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FWS Drops Plans to Cut Critical Habitat for Marbled Murrelet
3/6 In a significant and unexpected victory for environmentalists, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has reversed its plans to significantly cut critical habitat for the marbled murrelet. The tiny seabird is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and the FWS had threatened to cut over 90 percent of its critical habitat as part of the Bush administration's plans to increase logging of old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest. But with the reversal, 3.9 million acres of federal old-growth forests will remain protected. Along with the spotted owl, the fight over murrelet habitat has pitted forest and species advocates against timber interests eager to log federal forests. "This reversal, coupled with a recent court decision throwing out a timber industry attempt to delist the murrelet, should end the timber industry's profit-driven and illegal attack on the coastal forests that murrelets need to survive," said Earthjustice attorney Kristen Boyles.

Grist link

New company wants to seed ocean with iron to sequester carbon
3/5 Weeks after ocean-seeding company Planktos bit the iron dust, a startup called Climos is plowing ahead with a similar business plan: seed the ocean with iron dust to stimulate the growth of CO2-gobbling plankton, then sell offsets for the sequestered carbon. Climos has announced $3.5 million in venture capital and is backed by reputable investors: Tesla Chair (née Pay-Pal cofounder) Elon Musk and venture-capital firm Braemar Energy Ventures. Climos CEO Dan Whaley says his company differs from Planktos in that it will have a science-oriented approach, expert managerial team, and "all-star cast" of experienced scientists. Whether it can avoid the wrath of Planktos' dreaded "anti-offset crusaders" remains to be seen.

Grist link

Norway says whale consumption is good for the planet
3/4 Eating whale meat is better for the planet than eating beef, pork, or chicken, according to a comparative carbon-emissions calculation by Norwegian lobbying group the High North Alliance. Says the alliance's Rune Froevik, in what may be a bit of an exaggeration, "Basically it turns out that the best thing you can do for the planet is to eat whale meat compared to other types of meat." Points out Greepeace's Truls Gulowsen, "The survival of a species is more important than lower greenhouse-gas emissions from eating it." Meanwhile, Australian activists clashed yet again with Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean.

Grist link

Climate skeptics hold conference in New York City
3/4 A conference of climate-change skeptics gathered in New York City this week to congratulate each other for daring to challenge the accepted science of global warming. A range of high-profile deniers painted themselves as put-upon independent thinkers branded as heretics by the church of climate-change dogma. Films were shown. Speeches were made. Al Gore jokes abounded. But actual climate science was largely avoided. Michael Oppenheimer, a Princeton University geosciences professor, said that with the media and most policymakers now largely ignoring the climate skeptics, "they have to get together to talk to each other, because nobody else is talking to them."

Grist link

California Sewage Makes for Femme Fish
2/22 Chemicals in southern California wastewater are sneaking past sewage-treatment plants and into the ocean, where they can seriously wack out fishy hormone levels, according to preliminary research. Flame retardants, PCBs, residue from long-banned pesticide DDT, and other chemicals from pills and beauty products have all showed up in the water, via human waste.

Grist link

Toxics report shows slight dip in U.S. releases overall, mercury releases up
2/22 The U.S. EPA's 2006 Toxics Release Inventory just came out, showing a slight decline in total toxic chemicals released in the country, as well as a 17 percent increase in releases of mercury. Individual states showed mixed results, with Arizona's total toxic releases shooting up by 52 percent from 2005 to 2006 due almost entirely to pollution from one mine that released 59 million pounds of waste -- over half the state's total in 2006. Nine of the top 10 states in overall toxic emissions in 2006 were also in the top 10 in 2005, with Alaska remaining No. 1 in total toxic releases; the state released over 100 million pounds more than last year. Rounding out the rest of 2006's top 10 are Ohio, Texas, Indiana, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Utah, North Carolina, Louisiana, and Tennessee. The 2006 figures reflected the EPA's change to reporting requirements that let companies releasing less than 2,000 pounds of toxics use less detailed reporting.


State Plans Bay Area Pesticide Spraying
2/15 The state agriculture department plans to use airplanes at night this summer to spray a farm pesticide over urban San Francisco, Marin County and the East Bay, intending to eradicate a potentially destructive moth.

The little-known proposal to wipe out the light brown apple moth, which if it became established could destroy the region's agricultural industry, has developed increasing opposition among some residents who fear for their health.

Hundreds of people whose homes and yards were sprayed in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties from September to December have filed reports that said the pesticide seems to have caused coughing, wheezing, muscle aches and headaches, among other symptoms. One Monterey family reported that a child had a first-time asthma attack.

State officials say the amount of pesticide applied shouldn't pose severe health risks, but they've also refused to rule out that the spray can affect humans, particularly sensitive people such as children and the elderly.

Spraying of the pesticide, called Checkmate, is expected to begin in the Bay Area in August and could continue for five years over San Francisco, Daly City, Colma, Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Tiburon and Belvedere. Other chemicals could also be used.


Assail the Seven Seas

Nearly all of world's oceans tainted by human activity, says study

Human activity has tainted all but 3.7 percent of the world's oceans, and 41 percent of the world's waters have been heavily impacted, says a new study in Science. A graphic map illustrates in all-too-clear terms that the briny deep has taken a terrible toll from 17 human threats, including climate change, overfishing, fertilizer runoff, coastal development, and shipping pollution. Only a few small areas near both poles remain relatively pristine -- though, according to one coauthor, "they are not untouched." In addition, a separate study in Science found that low-oxygen dead zones off the U.S. West Coast were unprecedented before they began showing up regularly in 2002, that in 2006 some areas lacked oxygen altogether, that dead zones will likely persist and possibly get worse, and that climate change is likely to blame. link

Researchers Develop Energy-Generating Clothing
2/15 We like the idea of harvesting energy from our own movement, but wearing a knee brace just sounds too clunky. But now U.S. researchers publishing in Nature have developed a way to generate electricity from nanofibers woven into fabric. If the technology goes mainstream, we'll be able to generate energy just by getting dressed -- which, of course, we do every day. Except after the first rain of the year at UCSC.


Panel rejects toll road through San Onofre State Beach
2/7 The California Coastal Commission handed environmentalists a major victory and rejected the pleas of motorists Wednesday, voting down plans to build a six-lane toll road through San Onofre State Beach, a popular preserve in north San Diego County known for its scenery and famous surf spots.

Before a boisterous crowd of more than 3,500 people, commissioners decided 8 to 2 that the proposed Foothill South project violates the California Coastal Act, which is designed to regulate development along the state's 1,100-mile shoreline. They reached the conclusion following hours of sometimes heated public testimony that pitted protecting the environment against the need to relieve traffic congestion in south Orange County. link

Staples cuts off contracts with paper supplier over eco-concerns

This is spiffy, so allow us to Post-it: Office supply giant Staples has cut off all contracts with gigantic Asia Pulp & Paper, citing concern that APP feeds Indonesian and Chinese rainforest into its pulp mills. In recent years, other businesses including Office Depot have quit dealings with APP over environmental concerns, but Staples had stuck with 'em. Now, though, Staples' Vice President for Environmental Issues Mark Buckley says that staying with APP would be "at great peril to our brand." Kudos to all you office suppliers who talked up rainforest destruction while purchasing your label makers. Grist link

Sell-off of oil leases in polar-bear habitat brings record bidding
2/7 The Bush administration's sell-off of leases for oil and gas drilling in Alaska's polar-bear-harboring Chukchi Sea raised a lot of controversy -- and a lot of moola. The sale brought in a record $2.66 billion in bidding, well beyond the $67 million the feds had expected and budgeted for. Royal Dutch Shell was the big winner, with the highest bid for a single tract; the polar bear, which is awaiting a decision on its endangered status, is likely the big loser. However, drilling won't commence in the area for at least a decade, so maybe there won't be any polar bears left anyway. Protesters gathered outside the Anchorage library where the sale was being conducted; said Inupiat subsistence hunter Earl Kingik, "I wish I could have money so I could bid myself to save my ocean."

Grist link

Wind-power technicians are in high demand
2/2 As the wind industry experiences a huge boom, trained technicians are in high demand. Wind techs must have smarts in mechanics, hydraulics, computers, and meteorology -- and, of course, not be afraid of heights. The relatively new industry's oldest independent training programs aren't even five years old, and the industry is hustling to support training programs at community and technical colleges. "It's a career that has a good future in it and it'll help the environment because it doesn't pollute," says one Kansas wind-energy student. "I figured there'd be a lot of job opportunities when I graduated." That seems highly likely: some 800 techs are needed to serve the turbines expected to be erected in 2008 alone. The industry offers entry-level wages of up to $25 an hour. What are you waiting for, green-job seekers?


New Method to Show Food is Organic
2/2 As organic farming becomes more common, methods to identify fraud in the industry are increasingly important. In a recent study in Journal of Environmental Quality, scientists successfully use nitrogen isotopic discrimination to determine if non-organic, synthetic fertilizers were used on sweet pepper plants.


Energy Secretary Scraps FutureGen Clean Coal Project
1/31 Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman sent America's clean coal program back to square one Wednesday when he tossed out the FutureGen low emissions coal gasification plant that the Bush administration has supported for the past five years.

FutureGen is a public-private partnership between the U.S. Energy Department and the FutureGen Industrial Alliance, Inc, a non-profit consortium of 12 American and international energy companies.

The site at Mattoon, Illinois, selected after a hard-fought battle with two sites in Texas and another in Illinois, was scrapped, and Bodman said the FutureGen Alliance will have to compete all over again with other commercial power companies and consortia.

The announcement raised howls of protest from the Illinois congressional delegation. Half the delegation declared in a letter to President George W. Bush Wednesday that they "have lost confidence in Secretary Bodman." link

Bad Week for Fish?
2/2 Last week brought a perfect storm of bad PR for the world’s seafood. Or, it might have actually been good PR from the beleaguered fish’s perspective. Interestingly, the three stories of depletion fish stocks, illegal fishing, and seafood contamination are closely related.


Bush Threatens Farm Bill Veto: Opposes Public Nutrition, Biofuel and Land Stewardship Programs
1/30 President George W. Bush opposes raising taxes to pay for increases in several programs in the new U.S. farm law, the top U.S. agriculture official said on Wednesday, as he underscored crafting a new farm bill as his top priority while in office.


Congo Wetlands Reserve to be World's Second Largest
2/2 World Wildlife Federation has welcomed the World Wetlands Day declaration of the world’s second largest internationally recognized and protected significant wetlands reserve in the Congo as a clear sign of the world’s increasing interest in the green heart of Africa.


NYC to Police Ownership of Air-quality Detectors
1/25 "The Village Voice has a great overview of a uber-nanny NYPD's deputy commissioner (of counterterrorism, natch) attempt to fast-track a piece of legislation that would make mere possession of many sensors, from Geiger counters to asbestos detectors, illegal without a police permit. Send you to jail, illegal, too. Luckily, dozens of university researchers, public-health professionals, and environmental lawyers were somehow alerted and showed up at the city council session, blocking the quick enactment with old-fashioned argument and analysis. The commissioner is still dead set on taking away your ability to test for pollutants without a license (it's For the Children?!), but they pledge to 'accommodate all the concerns' as they draw up the new bill."...


Wal-Mart CEO Outlines Lofty Green Goals
1/24 Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott made a big ol' speech yesterday spelling out ambitious social, health, and environmental goals for the retail behemoth. Wal-Mart will work with other retailers to boost industry-wide green standards, said Scott, and, within five years, Wal-Mart suppliers will be required to meet stringent environmental standards -- and may even be paid more to do so. The company wants to double its sales of merchandise that help consumers improve home energy efficiency, is in talks with automakers about selling electric or hybrid cars, and could even set up windmills or solar panels in its parking lots to allow customers to recharge with renewable energy. "It's a good vision," says Gwen Ruta of green group Environmental Defense. "Now we need to make it a reality." To an extent, Wal-Mart already has: It's been aggressively pushing green goals since 2005, has strived to open energy-efficient stores, and has to date sold 145 million compact fluorescent light bulbs.


Navy Sonar Threatens Marine Mammals
1/10 Earlier this week, President Bush exempted the U.S. Navy from parts of an environmental law so it could continue to use mid-frequency sonar off the California coast. Mid-frequency sonar has been linked to deafness, beachings, and other injuries of marine mammals. Responding to Bush's move, the federal judge who earlier this month ordered the Navy to adopt restrictions on its use of the powerful sonar has temporarily suspended two of the precautions the Navy most despises.


Norway to be Carbon Neutral by 2030
1/17 Norway has announced it aims to be carbon neutral by 2030, 20 years earlier than its previous goal set last spring. Up to two-thirds of the emissions cuts will be made in Norway itself (though officials aren't sure precisely how yet). The other third will be offset by about $550 million a year in carbon credits, earned through combating deforestation in developing countries.


Removing Klamath River Dams for Salmon
1/16 The Klamath River near the California-Oregon border has been a hotspot in the clash over endangered salmon runs and the irrigation needs of area farmers, but a formal deal reached yesterday suggests a way out of the long-standing disagreements. The plan -- agreed to by a diverse group of stakeholders in the region including Indian tribes, government agencies, farmers, fishers, and a number of conservation groups -- advocates for removal of four dams on the Klamath and outlines clear water-sharing guidelines. It would open up some 300 miles of river that's been inaccessible to imperiled salmon, and restore 60 miles of current reservoir to unblocked river.


Send in the Clones
1/15 In a nearly 1000-page report, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has concluded that food from cloned animals and their offspring "is as safe to eat as that from their more conventionally bred counterparts." The report effectively removes regulatory barriers to cloned food being offered to U.S. consumers, but practical barriers still remain, and it will be at least three years until the average shopper encounters a cloned product in the supermarket.


World's cheapest car in India
1/11 The world's cheapest car was unveiled in India today by Tata Motors, which hopes that its new $2,500 subcompact will help make car ownership a reality for tens of millions of people. The Tata Nano gets respectable gas mileage, up to 58.8 miles per gallon, and meets India's emissions standards, but its introduction was met by protests from greens fearful that more-accessible autos will have a negative effect on the country's pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.


Newest Air Jordan shoe will be made to sustainable standards, says Nike
1/9 The 23rd version of Nike's iconic Air Jordan basketball shoe was designed with sustainability in mind, says the company. The Air Jordan XX3 will be manufactured with some recyclable materials and without solvent-based glues, while still meeting the performance standards demanded by pro-ball endorsers


Uranium Cuts a Tragic Path Through the Navajo Nation
12/24 Uranium has been a dual presence in Navajo life, as well, first providing jobs in the late 1930s and early 40s, when the people were starving and the economic outlook bleak – and now today, having left in its wake a trail of death, disease and heartbreaking loss, as the Navajo Nation copes with the ravages of uranium mining.


Solar Up 50%
12/31 "Production of photovoltaics (PV) jumped to 3,800 megawatts worldwide in 2007, up an estimated 50 percent over 2006," says Jonathan G. Dorn... "Growing by an impressive average of 48 percent each year since 2002, PV production has been doubling every two years, making it the world's fastest-growing energy source."


China Cleans up Air for Olympics
1/1 The good news: Beijing narrowly achieved its air-pollution goal of 245 "blue sky days" in 2007. The bad news: Skepticism abounds that the city will offer wholly breathable air when it hosts the upcoming Summer Olympics. "We're definitely hoping for the best," says Jon Kolb, a member of the Canadian Olympic Committee, "but preparing for the worst." While Beijing has undertaken significant environmental initiatives in the lead-up to hosting the Games, it has also emphasized rapid urbanization.


Multiple states will sue over EPA decision to not let California regulate vehicle emissions
12/26 Riled up about the U.S. EPA's decision not to allow California to regulate vehicle greenhouse-gas emissions, Golden State Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared he will sue the agency "within the next three weeks." At least eight other states that would have adopted the stricter emissions standards had the EPA allowed it have said they've got California's back and will co-sue. Congressional Democrats, led by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), plan to launch an investigation into the EPA's decision. There's gonna be a rumble! From Grist.

UPDATE, 1/20/08 the EPA refuses to release the documents behind their decision

link update [ UPDATE 3/7

PG&E to Buy Wave Power

The utility Pacific Gas & Electric this week became the first power company in the United States to sign a deal agreeing to purchase electricity generated by wave power. The wave-power farm that would generate said electricity is still years from completion -- not to mention government approval -- but securing a power buyer is seen as an important step. In the first phase of the project, slated for completion by 2012, eight specially equipped buoys located two and a half miles off the coast of Northern California will together generate up to two megawatts of power. If all goes as planned and the project is granted the necessary approvals, it could be expanded to produce up to 100 megawatts. In other renewables news, the largest photovoltaic solar array in the U.S. opened this week at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, Nev. The 140-acre farm is expected to generate up to 30,000 megawatt-hours of electricity a year, or about 25 percent of the base's power use. link

Japan Limits Whale Hunt
12/26 Under pressure from, well, most of the world to stop targeting humpback whales, Japan has announced it will hold off on its hunt for the imperiled humpback -- at least for now. "Japan has decided not to catch humpback whales for one year or two, but there will be no change in our stance on research whaling," said spokesguy Nobutaka Machimura. The decision was in large part a compromise with the head of the International Whaling Commission who is attempting to calm debate at the IWC and focus on managing whaling instead of acting to largely discourage or ban it. Japan was also under heavy pressure from European countries, the United States, and Australia, among others, to curtail the planned humpback hunt. Australia had recently dispatched a ship to tail the whalers and has been conducting flyovers of the whaling fleet to collect evidence of wrongdoing to present to an international court. Japan still intends to hunt two other whale species this season, aiming to land over 900 of them in what could be the country's largest hunt.


The New Kyoto Protocol Meeting in Bali
12/4 Plenty is going on at the United Nations climate conference in Bali, Indonesia, where delegates from nearly 190 nations are gathered to lay the groundwork for a post-Kyoto climate treaty. Conference leaders have said they aim to have a new treaty ready to go by 2009.


US Senator Markey was negotiating energy bill here, so attended virtually via Second Life
update; dramatic overtime events.

NPR coverage in audio and text, including talk by Gore.

Australia Ratifies the Kyoto Protocol
12/3 On his very first official day in office today, new Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ratified the Kyoto Protocol, committing his country to deep emissions cuts and putting ever more peer pressure on the United States -- the only industrialized nation still holding out on Kyoto ratification.


New 35 MPG Standards for Cars
12/4 Democratic leaders in the U.S. House reached a deal late Friday night to raise fuel-economy standards for cars and light trucks to an average of 35 miles per gallon by 2020 -- a 40 percent increase from today's standard of 27.5 mpg for cars and 22.2 mpg for SUVs and pickups. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who's been pushing for an increase, came to agreement with House Commerce Committee Chair John Dingell (D-Mich.), a longtime defender of automakers in his state. Dingell called the new standards "both aggressive and attainable." link

12/15 update

11/9 A Cosco freighter collided with a bridge, spilling 58, 000 gallons of crude oil; 8,000 have been cleaned up Volunteer to help birds here newspaper account

Info on latest count of birds affected

Channel 4 has good coverageincludes video

NPR radio show Forum (audio)

audio and images

A much larger spill threatens dolphins

Russian spill

UCSC Treesit Protest
11/8- Students protesting the Long Range Development Plan have established a presence on Science Hill as well as a website with activities.

Newspaper account written in part by Paul Rogers, who will speak at the Plenary in a few weeks. Here is the City on a Hill article on event and one on Chancellor's response

Congress Passes Water Bill over Presidential Veto
11-12/16/ 34 Republicans (led by Inhofe, who was instrumental in delaying awareness and action of Global Warming) passes a bill which would include coastal wetlands restoration ENN

California Sues Feds to Allow Cleaner Air
11/8 ENN

Update: CA beats Bush Administration on gas mileage standards, which means a dozen or so states will adopt our stricter standard, and it sets a precedent that we have the right to protect ourselves.

Update: Washington Post story on how the Bush Administration is trying to quash CA efforts. Sept. 25, 2007 see Website

Progress on Fuel Cells for Cars
11/8 "The average price for all types of gasoline is holding steady around $2_95 per gallon nationwide, but the pain at the pump might be short-lived as research from the University of Houston may eliminate one of the biggest hurdles to the wide-scale production of fuel cell-powered vehicles."ENN

Australian Scientists Decode Whale Sounds
11/8 "Australian scientists studying humpback whales sounds say they have begun to decode the whale's mysterious communication system, identifying male pick-up lines and motherly warnings."ENN

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