Nukes, Japan to replace Fukushima plant with world's largest wind farm 8/14 see Wind.

Bee update on Neo-nics, the new DDT. 8/14 See Bees.

The Best Reporting on California’s Drought 8/14 see Water and Global Warming.

“Major Milestone In Tidal Power Emerges With ‘Spirit Of The Sea’” See Tidal power.

10 Reasons to Be Hopeful that We Will Overcome Climate Change 8/14.

Plastic bottle bridge: After a flood created a dam where one could cross the Nera River by stepping on plastic bottles at the point of Danube where it enters Romania, the cu.podu project was born, explained Radu Rusu of EcoStuff. The goal of the project is to do something big enough to draw attention to the enormous quantities of litter dumped every day in the rivers and oceans around the world, like other organizations are doing including 5 Gyres Institute, which just finished a three-week sail from Bermuda to Iceland and found microplastic particles in every surface sample collected during the trip. See Plastic.

19-year-old Boyan Slat, social entrepreneur and founder of The Ocean Cleanup and creator of a technology he says can clean half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in a decade 8/14. See Plastic.

Protecting Parrotfish Could Slow Decline of Caribbean Coral Reefs 7/14, see Coral Reefs.

If you like IKEA furniture, you’ll love this flat-packed, DIY bike(thx Gabby) See also [http://ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Transportation#Human_Powered Bikes page.

California’s cap-and-trade program will fund environmental justice see EJ and CA.

This floating magnetic pod is the public transit of the future (we hope) 6/14 see Transportation.

How a Solar-Powered Water Wheel Can Clean 50,000 Pounds of Trash Per Day From Baltimore’s Inner Harbor 6/14 see Plastic.

This Is What Life Is Like For Polar Bears In An Era Of Climate Change (video). see Bears

[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/26/california-wind-farm-eagles_n_5533982.html California

Older Entries

Energy Game Changer? Scientists Turn Algae into Crude Oil in Less Than an Hour. They have taken 60 minutes to do what Nature does -– at great pressures and temperatures -– over millions of years. see Bio-fuels.

10 Hopeful Things That Happened in 2013 see Good News.

Big energy breakthroughs of 2013. see Energy.

How to get a green job in 2014. see Jobs page.

These guys just revolutionized the humble cardboard box see also Green Design.

Wind energy becoming cheaper than natural gas 12/13.

Get your fill of bananas now; they’re about to get destroyed by fungus 12/13.

Hole In Ozone Layer Expected To Make Full Recovery By 2070: NASA because of international treaty that could be a model for global warming fight 12/13.

For Major Cities, Offshore Wind Farms Could Provide Both Electricity And Hurricane Protection 12/13. see Wind.

Disaster housing made from water bottles solves two needs at once see Appropriate Technology.

World Toilet Day (aka Brown Friday. see Solid Waste.

Butterflies are in trouble, you can help 11/13.

If IKEA made bikes see Bikes.

Cute baby cyborg seals see marine mammals.

Futuristic phytoplankton farm could restore equilibrium in oceans 11/13.

Tesla's Elon Musk Unveils Hyperloop 8/13. infographic update See Out There Transportation.

Open Source DIY beehive (alt link) to help with Colony Collapse Disorder

The End of the Conflict-Creating Oil Age Is Coming Into View -- Here's What the Future Looks Like, by Avery Lovins. 11/13. see Fossil Fuels.

Local singer-songwriter Vienna Teng, whose songs are hauntingly beautiful, has raised money for green efforts and walked her talk on merchandising; went back to school to study green business but has a new album, sample Landsailor ([lyrics) which speaks to heart and mind on green issues. see Music

Solar Bike

IBM solar collector magnifies sun by 2,000x (without cooking itself), costs 3x less than similar systems, 80% efficient. see Solar.

261 MPG Volkswagen XL1 diesel plug-in hybrid to be produced in limited quantities 11/13. see Transportation

The US states of California, Oregon, Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia have signed a pact to reduce carbon dioxide emission.

Major Pension Funds Push Fossil Fuel Companies To Address How They’ll Deal With Climate Change see Activism page, 350.org Bill McKibben. 10/13.

Denmark Is the Happiest Country on Earth! You'll Never Guess Why 10/13. See More.

Leather and meat without killing animals TEDtalk. see also Meat.

Student Designed Water Filtration System Save Millions Of Lives 10/13. see also Green Design and Water.

Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" video.

Pop-up transformer converts vacant storefronts into “community incubators” (Video) see Green Design.

Greenpeace Activists May Be Charged with Terrorism After Russian Coastguard Storms Ship in Arctic 9/13. video interview See Arctic and Activism.

Well, new and UNcool, but 15 Things You Should Know About the Major New Report on Climate Science 9/13. see Global Warming

Trader Joe's Ex-President To Turn Expired Food Into Cheap Meals. see more about labels and ]Food Scarcity.

Discovery: Huge Water Reserve in Kenya Brings Hope to Most Vulnerable 9/13. See Africa.

Americans Are 110 Times More Likely to Die from Contaminated Food Than Terrorism 9/13. see Food Safety.

$2 million XPRIZE for breakthroughs in ocean acidification monitoring. 9/13 see Design Challenges.

Solar cookstove breakthrough 9/13. See Sustainability.

Buddhist Monks And Snow Leopards Become Surprising Allies 9/13. See Wildlife and Spirituality

San Francisco And Los Angeles Account For 35 Percent Of Nation's Electric Vehicle Sales, Data Finds 9/13 see Electric Cars

Napa Wetlands Nearly Restored After 20-Year Sonoma Marsh Restoration Project In California 9/13.

Paper emergency shelter: Long before sustainability became a buzzword, architect Shigeru Ban had begun his experiments with ecologically-sound building materials such as cardboard tubes and paper. His remarkable structures are often intended as temporary housing, designed to help the dispossessed in disaster-struck nations such as Haiti, Rwanda or Japan. Yet equally often the buildings remain a beloved part of the landscape long after they have served their intended purpose.(TEDtalk video).

CA Captive Breeding Program May Ensure Survival for African Frogs 8/13.

Tesla Unveils 90-Second Battery Swap Technology 8/13.

Overshoot day came two days earlier this year. see Consumption.

Great short animated overview of Tar Sands. see Energy page.

LongNow talk on rewilding (video) by Stewart Brand.see also TEDtalks on rewilding or de-extinction, including the Tasmanian Tiger and brooding frog. Pioneered by UCSC's Soule. carried on by Beth Shapiro.

Amazing ocean plastic picture.

Przewalski's Horse Foal Born By Artificial Insemination 8/13.

Happiest states/cities. See maps

This doohickey turns your normal bike into an electric bike

GOP EPA administrators William D. Ruckelshaus, Lee M. Thomas, William K. Reilly, and Christine Todd Whitman, call for climate action. 8/13

Belgium to build 'battery island' to store wind farm energy see Wind

iNaturalist, an online mapping and social network for naturalists 7/13. see also Citizen Science

Gates toilet design challenge winner produces power.7/13. see Design Challenges

Norwegian town will use huge mirrors to lighten up the dark winter

Peru To Provide Free Solar Power To 2 Million Of Its Poorest Residents By 2016

Charge your phone with pee 7/13 see Appropriate Technology

Short video overview on food waste see Food Scarcity.

Human powered helicopter. see human powered vehicles.

California utility customers installed a record-breaking 391 megawatts of solar power systems last year. That was a banner year for the nation’s largest photovoltaic rebate scheme, with installations up 26 percent compared with 2011.

You Can Apply to Use Google's Street View Backpack Now 7/13.

Solar powered plane can fly in the dark. Takeoff! See also Solar page. 7/13 update. Solar robotic boat circles the world.

Crazy living rock is one of the weirdest creatures we’ve ever seen see Bio-diversity.

“Solid Rain” keeps plants hydrated even in droughts 7/13

16 year old makes plastic out of banana peels, wins Google contest.

Change Study From World Meteorological Organization Reveals Unprecedented Extremes Since 2001 7/13

TEDtalks on rewilding or de-extinction, including the Tasmanian Tiger and brooding frog. Pioneered by UCSC's Soule.

How Plants Use Math to Survive.

Plants Communicate with Help of Fungi

World’s first hybrid wind/current generator could generate double the power 7/13

This Week's Killer Heat Wave Threatens To Cause Earth’s Hottest Temps Ever 7/13. Miami, American Atlantis. See Global Warming.

Fast food giants make their food look imperfect so you’ll forget it’s hella processed. Junk food science: What kids see on TV can hurt them. See Food Safety and nutrition.

China warns it will execute serious polluters 6/13 also starts carbon trading. Indonesia to seed clouds, try to put out huge plantation fires. See Asia

Chipotle is now the first restaurant to label GMOs in its food see GMO's

PBS Food for 9 Billion includes farmers preserving forest, blooming the desert and a Singapore skyscraper. See Food page.

Flying bike and jet-powered bike make your fixie look lame, see Out There Ideas.

Reunite Gondwanaland! (or Pangea). (bumpersticker) See Maps.

NYC tp get a million trees: According to the Los Angeles-based environmental nonprofit, Tree People, “Neighborhoods and homes that are barren have shown to have a greater incidence of violence in and out of the home than their greener counterparts. Trees and landscaping help to reduce the level of fear.” And they also help the economy by increasing property value by 15-percent, and commerce areas with many trees and landscaping around stores see an increase in business, according to studies.

Social entrepreneur Mick Ebeling shares how he and a team of collaborators built an open-source invention that gave the artist -- and gives others in his circumstance -- the means to make art again. The nerve disease ALS left graffiti artist TEMPT paralyzed from head to toe, forced to communicate blink by blink. Ebeling founded the Not Impossible Lab, a nonprofit that lets you help develop creative solutions to real-world problems TEDtalk.

Weather girl goes rogue video.

Amazing video from deep ocean includes bioluminescent and encephlapods by David Gallo TEDtalk.

Check out CA pollution by zip code 5/13. See also California and Chemicals.

This American Life host Ira Glass tells the story of writer turned activist Bill McKibben. McKibben is trying to create a divestment campaign modeled after the successful campaign against apartheid in South Africa. The campaign is designed recast the discussion of climate change with fossil fuel companies as the villains. alt link audio). A whole show on climate 5/13.

10 Best US Cities to ride out global warming and 10 worst 5/13.

Frakalypse Now: DeSmogBlog partnered with Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Mark Fiore to produce this spoof video in the vein of Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now." Making its debut in honor of Gasland 2, which features the details of the gas industry's psychological warfare scandal. See Fracking page.

Using Virtual Reality to lose weight.

Snitch On Your Local Power Plant, Win A Prize As part of their Ventus project, a team of researchers at Arizona State University will reward the person who can provide the most usable information about a power plant's location, carbon dioxide emissions, and other operational features with a trophy, author inclusion on a future research paper, and, according to their Web site, the title of "Supreme Power Plant Emissions GURU." 5/13 See Challenges.

Finally an App That Reveals the True Story Behind the Brands You Buy 5/13. See Consumption.

The Google Earth Guide to a Changing Planet See Geo-Viz

A scientist made steel without releasing any greenhouse gases: MIT prof Sadoway started out with moon soil because was working on a grant meant to help figure out how to provide oxygen for future lunar settlers to breathe. And then, while fiddling with that problem — poof! — he made steel.

Plants have a secret underground communication network 5/13.

Tesla electric car turns profit, wins award. See electric cars. 1st car co to pay back fed loans. US now has 100K EV's. See EV page.

Test tube meat

Google Earth GIFs, 'Timelapse' Project, Show Startling Impact Of Humans On The Planet, including ice loss 5/13.

Kayaking the LA: Revitalizing an Urban River. The film Rock the Boat follows a controversial kayaking expedition down the partially cemented Los Angeles River, an act of civil disobedience led by satirical writer George Wolfe, whose goal was to have the Environmental Protection Agency declare the river navigable so that it could gain protection under the Clean Water Act. Boating down the LA River became a political movement which lead to changes in federal policy and opened up public access to a long-neglected waterway.

Crowd sourced maps that advance human rights: In early 2008, villages and cities across Kenya were ravaged with violence following a disputed election. The election controversy became the pretext for ethnic clashes that displaced hundreds of thousands of people and claimed the lives of more than 1,200, some in grisly fashion. An ad-hoc group of tech bloggers based in Kenya decided to act. They built a software platform, called “Ushahidi” to shine a light on human rights violations and, bring much-needed attention and support to developing emergencies. Ushahidi means “bearing witness” in Swahili.

Why Climate Change Is Not an Environmental Issue (we could quibble about characterization of environmental movement, but overall point valid and thought-provoking). see Global Warming.

Venture capitalists are funding green food innovation 5/13.

Window gadget provides plugin solar power to go.

Trees Make Sounds When They're Running Out Of Water, Lab Experiments Suggest

Pedal-Powered water filtration demo'd at White House science fair see also Appropriate Technology. Radiolab coverage.

Comedians Andy Cobb and Mike Damanskis have a new video about the ExxonMobil oil spill in Mayflower, Arkansas called Exxon - Energy Everywhere.

World's Oldest Hamburger? McDonald's Burger From 1999 Almost Looks New (VIDEO).

Navy Training Raises New Concerns for Whales off California Coast 4/13 see Marine Mammals.

Google Glass is augmented reality (see Virtual Reality.

A bladeless wind turbine 4/13 see Wind

Scientists at the Belly Button Biodiversity Project wanted to engage the public. They started to culture the bacteria in people's navels as a way to remind them about the life living on their bodies. In the process, they discovered diverse organisms, some of them completely new to science. (audio). See also Citizen Science you can do.

Pipeline videogame from Canada, the people who are bringing us the tarsands Keystone XL "carbon bomb" that NASA's Hansen says will be "game over for the planet." See also Gaming Page

Building that cleans air. If we have to build parking garages, we might as well use them for yoga and weddings. See green architecture.

Mysterious patch of light in North Dakota.

Cool nanotechnology.

Man vs Shark infographic

Invisible bike helmet

bike powered e-Waste recycling device.

Bald eagle cam.

5 big breakthroughs at CITES 2013, sharks, apes, rhinos, elephants, turtles 3/13 see also wildlife

U2 head man Bono on ending poverty has good news, including on Sub-Saharan Africa. G2 phones fighting corruption.

Trashswag allows people to post the location of these curbside treasures online, with photos, to alert other potentially interested parties of their find. See other peer-to-peer ways to reduce consumption.

Empirical Proof that all cats like boxes

Photos of a lightning storm in a volcano will blow your mind.

World debut of the Larger Pacific Striped Octopus pix video.

Keystone XL Pipeline spill infographic.

127 mph bike see Bikes.

Snow Leopard Raw Footage: Endangered Species Caught On Camera In China (VIDEO).

What cities are really made of (red pill warning)

Report card on brands we buy every day

Is Solar Energy the Next Great Crowdfunding Experiment? See also kickstarter and shared consumption.

‘Super mega-pod’ of 100,000 dolphins covers 35 square miles 2/13.

Benh Zeitlin's BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD, nominated for Beast Picture Oscar TM, whisks you to a surreal realm, where little girls and mythical animals coexist in a bayou called The Bathtub, all intertwined in the cosmic mesh of the universe. (interview).

Cars made into bikes

Japanese Flying Squid's Abilities Confirmed, Speed Measured By Scientists.

The oldest known wild bird, a 62-year-old albatross, just hatched a miracle baby

When the sun goes down, dung beetles rely on a galactic source—light from the Milky Way—to navigate.

Solar breakthrough, cheaper than coal. 1/13.

Whales adopting disabled dolphin is the feel-good story of the millenium 1/13

An Astonishing Argument for Why Violent Crime Rates Have Dropped 1/13.

Spore (see here below) is in some ways the ultimate green game, but Will Wright is also updating SimCity to learn about green design and global warming. energy-saving games 12/12

A new study shows that spending four nature-filled days, away from electronic devices, is linked with 50 percent higher scores on a test for creativity.

Where does your electricity come from? The answer might well surprise you.

Sea Monsters has hundreds of millions of years and cheesy but fun 3D] ***

Geoengineering: Testing the Waters By NAOMI KLEIN.

The Story of Change is the latest chapter of the Story of Stuff.

The Aviator is a satiric dystopian graphic novel. Flying his hi-tech airship around a world devastated by climate change and economic collapse, the hero of The Aviator encounters the scattered and often weird remnants of our civilization.

Algae street lamps absorb CO2.

Doctors save elephant’s eyesight with historic cataract operation.

Could clones save California’s endangered redwoods — in Oregon? also local group effort. See also The Man Who Planted Trees, by Jim Robbins, an environmental science journalist for the New York Times article Tree archive.

Earth at night

UCSC students work with dolphins

Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator powered by pee.

Mine Kafon; a bamboo tumbleweed that clears landmines.

Originally meant for hikers, the BioLite CampStove, which converts wood-burning fire into electricity to charge cellphones, could revolutionize disaster relief. review see Appropriate Technology

Energy from floating algae pods Call it "fuel without fossils": Jonathan Trent is working on a plan to grow new biofuel by farming micro-algae in floating offshore pods that eat wastewater from cities. TEDtalk 9/12.

Bill McKibben tells the story of how he and some writer friends and then six students built a movement 350.org 6/12. *** Do the Math Tour takes on the energy companies head on in a fight to the death.

Powerful video: She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... ***

Making a cardboard bike (video). HoverBike.

Scientists create digital watch powered by cyborg lobsters Grist.

UCSC's Dan Costa and students go to Antarctica to tag seals.

"Deep Intellect: Inside the mind of the octopus" by Sy Montgomery..." The common octopus has about 130 million of them in its brain. A human has 100 billion. But this is where things get weird. Three-fifths of an octopus’s neurons are not in the brain; they’re in its arms...“Meeting an octopus,” writes Godfrey-Smith, “is like meeting an intelligent alien.” Their intelligence sometimes even involves changing colors and shapes.

Google Launches Street View Underwater.

Injured bald eagle gets new 3-D printed beak 9/13.

Designing Sailbots to Mop Up Oil Spills 9/12.

See through frog.

California starts cap and trade; alternative: Carbon tax demystified.

Boost your bike

Oregon commercial scale wave energy 9/12. see also

Poop and paddle demonstrates how sewage and rainwater can be converted to cattails and clean water. (video)

Greenpeace Greenpeace occupies Arctic oil rig.

Banana tree battery

EWG guide to good cheap food.

Glow in the Dark bikes

Humpback whale video off California coast.

Bulwer-Lytton bad writing prize for 2012.

India's living bridges

Conservation drones used to fight deforestation (audio) 7.12

The Yes Men spoof Arctic oil drilling. Here's another clue for you all: The walrus is Paul.

Elephant crashes pool party video

Power play: Can utilities turn energy efficiency into fun and games? 7.12

Waveglider collects data in ocean.

Google unveils Street View imagery from Antarctica, including South Pole Telescope, Shackleton sites. 7.12

New report on coral reefs (and animated overview) 7/12.

Apple opts out of green standards. 7.12 (e-waste)

Food Forward is a new PBS series on the food revolution. The first episode is on urban agriculture. Highly recommended.

New short film on fracking by Gasland director. 7.12

Otter 501 is a new documentary.

University of Maryland students are flying high after unofficially shattering the world record for longest human-powered helicopter flight. 6/12 (video)

New video on ocean acidification from NRDC more

Greenest U.S. cities and companies 6.12

'The Clean 15' 2012 Shopper's Guide To Pesticides Ranks Fruits And Vegetables. 6.12

"Bananas," a musical journey by Saturn's Return on DDT and labor.

Malaria Resistant Mosquitoes: UC Irvine Scientists Create New Genetically Modified Mosquito. A non-GMO approach for Dengue Fever (audio) 6.12

Welcome to the anthropocene (video)

A great fracking video rap: What the frack is going on? My water's on fire tonight.

Solar plane attempts transcontinental flight in preparation for world trip. 5/12

Orangutans like iPads

Using viruses to generate electricity. 5/12

You can identify poor neighborhoods from space.

Good news for Endangered Species Day also New Map of Life, interactive of 25K species.

Secret Treehouse a solution to UCSC housing problem?

Your place in the universe

Thank You Ocean, a powerful one minute video about why it matters.

Colbert mocks group that blames immigrants for climate change. (video)

Ew! Eyeless shrimp and deformed fish now routinely caught in the Gulf after BP spill.

Power Shift turns Bank of America ATMs into truth-dispensing machines (see also Culture Jamming)

Amazing images of nature

Octopuses have been discovered tip-toeing with coconut-shell halves suctioned to their undersides, then reassembling the halves and disappearing inside for protection or deception, a new study says. Not only are they incredibly smart, the can control the color and even texture of their skins and "morph." Another example. This once can open a glass jar. How they do it.

Saving Whales: Now There's an App for That

Online game: contribute your ideas to fight global poverty!

Donald Sadoway is working on a battery miracle -- an inexpensive, incredibly efficient, three-layered battery using “liquid metal." TEDtalk video. 3/12

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" asks Regina Dugan, then director of DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In this breathtaking talk she describes some of the extraordinary projects -- a robotic hummingbird, a prosthetic arm controlled by thought, and, well, the internet -- that her agency has created by not worrying that they might fail. (TEDtalk video)

Deep ocean mysteries and wonders TEDtalk 3/12 (see his earlier talk too)

Exploding manure terrorizes America's hog farms

Lorax movie commentary. statue lifted from Seuss estate

Ocean Giants: Epic new 3 hour PBS series on whales and dolphins.

Personal electric helicopter.

Bike helmet vending machine supports bikesharing.

New map shows 4 of 5 Americans affected by climate disasters

Newsweek's lists of greenest companies.

This week, in Antarctica, a team of Russian scientists drilled through the last of a more than 12,000-foot ice cover and into Lake Vostok, a reserve of liquid water that hasn't had contact with the outside world in 15-34 million years, looking for extremophile bacteria—semi-alien Earthlings that have evolved separately from the rest of their terrestrial kin. More.

Man arrested for stealing glacier.

Meet Brookesia micra, one of four newly identified species of ultra-small chameleons that live in Madagascar.

The oldest living thing on Earth is a massive "meadow" of sea grass growing in the Mediterranean between Spain and Cyprus. It's somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 years old and reproduces by cloning itself. Also, it's being killed by climate change.

A group of Yale students, poking around in the jungles of Ecuador, has unearthed a type of fungus that digests otherwise-unkillable plastics. 2/12

Renegade iphone apps show true costs.

Ewok treehouse paradise.

TEDTalks: Plant fuels that could power a jet.

Green hack-athon

"During the final leg of my Pole2Pole expedition (blog) on my way to the South Pole on an expedition that began in April, 2011...Currently kite-skiing through the unforgiving, icy terrain of Antarctica, I have maintained a climate neutral expedition through a combination of excellent planning and sheer willpower." Link.

UCSC SciCom student Amy E. West published an article Santa Cruz nonprofit hopes to make fuel from ocean-based plastic (also video with links). See Plastics Page.

In 2011 three young women swept the top prizes of the first Google Science Fair, doing important research on cancer and asthma. At TEDxWomen Lauren Hodge, Shree Bose and Naomi Shah described their extraordinary projects-- and their route to a passion for science. TEDtalk video.

MIT has put environmental courses online for free.

World's smallest vertebrate.

Grist List of top green trends for 2011. Green resolutions, plus ten "gifts" for the ocean, easy actions you can take.

Greenpeace's Year in Pictures.

2011 Top Google search: rare and endangered species slideshow of images.

Why Tornadoes Take the Weekends Off in Summer.

Killer whale kills great white shark: According to National Geographic, "To prey upon the shark, the Orca has learned how to immobilize it by turning it on its back -- a state called 'tonic immobility.'"

TEDtalks countdown to the best of the year includes using lightbulbs for wi-fi data transmission, and a great talk by Naomi Klein on "Why We Are Addicted to Risk?" (includes the underlying myths that drive environmental and economic problems, in opposition to the Precautionary Principle).

US activist speaks up at Durban climate talks.

Occupy Wall Street has spread across the nation and world, objecting to how 1% of uberrich have large percentage of national wealth. Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies (TEDtalk video). But it also has a green component.

Graham Hill: Less Stuff, More Happiness (top TEDtalk of 2010).

World's biggest insect.

Poo Power see video.

Britta Riley wanted to grow her own food (in her tiny apartment). So she and her friends developed a system for growing plants in discarded plastic bottles -- researching, testing and tweaking the system using social media, trying many variations at once and quickly arriving at the optimal system. (TEDtalk video).

Make your own bike lane and a more practical low-tech approach

"Surfer nearly swallowed by whale"(video) near shore in Santa Cruz. article"A pod of humpback whales has been hanging out off the Santa Cruz coast, noshing on anchovies that flock to the area to feed on plankton. The woman found herself in the middle of a feeding frenzy called lunge feeding, which occurs when whales herd anchovies and shoot straight up out of the water with their mouth wide open to catch the fish."

Amazing bird video.

Joby Energy is a local company looking for people to create high altitude wind. images and video. Its founder is also working on an electric flying car. More

Green majors have lowest unemployment: 7. Agricultural Economics—1.3 percent 9.Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology—1.6 percent. 10. Environmental Engineering 2.2 percent unemployed. 11/11

International Space Station Earth Video: Incredible Views Of Sea, Land And Desert (video)

Culture Jamming a Burger King billboard

Fast Food oddities

New wiki page on how to do citizen science/fieldwork. Including sharkwatching.

UC Santa Cruz makes top 10 list of "greenest" schools in Sierra Magazine.

15 Greenest Companies

Junk becomes classic art

Lord of the Rings recycling parody (video) (Humor).

Saul Griffith is doing really interesting work on high altitude wind electricity generation. Update: video. 9/11.

The Ig Nobel Prizes for science that cannot and should not be replicated. video. Humor for geeks. The mayor of Vilnius ran over a Mercedes parked in a bike lane USING A TANK? (video) He's just won an Ig Nobel prize, the coveted award for research (or, you know, a mayoral publicity stunt) that first makes people laugh, then makes them think.

19 year old's solar power breakthrough.

World's biggest employers.

Comedian David Mitchell on climate deniers. (video)

Video of river rock balancer.

Bamboo bikes (video).

ART-ificial coral reef.

Rescued whale dances (video).

Gobsmacking local talk on coal by Robert F Kennedy Jr. (video).

Striking lamps made from recycled materials (slideshow).

Interactive Global Warming maps from Union of Concerned Scientists.

Cal-Adapt was built specifically to address projections about climate change in California, designed by Google, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Geological Survey, several California universities and others.

How Not to save the world (humorous short animated video)

Penn and Teller's humorous take on the subject of bottled water. (video)

Random Hacks of Kindness creates software for disaster relief etc.

New app to identify trees.

Alex Prud'homme, on The Daily Show, discusses his new book on water The Ripple Effect.

Captain Paul Watson tells how he became a defender of whales [and currently bluefin tuna off Libya]. (tedxsf video). (inspiring but possibly disturbing). See Whales and dolphins.

Human-powered helicopter

Tom Szaky visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss his book "Revolution in a Bottle: How TerraCycle is Redefining Green Business."Green@Google series. (video)

Ten great walking cities (slideshow).

Ten new species, including glowing mushrooms and jumping cockroaches.

The Yes Lab (home of the Yes Men) recently put up a site called CoalCares.com, a parody suggesting that coal company Peabody is interested in doing something about the health impacts of coal on children. (How dare they!) Peabody responded, predictably, by threatening a lawsuit.More. [On the other hand, Children’s books publisher Scholastic is taking money from the coal industry to teach elementary students the benefits of coal.

Wedding dress made of plastic bottles.

Vertical garden out of an old wooden pallet would work great on dorm balcony.

Arcimoto fun three wheeled electric vehicle with motorcycle drivetrain.

Amazing video on pollinators. (Tedtalk)

Power Surge by PBS Nova explores green energy. 4/11.

Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me) dives into the hidden but influential world of brand marketing, on his quest to make a completely sponsored film about sponsorship. The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.

Real Life Farmville

Banana Slugs unpeeled (video).

Moby Duck (short article/audio) and longer interview with text excerpt. In 1992, a cargo ship container tumbled into the North Pacific, dumping 28,000 rubber ducks and other bath toys that were headed from China to the U.S. Currents took them, and news reports said some may have eventually reached Maine and other shores on the Atlantic. Thirteen years later, journalist Donovan Hohn undertook a mission: He wanted to track the movements of the wayward ducks, from the comfort of his own living room. It didn't work out that way, as you can tell from the complete title: Moby-Duck: The True Story of 28,800 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachcombers, Oceanographers, Environmentalists and Fools, Including the Author, Who Went in Search of Them.

College Activists Strip Down to PACT’s “Beyond Coal” Eco-Undies, Kick Ash With the Sierra Club Time lapse images of mountaintop coal removal

Envaya aims not just to help connect the 2 billion-plus people worldwide who currently have no access to the internet, but to help these populations build the foundations of civil society. It could also help super-charge the global environmental movement More.

Time Magazine's Top 20 green ideas.

Educational Apps for bird-, tree- and star-spotting, also flash cards.

In Carbon Nation, "director Peter Byck covers an impressively wide range of ground within his film's compact running time as he introduces us to a stirring cross-section of pioneers, researchers and innovators committed to helping the world reduce its carbon footprint."

How bikes can save the economy (or at least yours).

Mark Hertsgaard, who has spoken at College 8 a number of times, has a new book on global warming, and how we can cope. Radio interview 3/11.

Aquaponics combines fish with organic gardening.

Dog poo powers streetlight, fighting crime and global warming in one swell poop.

How Much Oil Is Left? simulation

Human powered snowplows

Interactive map of marine dead zones

New solar cookers

Architect Kate Orff sees the oyster as an agent of change. She shares her vision for an urban landscape that links nature and humanity for mutual benefit. (Video TEDtalk)

The Story of Electronics, about e-waste, from the people who brought you The Story of Stuff.

Bjork's on a quest to see Iceland take back its geothermal resources.

How to Make a Toaster from scratch.

eBay is trying to help solve the e-waste problem with their Instant Sale program, a new way to sell electronics for cash or recycle them for free through their extensive network of electronics resellers...They’ll send a box for free shipping and deposit the money into your PayPal account. Even if the item has no value, you can still earn karma points by sending your gadget to them free of charge so it can be recycled.

The Tree Life Box contains a selection of tree seeds and their mycorrhizal fungal partners that have the potential to grow into a forest ecosystem. Designed by brilliant mushroom guy Paul Stamets (TEDtalk video).

How to get in on the clean tech revolution even if you don't have a technical background.

New wind turbines reduce bird fatalities.

Two UCB students give up finance and become social entrepreneurs, using coffee waste to grow organic mushrooms (video)

Smart Meters demythified

Green New Year's Resolutions (easy actions). See also Do the Green Thing

Free Online environmental courses from Einztein

Fooducate, an iPhone app that uses a built-in barcode scanner to help you make healthier eating choices (including avoiding toxins)

Give the gift of life for ten bucks this holiday season, a malaria net.

HighDro Power is a device that acts essentially like a miniature hydroelectric dam—it harnesses the energy from wastewater running down the pipes of high-rise buildings and converts it to electricity.

Google Earth Engine is an online environment monitoring platform that makes available to the entire world a dynamic digital model of our planet that is updated daily. It stores petabytes of satellite data and allows high-performance tools to analyze and interpret this information that can then be visualized on a map, ranging from rainforest changes in the Amazon to water resources in the Congo.

Bart Weet­jens is developing a new approach to the land ­mine detection problem: train­ing giant pouched rats to detect explosives in minute amounts TEDtalk video

Wake up to the news spoken to you via your cell phone.

Ghost Redwoods, long a secret of our mountains. Can you find them?

UCBerzerkeley is building an artificial leaf, a super-efficient solar power source. (Audio)

Why not eat insects? Marcel Dicke wants us to reconsider our relationship with insects, promoting bugs as a tasty -- and ecologically sound -- alternative to meat in an increasingly hungry world. TEDtalk video

Ecologist Eric Berlow doesn't feel overwhelmed when faced with complex systems. He knows that more information can lead to a better, simpler solution. Illustrating the tips and tricks for breaking down big issues, he distills an overwhelming infographic on U.S. strategy in Afghanistan to a few elementary points. TEDtalk

The Story of Cell Phones (video) and what to do about them. Link

Software developer Nigel Leck grew tired of arguing about global warming. According to Popular Science, he made a computer program do it for him. His program scans the Twitter social network for statements that seem to deny climate change. It generates a response with links to scientific research. Check it out

Community Studies graduate Jen Lopez ('07) talking about her career and working as a line producer with The Yes Men on their recent movie. video interview. You can participate too: currently there's a design competition to counter the Chevron greenwash We Agree ads]

Paper plane launched into space captures Earth images

See map of green jobs

1,000 pound design challenge

It's easy being green in your dorm room. It's a nice hike down to the Arboretum to get plants to clean the air, especially if you take the trail, not the road. DIY window farms

New tool maps and grades "food deserts" to lure supermarkets.

Bioneers is over, but a number of Slugs attended, including press. Past keynotes. Check online for highlights.

Are mushrooms the new plastic? (TEDtalk video)

Solar Ninjas and Guerrilla gardeners strike again! Can no one stop them?!

What's in your Water?

A Google-funded project has discovered a large geothermal resource under West Virginia that could more than double the electrical generation capacity of the high-profile coal state.

UCSC Engineering Building Attacked by Giant Gorilla

New book on cell phone health risks. Previously: Cell phones may be hazardous to your health. The science is inconclusive, but some states want to require warning labels on cell phones. Yet another good reason not to text from your lap during class. update 5/10

"Emily James, a talented documentary filmmaker, is working on a new movie called "Just Do It," about "environmental extremism" -- activists who are willing to risk beatings and arrest to stop environmentally catastrophic projects. She's raising money to fund the film though donations, and will make it a free download when the editing is finished. They're looking for volunteers to help with everything from graphic design to making tea for the editors."More 10/10

Map of four California futures

Stephen Colbert appeared with United Farm Workers (UFW) President Arturo S. Rodriguez today to testify before Congress about a day he spent working in the fields, having taken up the UFW on its dare to American citizens "take our jobs."

Sea snot indicates Gulf stressed by oil.

DIY urban renewal: Better Block project was a two-day experiment in guerrilla placemaking. With about $1,000 and a lot of elbow grease, they completely transformed a two-block stretch of the neighborhood. They created pop-up stores in the empty storefronts, sidewalk cafés on the cracked concrete, bike lanes in the car-clogged streets. More

Monster Waves: Susan Casey, whose book The Wave (trailer) tells the story of great waves and those who seek to solve and ride them, says people were skeptical of 100-foot waves because weather patterns don't seem to predict them; she first became interested in learning about monster waves after hearing a story about the British research vessel Discovery, a 230-meter-long ship that became trapped in a vortex of giant waves for several days. Interview with Laird Hamilton.

Depave Portland: Since 2007, this all-volunteer squad of pavement-bashers has ripped the asphalt and concrete from 14 sites in the Portland area, making way for community gardens, sustainable schoolyards, and green space. Link

Big Green Boxes is "a new business that will transform unused warehouse space into year-round indoor growing centers. We'll use hydroponics and aquaponics, along with advanced low-energy lighting techniques and vertical growing methods, to produce the very freshest leafy greens for local consumption regardless of climate..." More

Seafood Watch's new dirty dozen fish that are bad for you and the planet (and better alternatives and data)

Fun mockumentary on the plastic bag.

Dung Beetle (car runs on guess what) and 8 other eco-wonders

Carbon Free Race around the world

15 Biggest Oil spills of all time (map)

New ice island breaks off (audio) 8/10

Amphibian Specialist Group is doing a worldwide survey, hoping to find some species thought extinct. npr interview 8/10 Facebook

World's largest tidal turbine installed.

Carbon Warriors: climate expert David Kroodsma bicycled from California to the tip of South America. He then flew to the east coast of the United States, joined fellow climate activist Bill Bradlee, and the two biked back to California. Over the course of this journey, David gave 150 presentations about global warming, speaking in English and Spanish to audiences in 16 countriesFrom 2005 to 2007, climate expert David Kroodsma bicycled from California to the tip of South America. He then flew to the east coast of the United States, then biked back to California. Over the course of this journey, David gave 150 presentations about global warming, speaking in English and Spanish to audiences in 16 countries. David has authored a book, The Road to Tierra del Fuego. Similarly Link Marissa Muller, Solar-Powered Bicycle Pioneer During her 1,000-mile solo adventure on the roads of California, she visited 14 high schools, offering a seminar on solar and electric vehicles, and sparking a dialogue with the students to start brainstorming ways to combat our energy and environmental challenges. Though the ride is over, her goal of reaching 1,000 clean ideas is ongoing. Meet this amazing young woman and hear her message of clean power. Commonwealth Club talk 08/19/10 (possibly videocast). Roz Savage rowed a small boat 8,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean; will speak at Commonwealth Club 9.28.10.

Story of Cosmetics from Annie Leonard. (video interview of her) What those words on the label really mean.

The Plastiki has arrived in Oz! See below for Pacific Gyre links.

Interactive oil spill map

9 Green volunteer vacations

Sailing Aircraft

Adams, Douglas. Best known for the amazing Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, he also wrote Last Chance to See about endangered animals. Intro Ch. 1 password required. Warning, some animals were harmed in the production of this book ;) NEW! at UC talk based on Last Chance experiences.

iFixit, a free resource that provides comprehensive repair guides, troubleshooting tips and a community of technicians ready to help you fix your gadget, household appliance or vehicle.

Gulf Oil Spill Cam, live images. See what it would look like if it was in your hometown

WattzOn is a free online tool to quantify, track, compare and understand the total amount of energy needed to support all of the facets of your lifestyle, brought to you by Saul Griffith, who is doing really interesting work on high altitude wind electricity generation. Update video.

Craig Venter and team make a historic announcement: they've created the first fully functioning, reproducing cell controlled by synthetic DNA. He explains how they did it and why the achievement marks the beginning of a new era for science. TEDtalk video

Got stuff to get rid of? Need free stuff? Freecycle.org


Algae powered lamp, migrating floating islands are just a few new outthere ideas at Greenmuze

Infrastructure in the United States is under-funded and woefully outdated. NPR's Living on Earth’s Steve Curwood hears two different views on how to reform our ailing grid. Nick Rosen, author of “Off the Grid,” suggests decentralizing utilities, while Scott Huler, who wrote “On the Grid,” wants to stay plugged in and work to improve the system. audio and text

Top 10 New Species: Each year the IISE announces a list of the Top 10 New Species for the preceding calendar year. Ugly animals overlooked for conservation efforts.

Global Brigades wins Chancellor Award. They do medical, dental, economic and water development in Third World countries, often during summer.

Wolfram is a great source of statistical info. video by creator (TEDtalk)

New California page mostly on climate change and energy issues.

The Yes Men use satire to name and blame corporate evildoers; they have a new movie. Also new activist training, the Yes Lab.

GreenMuze has beautiful and cutting edge designs. For example, American designer Eric Stoddard’s solution to the problem of urban congestion is a sustainable three-wheeled, electric-assist HPV TrikE. Also algae-powered airships

Eco-disaster slideshow

Gulf Oil spill statsin realtime. SkyTruth uses remote sensing and digital mapping to educate the public and policymakers about the environmental consequences of human activities, and to hold corporations and governments to higher standards of accountability around the globe. This link is to Gulf Oil Spill. They also have an interactive tool, Spill Tracker. Another tool with video. See also fishing trawler sediment trails and oil sands.

This We Know is a quick way to get up to date statistics on US cities such as toxins, cancer, etc. See also Scorecard.org. Tons of other geographical info on Place Page.

New TEDtalk: how we ruined the oceans.

Peregrine Falcon cams have live feeds from San Jose and San Francisco. Soon the fledglings will fly, but for a few days they can go down but not up, which means volunteers are needed to make sure they don't get hurt. UCSC was instrumental in saving these birds, and by extension raptors in general. video on history of these efforts. Glenn Stewart teaches a class on falcons (see Cool Classes).

Update: David de Rothschild Sets Sail on Plastic Ship Plastiki PBS video interview to Pacific Gyre "Great Garbage Patch" Gyre slideshow. Track her progress. recent local audio interview and links. See also Solid Waste page. UCSC video of deep sea plastic. Capt. Moore video Sea Scavenger is a Bay Area group you can work with. 7/16 update audio.

urban tree map of San Francisco, is part of larger open data initiative that helps with mass transit and recycling by providing mobile apps.

Five Gyres project is sailing to all major subtropical oceanic gyres (North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, and Indian Ocean) in order to study the every growing problem of marine plastic pollution. See slideshow

Fun ThermoSTATS on global warming, epecially about CA

Geo-engineering is the idea that we can combat global warming by putting particles into the atmosphere. This idea has gone from wacko-fringe to more mainstream in the last few years. See for example Stewart Brand on the Eco-heroes page also audio discussion 4/15

is a critically acclaimed, multipart PBS series about the innovators and pioneers who envision a better quality of life on earth: socially, culturally, economically and ecologically. e2 design also available on snagfilms

Khanacademy.org Need help with chemistry, math and bio concepts?

UCSC marine mammal research video See also marine mammal page.

Treehugger.com's annual Best of Green everything

Kevin Bales is the co-founder of Free the Slaves, whose mission is to end all forms of human slavery within the next 25 years. He's the author of "Ending Slavery: How We Free Today's Slaves." Slavery (27 million today) is an important factor in eco-destruction. TEDtalk video.

Chef Dan Barber squares off with a dilemma facing many chefs today: how to keep fish on the menu. With impeccable research and deadpan humor, he chronicles his pursuit of a sustainable fish he could love, and the foodie's honeymoon he's enjoyed since discovering an outrageously delicious fish raised using a revolutionary farming method in Spain. TEDtalk.

The Short Attention Span Science Video on Ecological Sustainability. Example: resilience

PBS Global Focus special segment on Denmark, which bought wind energy industry the US abandoned and is now the world leader. Includes segment on Samso Island, which is now carbon neutral after ten year effort.

DIY window farms

Just for fun Orange powered iPhone

The Story of Bottled Water from the people who brought you The Story of Stuff.

How To Save The World With Your Old Cell Phone. Every day 450,000 cell phones are discarded in the United States. But there's a better way to get rid of them. With Hope Phones you can donate your old phone to help healthcare workers and medical clinics in developing countries. The not for profit service allows donors to print a free shipping label and send their old phones in for recycling. The phone’s value is then used to purchase usable, recycled cell phones for healthcare workers in various third world areas.

Raj Patel writer, activist, academic and author of Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System is a researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley. His more recent book on economics is The Value of Nothing first chapter and video here, also covered in videoCommonwealth Club talk audio 1/10, (Realplayer)

Bill McKibben of 350.org on Colbert Report

Solar furnace melts steel (and incinerates hot dogs) video

Chef Jamie Oliver wins TED prize/wish to feed kids better (video). More

Find good food by place via Eatwell Guide

Solar Incentive US map, Oregon's pilots of a solar highway (and other useful graphs and info)

Representing Earth is an NYU course that investigates the potential of recreating the earth in images, VR etc.

Blaise Agüera y Arcas is the architect of Bing Maps at Microsoft, building augmented reality into searchable maps. He's also the co-creator of Photosynth, software that assembles static photos into a synergy of zoomable, navigatable spaces.

Twenty-Five Stories from the Central Valley, an online exhibit, uses photos, theater, stories and sound to paint a vivid picture of the environmental toxins that “the other Cali­for­nia” lives with every day. Women leaders give us a window into the little-known lives of people who are making this region safer for everyone. Their stories are shocking, sad, and inspiring.

State of the Planet 2010 by the Worldwatch Institute

Bicycle Highways and other cool innovative ideas. People for Bikes and Google Maps give you bike directions.

Walkscore.com tells you how walkable a neighborhood is. Preservation Green Lab's Liz Dunn and Walkscore's Matt Lerner have recently been tossing around a cool idea: the JaneScore. It would be a metric that counts all the subtle features that make for a healthy urban neighborhood, as famously articulated by the late Jane Jacobs.

EPA P3: People, Prosperity and the Planet Student Design Competition for Sustainability. EPA head Lisa Jackson lays out the vision (video). More design challenges.

Goodguide to 70,000 products, including a way to to get info on how earth-friendly a product is by scanning barcode with your cell phone. Slideshow of best and worst companies. A similar UCSC project Social CostTracker.

Slideshows of 2009 Best and Worst in transportation, critters, Copenhagen etc

Avatar movie has a very strong environmental theme. 3D works really well.

Catalog Choice: The free service that lets you reduce unwanted mail. you can also opt out of having the Yellow Pages delivered, sometimes multiples by competing companies. You can do the same for junk snailmail.

Patchwork Nation divides the U.S. by county into 12 community types using demographic, political and socioeconomic data. Tracks 24 representative communities to see how economic trends play out at the local level. Analyzes national data by community type to give the big picture more context.

Here's an evolving argument map of the Copenhagen Climate talks (also video?).

"Without a doubt, with no hyperbole: Theo Jansen is an absolute genius. Listen to his talk about the new creatures he builds from 'plastic tubes and lemonade bottles'"...Link

Octopuses have been discovered tip-toeing with coconut-shell halves suctioned to their undersides, then reassembling the halves and disappearing inside for protection or deception, a new study says. Not only are they incredibly smart, the can control the color and even texture of their skins and "morph." Another example. This once can open a glass jar. How they do it.

Sourcemap is an open source project about where things come from. You can create your own maps, and add information. Other eco-maps.

Secret of Success TEDtalk.

Explore climate change in Google Earth tours and YouTube channel.

Rising Ocean Levels interactive maps

See Earth from space right now

Worldometers, the dashboard of Spaceship Earth. CO2 Now (realtime data)

Demo of Gapminder.org Newer talk on poverty

Mannahatta Project. Eric Sanderson pictures New York -- before the City. 400 years after Hudson found New York harbor, Sanderson shares how he made a 3D map of Mannahatta's fascinating pre-city ecology of hills, rivers, wildlife -- accurate down to the block -- when Times Square was a wetland and you couldn't get delivery. TEDtalk video. Slideshow and site

In this image-filled talk, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his three most recent projects on humanity and our habitat -- stunning aerial photographs in his series "The Earth From Above," TEDtalk video. Download his amazing new movie Home.

Stewart Brand is a systems thinker par excellence. Brand, the center hub of the human network, has a new book, Whole Earth Discipline. video overview. He's putting the whole book online for free, with annotations and a reading list link. He makes some stands that are heretical to mainstream greens (pro-nuke and GMO). Those who heard Fred Turner's plenary talk last year will have some sense of how important Brand has been and continues to be. He lobbied to get NASA to release the first picture of Earth from space, predicting its iconic power to unite and inspire. Because of his work with Gov Brown, CA uses half the energy per capita as the rest of US (comparable to EU), and he's working on a 10K year clock. about clock)

Sylvia Earle on Google Earth 5 mapping the oceans. Interview here's a sample

Gov. Schwarzenegger speaks on a panel about CA role in Copenhagen. A previous overview: 09.26.08 "Keeping California Cool" Commonwealth Club talk on CA taking the lead on global warming.video audio

Extensive coverage of the California drought and climate change including Where does my water come from?

"Empty Los Angeles" pictures remind me of best-selling book The World Without Us multimedia

Rob Hopkins reminds us that the oil our world depends on is steadily running out. He proposes a unique solution to this problem -- the Transition response, where we prepare ourselves for life without oil and sacrifice our luxuries to build systems and communities that are completely independent of fossil fuels. TEDtalk video.

"My company built an office building out of shipping containers in Providence, RI. It's called the Box Office, it's energy efficient, it upcycles 32 shipping containers, and will create incubator office/studio space in a neighborhood that needs it." time-lapse video

fellows talk links