On-going Events

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Note: many of these listing are from earlier in the year, so trust but verify. Please send suggestions and update to pmmckerc (at) ucsc.edu.

Organic Produce and Flowers for Sale
Tues and Fri Campus produce noon to six p.m. corner of Bay and High Street. June 8 to Oct. 29th. Proceeds support apprenticeships at The Farm

Innovate Santa Cruz weekly speaker series

The PIE Speaker series brings in local companies, executives, non-profits and entreprenuers to talk about their experience in starting and scaling a business or about their particular area of expertise. Each week has a different topic that benefit students from a wide range of interests. Past topics have included IP law and Tech Transfer, raising money for nonprofits and running a retail business.

The speaker series occurs every Friday at 9:30 am during the school term at the PIE at 605 Front Street. Link

What’s Next Lecture Series
Thurs 2/18

The kicks off its five-part innovation program with a look at “Sustainability and Social Innovation: Doing Well by Doing Good,” on February 18. Presented by NextSpace Coworking + Innovation, the City of Santa Cruz Redevelopment Agency, and UC Santa Cruz, the year-long series will explore current thinking, best practices, and trends in sustainability; discuss social innovation; and examine how brands and the media are framing this business shift.

The What’s Next Lecture Series continues its five part Innovation program with a fireside chat between Reed Hastings and Sarah Lacy on October 5, 2010 at the Del Mar Theater. Sarah Lacy, technology reporter for TechCrunch, will interview Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix about his company’s successful use of crowd sourcing for innovation. The lively conversation between Lacy and Hastings promises to cover a wide range of topics including the company’s recent $1 billion streaming deal, its TV content approach and the unique Netflix corporate culture. Hastings will provide background and an update on the $1 Million Prize awarded to “BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos” for improving the movie rental company’s recommendation software. The final program will be on gaming. Previous events can be heard

Environmental Studies Seminar Series
Mondays Winter/Spring 2010 Mondays 12:30-1:40 followed by an informal discussion 1:40-2pm.

221 Interdisciplinary Sciences Building. Snacks and coffee provided at 12:15! Schedule

Sustainable Food Systems Lecture Series
Tues On-going

Feb 4 Fixing School Food in America 6-7:30 pm Oakes 105.

Race , Class, Gender and Food Inequality, 4-5:30 Namaste Lounge Coll 9/10

Sponsored by Kresge College/CASFS

Elephant Seal Guided Hikes
On-going Signups begin Oct. 20. Año Nuevo State Reserve is fascinating in every season. Elephant seal pups are born between December and February during the “Breeding Season.” During the spring and summer months, elephant seals come ashore to shed their fur during the “Molting Season.” Each fall, yearling seals “hang out” on the beaches during the “Fall Haul Out Season.”


The National Parks
On-going Ken Burns' excellent PBS series that contains much info on pioneering environmentalists such as Muir.

All online for free link

Commonwealth Club
On-going Various Bay Area Locations

The Commonwealth Club routinely brings some of the smartest people anywhere to speak, often on green topics. Many of these talks are broadcast on NPR and podcast. See also Climate One series of talks. video highlights

Carbon - Cap and Charade? Would capping and trading carbon pollution create a prosperous clean energy economy? Or would it be a boondoggle for Wall Street and scammers in developing countries? While touted as a market-based way to put a price on carbon, cap and trade is increasingly questioned by environmentalists and regulators. Yet the state of California and many companies have a lot invested in a cap and trade system. Will it die a slow death? Should it? Panelists weighing in on these issues include Michael Shellenberger of The Breakthrough Institute; Kristin Eberhard, legal director for Western Energy and Climate, NRDC; and Larry Goulder, chair of the Department of Economics at Stanford University. KQED Public Radio -- Thu, Apr 29, 2010 watch online

With climate change, misuse and pollution already threatening the water supply, California is additionally facing a water shortage this season. Join experts and insiders in discussion of rationing, privatization and how to protect our state's most precious resource. UCSC student Givens 5/4. 6/24. Hot, Wet, and Uncertain 07/09/10

Climate War

Agroecology Events at The Farm
on-going The Farm sponsors lots of activities, including how to make your own holiday gifts and how to grow your own fruits and vegetables. See their calendar

OPERS Recreation
ongoing Outdoor activities, such as hiking, kayaking, rock climbing etc, some related to nature at OPERS.

Samples of upcoming: Herb Walk June 5 Kayak Elkhorn Slough and Ocean, Kayak Whale Watching, Animal Tracking , and Food Systems


Save Our Shores
ongoing Dockwalker Santa Cruz Program.

Come join Save Our Shores and help get the the word out about oil spill prevention, recycling used oil and clean and green boating. After a brief training session, volunteers will tour the harbor with SOS representatives speaking to boaters and distributing free supplies for oil spill prevention. Together we can help keep our harbors clean. Contact Lauren at Save Our Shores for more information: lauren@saveourshores.org River cleanups also. Phone: 462-5660 ext.6# Email: lauren@saveourshores.org Link to register

Save the Bay (South Bay Events)
on-going Example: Winter Planting Project along San Francisquito Creek (Palo Alto)

Saturday, January 10 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Free In partnership with City of Palo Alto Baylands Nature Preserve

Let's take advantage of the winter rains and restore wetlands at the Palo Alto Baylands. This unique wetland habitat that was saved from development in the 1950s by concerned citizens and is now home to many native species, including shorebirds and fish such as steelhead trout. Planting native seedlings like alkali heath and sea lavender will make way for a healthy Bay.

Help us celebrate World Wetlands Day and we'll celebrate you! Plant native species like California poppy and bee plant to restore this critical wetland habitat and we'll reward you with food, refreshments, and giveaways immediately following the project. Volunteer support is critical in reaching our restoration goals and we want you to know we appreciate your hard work!

South Bay events

Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab

Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab Event Calendar

First Tuesdays Free See also Docent Training Begins 01/14/2009 Wednesday 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Marine mammal Research tours: 01/14/2010 Thursday 2:15 PM to 3:30 PM Sunday, 01/24/2010 2:15 PM to 3:30 PM

Contact information for this listing: Seymour Center Link

Link video overview

monthly Tours and Training Classes for Arboretum Volunteers link

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