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+ | [https://time.com/5679965/university-of-california-fossil-fuel-investments/ The University of California Is Dumping Fossil Fuel Investments] Whoohoo, huge win! To see why see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Eco-heroes Bill McKibben], who pioneered divestment with 7 of his college students who created [https://350.org/ 350.org]. | ||
[https://www.ecowatch.com/toyota-mirai-electric-car-2640583126.html Meet The Electric Car That Doesn't Need To Be Plugged In] 9/19 see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Category:Hydrogen Hydrogen power]. | [https://www.ecowatch.com/toyota-mirai-electric-car-2640583126.html Meet The Electric Car That Doesn't Need To Be Plugged In] 9/19 see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Category:Hydrogen Hydrogen power]. |
Revision as of 16:36, 26 September 2019
Here are items that are of current, local or special interest. Submissions welcome (send to mailto:pmmckerc@ucsc.edu). Updates will be infrequent during the summer so see also Other green news sources, New and Cool, and Good News
Current News
The University of California Is Dumping Fossil Fuel Investments Whoohoo, huge win! To see why see Bill McKibben, who pioneered divestment with 7 of his college students who created 350.org.
Meet The Electric Car That Doesn't Need To Be Plugged In 9/19 see Hydrogen power.
New report details 10 ‘critical transitions’ to tackle the climate crisis and feed the world UCSC agro-ecology work is key. 9/19
UN climate report on oceans and frozen regions warns: ‘Unprecedented transitions in all aspects of society’ needed to sustain life on Earth, related 9/19. see also Global Warming.
What’s Worrying the Plastics Industry? Your Reaction to All That Waste, for One 6/19
We Were Missing Most of the Plastic in the Ocean: The highest levels of microplastics are found more than 650 feet below the surface. UC San Diego research video 6/19 see Plastic.
Just how big is India's 'Mount Everest of Trash'? The Ghazipur dump keeps growing and growing every year, catching fire and leaching toxins into the ground. What can be done about it? 6/19 see Solid Waste and India.
U.N. Report: 1 Million Species at Risk of Extinction especially mammals and insects 5/19 see Bio-diversity.
Historic Agreement on Plastic Pollution Reached by 180+ Countries Without the U.S. 5/19 see Plastic.
“A Message from the Future with AOC”: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal video 4/19.
Greta Thunberg—Swedish Teen who Inspired School Climate Strikes—Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 3/19 see Eco-Heroes.
Researchers Warn Arctic Has Entered 'Unprecedented State' That Threatens Global Climate Stability 4/19 see Global Warming.
Wolves ‘Established’ in Netherlands for First Time in 140 Years 4/19 see Woves.
'Most Destructive Pathogen Ever' Has Created Zombie-Like Apocalypse for World's Amphibians 3/19 see Amphibians.
‘Plastic Is Lethal’: Groundbreaking Report Reveals Health Risks at Every Stage in Plastics Life Cycle but EU Parliament Bans Plastics Responsible for 70% of Ocean Trash 3/19 see Plastic.
8 Must-Watch Environmental Documentaries to Kick Off Your Summer 6/19 see Environmental Films.
Tesla’s $35,000 Electric Car Is Finally Here 2/19 see Electric Vehicles. but Trump and Big Oil Want to Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Market.
Vaquita Still Doomed Without Further Disruption of Totoaba Cartels 3/19 see Marine Mammals.
Border Wall Threatens 93 Endangered Species 2/19 see Wildlife.
EPA Adopts Fringe Science Claim That Small Doses of Pollution Are Healthy 2/19 see Chemicals.
Victory: A state court judge today upheld protection for gray wolves under the California Endangered Species Act 1/19 see Wolves.
Marine Mammals and Turtles Protected by the Endangered Species Act Are Bouncing Back 1/19 see Marine Mammals.
Pentagon: Climate Change Is Real and a 'National Security Issue' 1/19.
Poachers Ambush Sea Shepherd Vessel Protecting Nearly Extinct Vaquita 1/19 see Dolphins. The environmental organization Sea Shepherd Conservation Society says its crew was attacked Wednesday by roughly 35 fishing boats inside a vaquita refuge in Mexico's Gulf of California. Sea Shepherd released a video showing fishermen shouting, hurling objects and trying to foul the propellors of the M/V Farley Mowat, a Sea Shepherd vessel used in campaigns against illegal fisheries activities.
The Anthropocene—Coming Soon to a Theater (and Museum, and Bookshelf) Near You 12/18 see Anthropocene.
Ocean Conservation Expert Carl Safina on the Tuna That Sold for $3 Million 1/19 see overfishing.
'Voice of the forest': George the snail, last of his kind, dies at age 14 Climate change and invasive predators have taken a heavy toll on native animals and insects in the Hawaiian Islands 1/19 see Bio-diversity.
Greenland Melting Is ‘Off the Charts’ 12/18 see Sea Level Rise.
'Brutal news': global carbon emissions jump to all-time high in 2018: Rapid cuts needed to protect billions of people from rising emissions due to increase in use of cars and coal 12/18 see Global Warming.
The 'great dying': rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, report says: Up to 96% of all marine species and more than two-thirds of terrestrial species perished 252m years ago.
Scallops Absorb Billions of Microplastics in Just 6 Hours, Corona Becomes First Big Beer Brand to Trial Plastic-Free Rings 12/18 see Plastic.
The Insect Apocalypse Is Here What does it mean for the rest of life on Earth? 11/18 see Insects.
Iconic Yellowstone Wolf Shot Dead in Legal But 'Senseless Killing' 2/18 see Wolves.
How everything about Thanksgiving as we know it was shaped by the marketing industry 11/18.
Californians are now lab rats for the long-term effects of toxic wildfire smoke As air quality hits hazardous levels in the Bay Area, scientists say we’re descending into unknown territory 11/18 see California and air.
California’s Wildfire and Climate Change Warnings Are Still Too Conservative, Scientist Says: Another hot, dry year is fueling the state’s deadliest, most destructive wildfire. Scientists say wildfires here are consistently surpassing their projections. 11/18 See Fire and California.
90 Belugas, 11 Orcas Trapped in 'Whale Jail' off Russian Coast 11/18 see Whales.
The Oceans Are Heating Up Faster Than Expected: The planet may be more sensitive to warming that previously thought, making climate goals more difficult to meet (original paper) 11/18.
Humanity 'Sleepwalking Towards the Edge of a Cliff': 60% of Earth's Wildlife Wiped Out Since 1970 11/18 see Bio-Diversity.
New Chinese Law a ‘Death Warrant’ for Endangered Rhinos and Tigers: China alarmed animal rights activists around the world Monday when it weakened a 25-year-old ban on the trading of tiger bone and rhinoceros horn.
Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn 101/8.
6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe 10/18.
Massive Study Finds Eating Organic Slashes Cancer Risks 10/18 see Food.
"Warning Bells Going Off' as NOAA Forecasts Entire Great Barrier Reef at Risk of Coral Bleaching and Death 10/18 see Coral Reefs.
Microplastics Detected in Human Stool Samples for First Time 10/18 see Plastic.
Humans Are Wiping Out Species So Fast That Evolution Can't Keep Up 10/18, see Wildlife.
Trump White House Pushes to Let Minors Spray Brain-Damaging Pesticides on Farms 10/18. See pesticides.
Scientists Warn We May Be on Track for 'Hothouse Earth' 8/18 see Global Warming. Don't say no one gave you a headsup. This is your official wakeup call.
Experts "grossly underestimate" the economic cost of global warming 6/18 see Global Warming.
Tens of Thousands of Species at Risk if Warming Exceeds 1.5°C 5/18 see Global Warming.
One-Third of Protected Areas 'Highly Degraded' By Humans, Study Finds 5/18.
The most effective way to fight climate change is to make a better fridge 5/18 see Global Warming.
In Energy Breakthrough, India Added More Renewable Than Fossil Fuel Capacity for the First Time Last Year: India added more energy capacity from renewable energy sources last year than from conventional sources like coal for the first time, an important breakthrough for a country that struggles with high greenhouse gas emissions and deadly air pollution. See India and Energy.
Proposed GMO Food Labeling Could Leave 100 Million Americans in the Dark see GMO's 5/18.
More Than 40 Companies Sign Onto Historic UK Plastics Pact , a groundbreaking alliance of companies, non-governmental organizations and governments working to transform packaging in the UK by 2025. 4/18 Earth Day focus.
Great Barrier Reef at ‘Unprecedented’ Risk of Collapse After Major Bleaching Event 4/18 but Hope for Great Barrier Reef? New Study Shows Genetic Diversity of Coral Could Extend Our Chance to Save It 4/18.Coral Reefs.
95% of World's Population Breathes Unsafe Air 4/18 see Air.
Slow Motion Ocean: Why Are North Atlantic Currents Weakening? chaotic climate and sea level rise 3/18.
Solar Capacity Exceeded All Other Fuel Sources Combined in 2017, Study Finds In 2017, the world invested more in solar power than it did in any other energy technology and installed more new solar capacity than all other energy sources combined, including fossil fuels 3/18 see Solar.
Another 333 Minke Whales Killed by Japanese Fleet 3/18 see Marine Mammals.
Proposed Rule Change Would Be 'Death Sentence' for Nearly 300 Species, Activists Warn 3/18 see Wildlife.
The Trump Administration Might Let the World’s Rarest Marine Mammal Go Extinct 3/18 see Marine Mammals.
Robot-Proof: As co-authors Morton Schapiro and Gary Saul Morson argue in their new book, "Cents and Sensibility," an education in humanities may provide the greatest form of job security in an increasingly automated world. see Future History.
Ocean Plastic Projected to Triple Within Seven Years 3/18 see Plastic.
Earth's Intact Forests Are Invaluable, and in Danger 3/18.
The Most Powerful Evidence Climate Scientists Have of Global Warming: The oceans hold the story of a planet warming as fossil fuels are burned. Here is what scientists have discovered, in four charts. 2/18 see Global Warming.
How Crushed Volcanic Rock in Farm Soil Could Help Slow Global Warming — and Boost Crops: A new study explores how planet-warming carbon dioxide could be absorbed using ‘enhanced rock weathering,’ a natural process sped up to fight climate change.
'Plastic in All Sizes' Found Everywhere in Once Pristine European Arctic 2/18 see Plastic.
Monsanto's Roundup Destroys Healthy Microbes in Humans and in Soils 1/18. see Chemicals and GMO's, as well as Soil.
Two Major Food Companies Announce War on Packaging Waste 1/18 see Solid Waste and Plastic.
This Is What the Planet Would Be Like Without Trees: The Earth is losing a forest area the size of Panama every year 1/18 see Forests.
EPA Rule Change Would Expose Teenagers to Highly Toxic Chemicals 1/18 see Chemicals.
Year in Review, Our Favorite Environmental Journalism of 2017 includes great map, Bombs in your backyard by ProPublica, see also Maps.
Polar Vortex,' 'Winter Storm Grayson' and 'Bombogenesis': What Do They Mean? 1/17 see global warming and Global Weirding.
Oceans Losing Oxygen at Breathtaking Speeds: Ocean dead zones quadrupled in size since 1950, see Meat and Ocean. 1/18.
EPA Under Siege: The New Assault on the U.S. Environmental Protection System 1/18.
Chemicals in America Are Woefully Unregulated: The EPA, FDA and USDA have not been exercising adequate oversight to protect Americans' health. 12/17 see Chemicals.
How Big Business Got Brazil Hooked on Junk Food 12/17 see Food.
10 Ways to Be a Better Environmental Steward in 2018, including food waste. 12/17.
Top 10 Ocean News Stories of 2017 12/17 see Ocean.
14 Notable Climate Influencers of 2017 includes Attenborough who told Greenpeace of the "heartbreaking" footage he recorded of mother birds feeding their babies plastic, an iconic moment for him that pushed him to speak up about plastic pollution in oceans.12/17 See Plastic and Eco-Heroes as well as Climate.
Oil Giants Invest $180B in Plastics, Propelling Oceans Toward 'Near-Permanent' Pollution 12/17 see Plastic.
Chinese City to Become World's First to Switch Entire Bus Fleet to Electric 12/17 see China and Electric Vehicles.
Why Apple Deliberately Slowing Down iPhones Is Harming the Environment 12/17 see E-Waste.
As 'Epic Winds' Drive California Fires, Climate Change Fuels the Risk current fire in SoCal will not be contained till January.12/17 see Fire.
Going From Pump to Plug: How Much Money Can Electric Vehicles Save Drivers? 12/17 see Cars.
Science Suggests We're Making Fish Homicidal Through Antidepressants We Flush Into the Water 12/17 see Water.
Congress Is Preparing to Sacrifice an Entire Whale Species So Fossil Fuel Industry Can Search for Offshore Oil 11/17. see Marine Mammals.
Bad news: Global emissions are on the rise again: A multi-year period of global economic growth and stable carbon emissions, heralded as a potential peak of humanity’s contribution to climate change, is over. Emissions are up again this year by an estimated 1 to 3 percent, now at the highest point in history, according to a new report 11/17. see Global Warming.
Climate Change Is Creating a Global Pest Problem That Will Spread Disease and Threaten Food Production The future could hold less coffee and more Zika. 11/17 see Chemicals.
New Study Confirms High-Pesticide Produce Linked to Lower Fertility Rates 11/17 see Chemicals.
John Kerry is plotting a renewable energy future … starting in Vietnam 11/17.
Whales, Sea Turtles Threatened by Trump Administration Proposal 11/17.
Tyson Foods Linked to the Largest Toxic Dead Zone in U.S. History America's largest meat producer must clean up its act. 10/17 see Meat and Ocean.
Air Pollution Kills 9 Million, Costs $5 Trillion Per Year 10/17. see Air.
North Atlantic Right Whale Population Dips Below 450 After 'Deadliest Year' Since Whaling Era 10/17. see Marine Mammals.
New Report Predicts Climate Change Could Cost U.S. $360 Billion Per Year 9/17 see Global Warming
Nicaragua to Sign Paris Agreement, Leaving Trump Alone With Syria but...
14 States On Track to Meet Paris Targets video 9/17 see Global Warming
Bay Area is First Major U.S. City to Sue Fossil Fuel Industry Over Costs of Climate Change 9/17.
Senate Bill Aims to Strip Protections From 1,098 Endangered Species Including Utah Prairie Dog, Florida Panther 9/17 see Wildlife.
EPA Adds Prison Locations to Its Environmental Justice Mapping Tool see EJ.
Earth Has Entered Its Sixth Mass Extinction Event, Report Asserts: We’re witnessing a “frightening assault on the foundations of human civilization,” the authors say. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, biologists from Stanford University and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México investigated the health of Earth’s vertebrate population and described their findings as “biological annihilation.” 7/16.
For Critically Endangered California Condors, Oregon's Hunters May Pose the Gravest Threat 9/17 see Wildlife.
Huge Milestone: Renewables Now Provide More Electricity Than Nuclear Power 6/17.
Trump and Pruitt roll back progress on climate 3/17.
Coral Reefs Generate Half of Earth's Oxygen ... and They Could All Die Off by 2050 see Ocean. 5/17.
How a Supermarket Sales Gimmick Has Become a Major Driver of Climate Change: As uneaten food rots in landfills, it releases a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide.
This Tiny Caterpillar Could Help Solve the World's Plastic Crisis 4/17 see Plastic and Bio-remediation.
How Factory Farms Are Pushing the Jaguar to Extinction 4/17 see Wildlife.
Mexican Government Stands in Solidarity With Sea Shepherd to Save Nearly Extinct Vaquita 4/17 see Dolphins.
Noise Pollution Forces Whales and Dolphins From Their Homes 4/17 see Marine Mammals.
Desalination Breakthrough Turns Seawater Into Drinking Water 4/17.
Planet Enters 'Uncharted Territory' 3/17. see Global Warming.
Pesticides Cause 'Catastrophic' Harm to People and Planet, UN Report Says 3/17 see Chemicals.
Radiation Levels at Fukushima Is So High It Killed Two Robots but not wild boars! 2/17 see Nuclear.
50,000 Seeds Deposited to 'Doomsday Vault' Housing World's Largest Collection of Crop Diversity.
Epistle to the Ecotopians: Ernest Callenbach (1929-2012), author of the classic environmental novel Ecotopia among other works, died at 83 on April 16th, leaving behind this document on his computer. It provides hope and guidance. Joanna Macy helps with despair.
According to Oxfam’s new report Switzerland, eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity: The gap between rich and poor is far greater than had previously been estimated, with big business and the super-rich fueling the inequality crisis by dodging taxes, driving down wages, and using their power to influence politics. 1/17.
Nuclear Revival Looks Bleak as Solar and Wind Costs Continue to Drop 1/17. see Nukular.[sic]
Obama Denies All Pending Permits for Seismic Airgun Blasting in Atlantic Ocean see Marine Mammals.
Scientists Say 2016 Is Hottest Year Ever Recorded but
If Trump's Nominee Scott Pruitt Is Confirmed, 'EPA Would Stand for Every Polluter's Ally': Nominating oil state Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to run the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives lie to Donald Trump's claim that he is serious about protecting the public from pollution. While the president-elect has waffled on climate change, he has been unequivocal about toxics.
Eco-Watch 20 Most Read Posts of the Year.
Tesla Flips Switch on Gigafactory to Accelerate World's Transition to Renewable Energy :Elon Musk's Tesla and Panasonic have officially kicked off the mass production of lithium-ion battery cells at the massive Gigafactory outside Sparks, Nevada. 1/17. Electric Cars.
Eyeing Trump, Obama Bans Arctic Drilling (also off the East Coast). 12/16. See Arctic. Creates two new national monuments/parks.
U.S. Navy-Trained Dolphins to Round Up Nearly Extinct Vaquita in Controversial Plan 1/17 see Marine Mammals.
THE STAGGERING SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS OF FOOD WASTE: During this season of charitable spirit, holiday meal preparation, and reckless consumer behavior, the amount of food we throw in the trashcan deserves a moment of our attention. Fifty-two million tons of food are wasted by consumers and consumer-facing businesses annually — over 80 percent of all U.S. food waste. Currently, less than 10 percent of that food is recovered by reaching the 1 in 7 Americans without enough to eat. Food that goes to landfills breaks down in a heap without oxygen, producing methane, a gas with 86 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. These emissions are no small matter. Considered on a national scale, organic matter rotting in landfills accounts for 1/5 of methane emissions. In fact, if global food loss and waste were its own country, it would be the world’s third largest source of greenhouse gases. 12/16 see Solid waste.
Fracking California Threatens Water Supplies see new EPA report 12/16 see Fracking.
In Huge Win for Oceans and Wildlife, California Phases Out Plastic Bags 11/16.
Nestlé and Coca-Cola Attempt to Block National Parks From Banning Bottled Water Sales 11/16. see Plastic 11/16.
Native people resist Dakota Access pipeline 9/16. 12/16 UPDATE: WIN! Reporters arrested; military tactics deployed images,women leaders 10/16. 11/16 update water cannon with mace sprayed in below freezing temps, fractures from projectile weapons.
Here's How the Rising Sea Will Remake the Coastlines of Endangered U.S. States and Drown Much of the World We Know see Sea Level Rise 11/16.
New Bio-Diversity report. 11/16 see Bio-diversity.
Record-Breaking Drought and Wildfires Plague Southeast 11/16.
Gov. Jerry Brown warns Trump that California won't back down on climate change.
According to the analysis from Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) analysis, CA AB 32 and related climate policies have pumped some $48 billion into the state economy over the past decade while helping create about 500,000 jobs.Assembly Bill 32, also known as AB 32 or the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, requires California to reduce climate-cooking greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 — which meant cutting emissions about 25 percent from where they were at in 2006, when AB 32 was passed by the California State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. see CA.
Iceland's Upstart Pirate Party makes waves in election ally of Green, while the election didn't bring a Pirate revolution, it did see the emergence of new parties, a decline in support for traditional ones, and a record number of seats for women — 30 out of 63. Crowdsouncing its constitution. 10/16.
The biotech industry has failed to deliver on its promises for GMO crops. The NYT article followed less than a month after the biotech industry asked congressional leaders for $3 million in taxpayer-provided funding to “educate” the public about biotechnology and agricultural production. see GMO's. 11/16.
Superstorm Sandy’s Surge Was Extreme, but It Could Become the New Normal: Climate change means Sandy-level flooding could could occur once every 23 years—as opposed to once every 400. 10/16.
Two billion children worldwide affected by air pollution, UNICEF study says A report released Monday said one in seven children lives in areas of high air pollution. see Air.
The upper house of Germany’s parliament, passed a resolution on Monday that calls for the elimination of vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel engines by 2030. 10/16 Germany has led because of the Green Party inspired by Ecotopia.
Global Warming ripple effects by Michael Mann see Global Warming 10/16.
Climate Impacts Double U.S. Forest Fires. See Fire and Forests.
Billions of Gallons of Animal Waste From Factory Farms Poses Health Risks in Wake of Hurricane Matthew see climate change and Food and Water 10/16.
The Color of Pollution: How Environmental Contamination Targets People of Color With about 42,000 active wells, Kern County, California is home to three-quarters of California's oil drilling and 95 percent of the state’s hydraulic fracturing (fracking) activity. This mainly rural region is the largest oil-producing county in the U.S. The influence of oil and gas is so great here that in late 2015 the county board of supervisors approved a new ordinance to allow drilling permits for tens of thousands of new wells to be fast tracked. Time span for the new ordinance? Two decades. Ongoing environmental review? None. Public participation? Not allowed. see Environmental Justice.
Protesters Demand SeaWorld 'Send Corky Home' 10/16 see Whales.
Toxic Algae Blooms Set Historic Records From Coast to Coast UCSC has experts 9/16. see Category:Ocean.
Earth Could Reach Critical Climate Threshold in a Decade, Scientists Warn see Global Warming.
UC Santa Cruz among greenest universities in Sierra Club ranking 8/16.
Nestlé Can Keep Piping Water Out of Drought-Stricken California Despite Permit Expiring in 1988 9/16 see Water.
World's Biggest Sockeye Run Shut Down as Wild Pacific Salmon Fight for Survival 9/16. See Fishing.
60 Countries Representing 48% of Emissions Have Officially Joined Paris Climate Agreement 9/16.
1.5 Billion Birds Lost in North America Since 1970s see Wildlife.
Greenpeace Investigation Uncovers Studies Showing Neo-nic Pesticides Pose Serious Harm to Honeybees 9/16. see Bees (thanks Sabra)
Ocean Warming Is 'Greatest Hidden Challenge of Our Generation' 8/16 see Global Warming and Ocean.
Paul Allen's 'Great Elephant Census' Shows Catastrophic Decline in Africa 8/16 see Wildlife.
Obama’s New So-Called GMO “Labeling” Law Is a Gift to Industry 8/16 see GMO's.
Hype(r)loop, Elon Musk mass transit concept PBS video. 5/16. See Transit.
Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation see Forests.
Huge News for Elephants: U.S. Bans Ivory Trade two rare baby rhinos born 6/16 see Elephants.
First Ever 100% Edible Six-Pack Ring Feeds Marine Animals Instead of Killing Them 5/16
when good forests go bad - an obituary for California oak trees: Related to a disease that caused the 1840’s potato famine in Ireland, sudden oak death (SOD) was first noticed in Marin County in 2000 when residents asked for help with tanoak trees that suddenly died. Tanoaks are crooked trees with porous wood grain and unsuitable for timber, unprofitable so their deaths didn’t receive much attention. 5/16
1,000,000,000 Birds - Just Gone ; Audubon on climate.
A fifth of all plants threatened as habitats shrink worldwide 5/16 see Bio-diversity.
For 28 years, the U.S. Forest Service allowed Nestlé to pump water out of the San Bernardino National Forest under an expired permit, virtually free of charge, for bottled water.
97% of Endangered Species Threatened by 3 Common Pesticides 4/16.
WWF and Leonardo DiCaprio: Wild Tiger Populations Increase for First Time in 100 Years 4/16 see Big Cats.
Say goodbye to major cities if these scientists are right about Antarctica’s collapsing ice 4/16 see Sea Level Rise.
1 in 4 Deaths Worldwide Caused by Preventable Environmental Factors 3/16.
Offshore oil drilling limited.
In honor of fifth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster Interactive Map Details What You Need to Know About the World’s Nuclear Power Plants see Nuclear Power.
Lead poisoning in Flint Michigan because Koch backed governor takes over the city, undermining democracy.
CA irrigating our crops with benzene and arsenic laden wastewater left over from fracking 1/16 see Environmental Justice.
15 Big Climate News Stories of 2015.
Erin Brockovich to Stephen Colbert: ‘Flint, Michigan Is the Tip of the Iceberg’ Lead poisoning.
More plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050, warned the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in a report, The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics 1/16.
We have a climate deal in Paris COP21! Yes Oui Can! Activists take the streets despite ban after attacks to push for accountability and improvements. Activist art see Art. Soil can take CO2 out of atmosphere.
Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline in Victory for Environmental Activists whoohoo!
Study Concludes That Environment, Not Bad Luck, Is Mainly to Blame for Cancer. see Chemicals.
Supermarkets Selling Shrimp Peeled by Slaves 12/15 see Labor.
Antibiotic use went up last year. Should we be freaking out? 12/15. See Food.
China Issues ‘Red Alert’ Over Devastating Air Pollution so 4,000 Bottles of Fresh Air Shipped to China, Company Struggling to Keep Up With Demand. video on effects. see Air and China.
Monsanto Handed ‘Double Whammy’ by Mexican Courts Over Planting GMOs also GMO salmon approved for sale, see below. see GMO's.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership—a trade and investment agreement involving 12 countries comprising nearly 40 percent of global output—confirms what even its most apocalyptic critics feared in terms of labor and environmental law. See Economics. 11/15.
Climate Change Poised to Push 100 Million Into ‘Extreme Poverty’ by 2030 see also Migration.
2 Billion People to Face Water Shortages as Snowpack Declines 11/15 see Water.
New GMO-Free Zone Will Protect Traditional Farmers in Colorado: The zone will help traditional and organic farmers avoid the risk of transgenic contamination from nearby GE crops, particularly GE corn. 11/15.
FDA Approves AquaBounty’s Genetically Engineered Salmon Despite Widespread Opposition; good analysis/background see GMO's.
Pesticide Exposure Linked to Abnormal Sperm 11/15. See EJ and Chemicals.
26 National Parks Fail EPA’s New Ozone Standard 11/15. See Air.
A new paper by two economists, "showing that mortality among middle-aged white Americans has been rising since 1999 analysis. 10/15
Being Inside Is Making Us Stupid: How Indoor Air Pollution Impacts the Function of Our Brains see Air. 10/15.
UC sells off $200 million in coal and oil sands investments whoohoo! FossilFree UC: UC Santa Cruz became an active campaign in 2012. Since then we passed a resolution through the student senate and had the Board of Trustees agree to write a letter in support of the campaign to urge the Reagents to divest. Currently, the Fossil Free Campaign at UC Santa Cruz is working to build support among stakeholders within the student body, faculty, and alumni organizations. We aim to collaborate with other campaigns and our community to keep the pressure on to divest from a future of dirty energy. If you want to get involved, or just learn more, feel free to contact aphinney@ucsc.edu.
Rapidly Warming Waters Have Thwarted Efforts to Save the Cod 10/15. See Global Warming.
Whales: Orcas: The California Coastal Commission has approved a $100 million plan to to double the size of SeaWorld San Diego’s orca tanks but there was one major condition: No more captive breeding. But dead zones and plastic plague them.
Shell Abandons Arctic Drilling Following ‘Disappointing’ Results whoohoo! 9/15. Obama pause 2 years.
6 Things to Know About the EPA’s New Pesticide Rules For the first time since 1992, the EPA has updated rules governing the use of pesticides, which will protect the more than 2 million workers who produce America's food. 10/15
Nestlé bottled water is tapping springs in the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California using a permit that expired 27 years ago... company’s CEO Tim Brown "... In fact, if I could increase it, I would.” 9/15.
California Senate Passes Nation’s Strictest Ban on Microbeads 9/15 see Plastic.
Citbank (America’s third-largest bank), recently published a report looking at the economic costs and benefits of a low-carbon future. ..because of savings due to reduced fuel costs and increased energy efficiency, the Action scenario is actually a bit cheaper than the Inaction scenario. 9/15
The world’s oceans on which much of human life depends are under severe pressure, a new report says. Overfishing has dramatically reduced fish stocks. The thousands of tonnes of rubbish dumped in the oceans wreak havoc on marine life, while climate change is warming and acidifying them, putting them under further stress.
Amazing New Process Treats Wastewater, Captures Carbon and Makes Renewable Energy: An electrochemical reaction that absorbs more CO2 than it releases while creating renewable energy could transform emission-heavy industries. 8/15.
“California’s Toxic Fracking Fluids: The Chemical Recipe.” see Fracking 8/15.
Activists Score Victory in Effort to Stop the Government Killing of Millions of Animals see Wildlofe. 8/15.
Deadly Heat Waves Sweep the Globe 8/15 see Climate.
Japan Restarts First Nuclear Reactor Since Fukushima Disaster, Protests Erupt 8/15, see Nuclear Power.
EWG’s latest analysis, “Rethinking Carcinogens,” takes a close look at new research on chemical exposures and cancer conducted by the Halifax Project, which involves hundreds of cancer researchers and scientists from around the globe. The findings of the Halifax Project add to long overlooked evidence that combinations of chemicals may cause cancer.One in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer, yet nearly half of all cancers are preventable. Along with genetics, diet, lifestyle and viruses, exposures to toxic chemicals clearly contribute to this epidemic. 8/15 see Chemicals.
What’s the Beef with the U.S./China Chicken Deal? 7/15. See Food.
BP Gulf oil spill legal settlement (PBS video) and update on causes. 7/15.
California Finds Several Negative Impacts of Fracking, Approves Offshore Frack Jobs Anyway. 7/15
Coal is no longer king in America. That’s the latest findings from the U.S. Energy Information Administration; it lost its number one spot as the nation’s top electricity source for the first time on record this April. See Fossil Fuels 7/15.
Some progress at G-7 on climate and forests. 6/15.
This is crazy, but we actually have good news about climate change 6/15 see China.
Monsanto’s Roundup — Most Popular Weed Killer in U.S. — ‘Probably’ Causes Cancer, WHO Report Says see GMO's 3/15.
New Study Says Climate Change Helped Spark Syrian Civil War (and thus ISIS?) NYT see Global Warming.
U.S. 'Megadroughts' Are Likely Later This Century, Study Finds 2/15.
World's Oceans Clogged By Millions Of Tons Of Plastic Trash scientists estimating that a staggering 8 million metric tones of plastic pollution enter the oceans each year from the world's 192 coastal countries based on 2010 data. Based on rising waste levels, they estimated that more than 9 million tons would end up in the oceans in 2015. 2/15
National Academy of Sciences Says Geoengineering Is Not the Answer to Climate Change 2/15. See Plastic.
Norway first country to divest 2/15. See Scandanavia.
Top Green stories of 2014 includes Wolf OR7 has three pups in Oregon which will be safe from hunters if they wander in CA; also one in Grand Canyon. see Wolves. 9 Big Market Breakthroughs of 2014.
Scientists Warn We're Ever-Closer To The Apocalypse, see Global Warming.
Update 1/15 2014 Will Likely Be The Hottest Year on Record, Ocean Temps Spike. High sea temperatures contributed to exceptionally heavy rainfall and floods in many countries and extreme drought in others. see Global Warming.