See also Design Challenges and Competitions and Green Jobs and Internships. Note: many of these listing are for 2009-10 academic year, but many are on-going so check for current dates and guidelines.
Paul Niebanck Prize: the Founding Provost of College Eight (now Rachel Carson College) in 1972-73. In his honor, a group of friends and alumni have create an endowment to fund an annual $2,500 prize to a UCSC student whose work contributes original and innovative insight into the idea and practices environmental analysis and planning in the urban and built environment, broadly defined. June 1 2018 deadline.
The Biomimicry Global Design Challenge asks teams to design their best nature-inspired solution to address energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, food systems, transportation, water management, the impact of rising waters on coastal communities, fossil fuel usage, and more. Finalists will be invited to join the Biomimicry Launchpad and compete for the Ray C. Anderson Foundation’s $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize 1/18.
UCSC Community Service Project grants are designed for students with inspiration to make a change in the Santa Cruz community. 3/17. awarded every qtr.
New $1,500 Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarships! The scholarships are available to students in any major or discipline who propose an undergraduate research project. Up to an additional $500 is available for materials and expenses. link. The deadline to apply is November 30, 2016. Questions should be directed to
Gabriel Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship for social justice.12/15
Video overview of Santa Cruz entrepreneur and design support, including the Design and Innovation Center and the Pilot Project on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (contact student coordinator, Center phone 420.6414). It hosts a business plan competition. Top prize $4,000 2013 winners. (McKercher students won 2 of 4 years). John Skardon ( is mentor.
Friends Foundation International micro-grants are supplied by a group of UCSC alumni who were so inspired by a single class they shared in 1975 that they've spent the last 20-plus years funding environmental and social projects around the world. More.
Carbon Fundat UCSC supports a number of projects each year up to $12,000.
Senior Legacy Fund: returning students who exemplified the four S.L.U.G tenets—Spirit, Legacy, Unity, and Giving—have have the chance to receive this unique scholarship from the class before them.
Conservation Scholars Link Apply by January 31,2014. Join a diverse, committed, and exciting group of students from around the country on an 8-week journey from the urban jungle to the old growth forest and back. Paid internship.
Island Press and Society for Ecological Restoration's Student Video Contest with $500 Scholarship. 3/13 Deadline 9/1/13.
Sajin Sison-Mangus got a grant from the Dean's Fund for Undergraduate Research, to study to determine whether certain bacteria influence production of domoic acid during algal blooms, which affects sea otters. 6/16.
Green Funding
The role of the Campus Sustainability Council (CSC) is to provide funding to registered UCSC student organizations for programs and events that create, implement, and monitor environmentally sound practices on campus as established through the protocol outlined in the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus. These organizations additionally facilitate greater collaboration between students, the administration, staff, faculty, and the community Link New: Carbon Fund (video). Example: Greenwharf.
Santa Cruz Institute 5/19.
Provost's Sustainability Internship Program $1500 and units.
Inaugural Fred Keeley Coastal Scholars learn by doing: Linda Pineda (College Eight, ’16, Earth sciences) and Erica Ferrer are the inaugural recipients of the Fred Keeley Coastal Scholarship–a new program that supports hands-on summer research for UC Santa Cruz students interested in coastal sustainability. 1/16.
Global Food Initiative fellowships to advance sustainable food systems. 10/15.
The Human Face of SUSTAINABILITY Deadline: May 31, 2013 Creative Nonfiction and Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability are looking for remarkable true stories that illuminate and present the human side of environmental, economic, ethical, and/or social challenges related to the state of the planet and our future. $10,000 Walton Sustainability Solutions Best Creative Nonfiction Essay Award
We welcome personal essays or stories about extraordinary individuals or communities, and stories about innovative solutions to sustainability. We seek essays on topics that range from global to local, from “big” (e.g., Resilience after natural disasters; New technology solutions vs. common sense; Energy harvesting) to “small” (e.g., Personal decisions about consumption; Reuse, recycle, up-cycle, bicycle?; Green, clean—what does it mean?; What can we learn from past generations?). Whatever the subject, we want to hear about it in an essay that blends facts and research with narrative—employing scenes, descriptions, etc. More.
Fulbright scholarships Five UC Santa Cruz students in four disciplines are winners of Fulbright scholarships for a year of research and study abroad. Three of the Fulbright scholars are environmental studies students. Joanna Ory will travel to Italy to research the effects of policies that limit herbicide use and promote sustainable pest management on corn farms. Carolina Reyes will study the genes and microorganisms involved in iron reduction in natural sediments may lead to the discovery of novel organisms and gene products with potential applications in biotechnology. Devon Sampson has been working in Mexico since January, researching the agro-biodiversity methods of Mayan farmers. link 10/11
The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) at UC Santa Cruz is soliciting grant applications from UCSC undergraduate students for fiscal year 2010/2011 education and research projects. CASFS administers UCSC's Measure 43 funding to support a host of programs and opportunities for students at UCSC, including education and research grants. Measure 43 will ensure that all undergraduate students have access to education and programs that enhance their understanding of the food system and their food choices, and that increase opportunities for classes, workshops, “learning journeys,” hands-on gardening experiences, and other campus activities. For more information on on the scope of activities supported by Measure 43 funding, please click on the link below: link.
Udall Scholarships and internships To students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to the environment including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, economics, and other related fields; or to Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to tribal public policy, including fields related to tribal sovereignty, tribal governance, tribal law, Native American education, Native American justice, natural resource management, cultural preservation and revitalization, Native American economic development, and other areas affecting Native American communities; or who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to Native health care.
The Awesome Foundationis funding grant recipient Claire Schoen, who is creating a series of awesome audio tours about how climate change is affecting the San Francisco Bay. Basic concept is each month 10 people meet each month, put up $100, and vote on what project to fund.
Kickstarter is an excellent source of funding. You post your idea, tell people how much you need, and they pledge. Example, an urban art farm in the Bronx.
Simply Organic has announce the establishment of a scholarship award in perpetuity for the Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Simply Organic and Frontier Natural Products Co-op™ have made a combined contribution of $130,000 to the UCSC Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.
Strauss Foundation Award: The award provides a $10,000 scholarship to juniors who will pursue a self-initiated public service project during their senior year. February deadline The project may be a new undertaking or an extension of an existing project. UCSC is well-represented.
The Environmental Studies Department offers undergraduate and graduate student awards and scholarships, available to students majoring in Environmental Studies. The awards are available during the regular academic year, with different awards offered per quarter. Current deadline Mr 5
Campus Sustainability Council has funding for green projects and programs. Meeting Sunday 4/11 2 pm at the Cantú Cente located in a redwood buildingbehind Crown and Merrill Colleges near the radio station.
Outdoor Classroom Grant Program: Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation, International Paper and the International Paper Foundation, and National Geographic Explorer classroom magazine have announced an Outdoor Classroom Grant Program to fund outdoor learning environments for K-12 public schools around the United States.Link
CASFS call for proposals The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) at UC Santa Cruz, is seeking proposals for research and education projects that advance knowledge and understanding about sustainable food and agricultural systems. April 5, 2010 at 5pm
Research and education projects that span the range of disciplines are encouraged. Graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students (juniors and seniors) in all UC Santa Cruz departments are eligible to apply. Applicants must include a faculty supervisor as co-investigator.
Primary project activities may begin as early as May 1, 2010 and must be completed by May 2, 2011. The proposal template and guidelines can be downloaded from the CASFS website (see the Announcements section). The application deadline is Monday, April 5, 2010 by 5 pm.
Echoing Green supports social entrepreneurs.
Acumen Fund founded by Jacqueline Novogratz (four TEDtalks).
General Interest is central site for federal funding, including environment and energy, food etc.
Don Rothman Writing Award Purpose: To honor the achievements of one or more first-year students in the genre of nonfiction, academic, analytic writing, and to recognize excellence in writing pedagogy. Award: Up to five students will receive an acknowledgment and monetary award up to $300 during a Fall 2010 awards ceremony. Application: Essays should be submitted May 15–June 15, 2010 to the Cowell Academic Services mailbox of Writing Program Lecturer-SOE James Wilson. Submissions must include the official submission form and three printed copies of the essay. All pages of the essay should be numbered and without the applicant's name. Guidelines:
Essays must have originated in a C1 or C2 class during the 2009-10 academic year and should demonstrate serious engagement with issues raised in the class, including the importance and impact of other writers' ideas. Length should be commensurate with the essay's purpose, but no more than 2500 words. more info
UCSC Friends of the Library is sponsoring the 43rd annual Essay Contest for UCSC students. Details on the contest are online. This year’s topic is:
Imagine a collection of books and other written or recorded sources on a subject of global importance. Then write an essay of up to 1,500 words describing the collection and explaining why your topic is so important.
- Get your Registration Fees paid
- Take a class on Leadership and Institution Building led by Top Campus Leadership.
- Work with a Mentor on an important campus project.
The 2011 Newcombe Fellowship competition is now open. The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships support the final year of dissertation work for PhD candidates in the humanities and social sciences. Eligible proposals have religious or ethical values as a central concern, and are relevant to the solution of contemporary religious, cultural or human rights questions. Deadline: November 15, 2010 The stipend for the Newcombe Fellowship is $25,000 for a twelve-month period of dissertation writing.
BASE Program 2010
BASE is a six-week business boot camp that enables non-business majors to take business courses while earning nine units of academic credit. Some former BASE students have gone on to earn MBA degrees, while others have accepted jobs in marketing, product development, and consulting with Google, McKinsey & Co., IBM, and others.
BASE is the ONLY premier business summer program where students can earn units. The ideal participant of the BASE Program is an undergraduate student who has already gained a solid foundation in liberal arts, sciences or engineering. For 2010, BASE will run from July 6 until August 13, 2010*. Applications for BASE are now being accepted. The application deadline is March 31, 2010. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible given the popularity of the Program in the past twelve years. >ink There is no application fee. To download the application or for more information please visit: Link
Women in Technology Scholarship (WITS) Program
Visionary Integration Professionals (VIP) is excited to announce the 2010 Women in Technology Scholarship (WITS) Program. This will be the third year for the program which has already benefited many promising young women across the nation.
The 2010 WITS Program will award multiple scholarship awards that value up to $2,500 per recipient, nine total awards were granted in 2009 for college or university study. The program supports women who are enrolled at, or accepted into, either a two or four year college or university within the United States for the 2010 school year. These individuals must be planning a career in information technology or a related field. Additional evaluation criteria include: GPA requirements, response to an essay question and involvement in community service and/or extra curricular activities.
For more information on the 2010 WITS Program, or to apply for a scholarship, please contact or download the application. The deadline for submissions is March 15th, 2010. Awards will be announced on April 5th, 2010.
The Division of Physical and Biological Sciences and the Jack Baskin School of Engineering are pleased to announce the Twelfth Annual Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium. The symposium will be held on June 3, 2010 in the courtyard of Jack Baskin Engineering from 2:00-4:00 PM. It will be held in conjunction with the events celebrating Student Achievement Week 2010. This event will recognize and promote the outstanding undergraduate research that is being carried out at UCSC while providing students with the experience of presenting their research results in a professional setting. The deadline for submitting abstracts is Monday, May 10th 2010. For your convenience electronic versions of the abstract application are attached along with a promotional flyer. Additional forms will be available to download on the PB Sci Undergraduate Affairs Office Website at: Link. Feel free to share this link with any interested students. Students may also contact Paula Schneider by e-mail (, if they want the materials e-mailed to them. UCSC undergraduate students from all disciplines in the Physical and Biological Sciences and Engineering are invited to participate in this event. Undergraduate students who are currently engaged in research under the direction of a faculty advisor are eligible. Examples of such research at the undergraduate level would be: research projects for Independent Study, Senior Thesis, or classroom research projects done on an individual basis. The research does not have to be completed. All students must register to participate by May 10th, 2010.
Poster format should include the following: * Abstract * Introduction (hypothesis, reasoning, etc...) * Objectives (significance of research to the field) * Method * Results (if research has been completed) * Conclusion
If you have any questions please contact Symposium Coordinators: Physical and Biological Sciences - Paula Schneider - 459-3493 or J. Baskin School of Engineering - Virginia Carrillo - 459-2868 or
In late Spring 2010, fifty undergraduates, 10 from each of the five academic divisions will receive the Dean's Award of $100 for outstanding achievement in their division.
CHANCELLOR'S UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS In late Spring 2010, the Chancellor will recognize the top three students, from the Dean's Award list, from each division with an additional $100.
The Steck Award will recognize the most outstanding research project chosen from the fifteen Chancellor's Awardees. This student will receive an additional $1,000. In addition, his or her research project will be bound and copies given to the student, the research supervisor, the UC Santa Cruz Library, and the Steck Family whose generous contributions have made this award possible.
Through these awards, the Deans and Chancellor wish to encourage and stimulate outstanding scholarship and creativity among undergraduate students, based on work developed in courses or programs in the normal pattern of academic activity at UCSC. A thesis or project completed in spring 2009 may be submitted for consideration unless it was submitted and won an award in a previous year's competition. Winners will be honored at an awards ceremony on June 4, which will culminate our twelfth annual Undergraduate Student Achievement Week. The names of the winners will also be announced at graduation.
Submit completed projects and application forms no later than Friday, April 9, 2010, to the Department or Program office in which the project was done. Engineering students submit their applications to Virginia Carrillo,, JBE 221. Application forms are available on line, Address any questions you may have regarding these guidelines to Undergraduate Honors and Awards Coordinator, Marlene Robinson,
Student Regent Feb 18th