Where are we NOW?
Second Integrative Essay
Note: your instructor will provide a specific prompt for this assignment.
Questions to consider:
We discover in a number of readings in the course reader (as well as contrasting our material goods with those in Grapes of Wrath) that we use a great deal of resources, and much of it comes from far away. This is not new—and it’s only getting more critical as more people have the option to get more material goods. Where do you see this going in the future? What are the consequences of our choices (for example, exposing ourselves to dangerous chemicals and running out of places to put our garbage) for ourselves and the environment? Armed with this knowledge, we'll be able to write the final paper on where could we influence or change the system. To get some ideas on solutions, see Sustainability page. See also Consumption page on manufactured goods and effects. You might also want to check out Chemicals , Food and Solid Waste pages.
Harden (updated info on Congo Gorillas here),background on current civil war in DR Congo. 60 MINUTES segment on gold, war and rape in DR of Congo. 11/09
McDonough video of TEDtalk (here is another video of a presentation in 2008 ) His article in the course reader is relevant to this assignment, as well as
Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber (see also "War" in course reader) explores the role of chemicals in cancer Time Pt 1 Time Pt 2 WWII origins of petrochemical industry. See Chemicals page.
For the social/environmental justice aspects of chemicals, see Bullard in course reader.
Mark Hertsgaard, "The Green Dream" gives an overview of Earth Odyssey by Mark Hertsgaard, and gives idea on how market forces could help the environment. Chapter 6 on population. The reader has his chapter on cars, which gives some sense of what will happen when the rest of the world copies American consumption.
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser (see also reader) provides information on the meat industry and chemicals in the food.
Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash by Elizabeth Royte Introduction "Amphibious Assault" "Satan's Resin" on plastics and e-waste
Additional Resources
Excellent maps of resource extraction and use at Worldmapper.org
Stunning images of environmental/economic activity. The images of China may be especially relevant.
More images about accumulation of stuff
Excellent animated video overview of consumption
Food See also Food page
Wired Magazine's excellent look at current status and future of food
Alice Waters and Friends, "Slow Food Nation" in The Nation magazine 2006.
Marion Nestle on sugar from What to Eat 2006
"The Hidden Cost of Cheap Chicken" from The Way We Eat by Peter Singer and Jim Mason 2006. Interview with Singer.
On meat and milk from The Way We Eat by Peter Singer and Jim Mason 2006
Michael Pollan's excellent NYT Letter to the next president.
Chemicals (in food and elsewhere) see also Chemicals page
Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber explores the role of chemicals in cancer Time Pt 1 Time Pt 2
WWII origins of petrochemical industry. See Chemicals page. A film is being made based on the book. Here's an interview with her about that (audio 5/10).
Black Gold Video on Coffee Excerpt
Nell Newman, Founder of Newman's Own Organics and Santa Cruz local interviewed by Josh Kornbluth (iTunes podcast video)
Uncommon Grounds: the History of Coffee and How it Transformed our World by Mark Pendergrast [(excerpts). UCSC S&E Stacks TX415 .P46 1999
City on a Hill (ucsc student newspaper) article on Steve Gliessman and CAN
The Story of Stuff an excellent look at consumption ***
video Advertising and the End of the World. Downstairs in McHenry Library. Ask for DVD5289. Highly recommended.
Do you know where your blue jeans have been? We follow the path of a pair of jeans, from the cotton fields to the seamstresses to the retail store. Rachel Louise Snyder's new book is Fugitive Denim: A Moving Story of People and Pants in the Borderless World of Global Trade. audio interview
Story of someone trying to kick the habit
Forests See also Forest page
Breakfast of Biodiversity : The Truth about Rain Forest Destruction / by John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto ; foreword by Vandana Shiva Oakland, Calif. : Institute for Food and Development Policy, c1995. A selection is in the course reader. S&E Stacks SD414.T76 V36 1995 c.3 Online Includes bananas.
Strangely Like War by Derrick Jensen
California Redwoods activist website
Garbage See also Solid Waste page
Pacific Gyre filled with plastic. PBS news segment featuring UCSC folk.
E-Waste segment on 60 Minutes 11/08 (includes video).
E-waste video Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Talk by Ted Smith
Garbage in the Cities: Refuse, Reform, and the Environment, 1880-1980 by Martin V. Melosi S&E Stacks TD893.M44 review
Paper or Plastic: Searching for Solutions to an Overpackaged World by Daniel Imhoff
Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash by Susan Strasser
Article on plastic bags at Salon.com
Article "The truth about recycling" in The Economist (Jun 7th 2007) has good history
An excellent article on bottled water
The Story of Bottled Water from the people who brought you The Story of Stuff.
Overview of Plastic's effect, especially on Marine ecosystems. Includes videos and legislation you can take action on.
Info on recycling cans and bottles
The Meatrix, clever animated video
Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture J Rifkin 1993
PETA is offering an XPrize for test tube meat. See pro's and cons.
Meat Market by Erik Marcus "... presents a thorough examination of animal agriculture's cruelties and its far-reaching social costs. Marcus then considers the discouraging progress made by the animal protection movement. He evaluates where the movement has gone wrong, and how its shortcomings could best be remedied." 2005 288 pp McH Stacks HV4764 .M22 2005
Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, And Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry 2006 new ed. S&E Stacks TS1963 .E37 1997 by Gail A. Eisnitz (San Rafael, CA), "winner of the Albert Schweitzer Medal for outstanding achievement in animal welfare, is the chief investigator for the Humane Farming Association."
Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry by Karen Davis.
Extensive report on agriculture's effect on environment, including livestock.