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[http://www.cityonahillpress.com/2017/06/08/opening-the-door-on-student-housing-west/ Opening the Door on Student Housing West:] On-campus housing to expand using public-private partnership. By Georgia Johnson - June 8, 2017.
[http://www.cityonahillpress.com/2017/06/08/opening-the-door-on-student-housing-west/ Opening the Door on Student Housing West:] On-campus housing to expand using public-private partnership. By Georgia Johnson - June 8, 2017.
[http://www.cityonahillpress.com/2018/02/15/the-many-faces-of-capstone/ The Many Faces of Capstone]: Developer part of complex corporate web with history of faulty construction. By Sean Ross - February 15, 2018
[http://www.cityonahillpress.com/2018/02/15/the-many-faces-of-capstone/ The Many Faces of Capstone]: Developer part of complex corporate web with history of faulty construction. By Sean Ross - February 15, 2018.
[https://ches.ucsc.edu/housing/studenthousingwest/pdf/nop-8-31-17.pdf Revised EIR 2917].

Revision as of 01:24, 6 November 2018

Alphabetical List of Authors

Note: this list pertains only to authors on this wiki assigned by one or more instructors in the Core course that are not in the course reader (2014 Table of Contents). Most of the readings are in the Core course reader (here are citations for those). Copyrighted works require a login and password available from instructor. Reading for Plenaries are on the schedule page or in eCommons. See also Eco-heroes and Writing.

Edward Abbey Excerpt from Desert Solitaire

Adams, Douglas. Best known for the amazing Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, he also wrote Last Chance to See about endangered animals. Intro Ch. 1 password required. Author reading about Komodo dragon encounter. Warning, some animals were harmed in the production of this book ;) NEW! at UC talk based on Last Chance experiences. The BBC has done a new series in which Stephen Frye retraces the original journey. Here are some of the original radio dispatches.

Leo Babauta Focus: A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction Link.

Berry, Wendell essay: "The Pleasures of Eating" Berry Pleasures also "Home of the Free."

Bourne, Joel "California's Pipe Dream": A heroic system of dams, pumps, and canals can’t stave off a water crisis.Pipe Dream" National Geographic (video). See Water.

Brown, Lester "The Geopolitics of Food" (poor people vs bio-fuels) alt link.

Carson, Rachel Lear intro and Silent Spring excerpt, speeches.

Crenshaw, Paul "Storm Country"

Commoner, Barry https://canvas.ucsc.edu/groups/1148/files/202357/download The Closing Circle: the Ecosphere] has his four laws of ecology (short summary), More extensive with references to food system.

Crockett, H. Kelly "The Bible and the Grapes of Wrath" JSTOR

Cronon, William et al. Changes in the Land documents how Native Americans related to nature, and what happened when the market was introduced. Ch. 8 is the summary/conclusion. He was also wrote "Trouble with Wilderness," which set off a lively debate, which concludes here.

Davis, Mike "The New Urban Environmentalism" discusses attempts to limit urban sprawl.See Land.

Diamond, Jared Collapse seeks to understand why so many civilizations have been unable to avoid destroying the environment they depended upon. In this selection he summarizes the reasons. TEDtalk video. 2005 LongNow talk video.

Dicum, Gregory .The Urban Kiwi"

Melanie DuPuis is the author of the book Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink (McHenry GT2920.M55 D86 2002) and numerous scholarly articles on food and food-related topics. She is currently co-editor of an issue of the current special "politics of food" issue of Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture Her essay from that issue.

Emerson, RW,

Gliessman, Steve "The Need for Sustainable Food Systems"

Harrison, J. “Abandoned Bodies and Spaces of Sacrifice: Pesticide Drift Activism and the Contestation of Neoliberal Environmental Politics in California.” Geoforum 39, no. 3 (2008): 1197-214. 133 (pdf download). More readable is " Invisible People, Invisible Places: Connecting Air Pollution and Pesticide Drift in California" (pp. 288-304) in Smoke and Mirrors: The Politics and Culture of Air Pollution EDITED BY E. Melanie DuPuis JSTOR.

Hart, Jack "Treading on Taboo"

Hartmann, Betsy "10 Reasons Why Population Control is not the Solution to Global Warming"

Hawken, Paul Blessed Unrest. Two excellent chapters are "The Rights of Business" (includes important history like Bhopal) [(password protected version) and the final inspiring and insightful chapter, "Restoration" (password protected) Restoration (no password); here's a short video overview from Bioneers( alt link) ;whole 2004 talk,Introduction/The Long Green and "We Interrupt This Empire" on WTO article on the book's origins Talk at Google campus2007 Another 2007 talk (video). Google Talk see Eco-heroes.

Heilbroner, Robert L., "Growth and Survival".

Mark Hertsgaard in his "The Green Dream" gives an overview of Earth Odyssey and gives idea on how market forces could help the environment. Chapter 6 on population. While Washington Slept is his fine analysis of the politics of climate change. (also pdf)

Hill, Julia Butterfly engaged in a two year treesit to save a 600 year old redwood. "Luna's Cut"see image

Jim Houston Prologue to Continental Drift
Donner Party book

Jones, Van Interview 2008 book on greening the economy. Book Excerpt. Here is an Oct 2008 interview (audio).

VERLYN KLINKENBORG Lost in the Geometry of California’s Farms

Kahn, Matthew "How Can LA Adapt to Climate Change?"

Anne Lamott "Perfectionism" and "Shitty First Drafts" (pdf) from Bird by Bird (select view menu tab, then rotate).

Aldo Leopold's "The Land Ethic" (from Sand County Almanac) 1948 Link.

"A Biotic View of the Land"

"The Conservation Ethic"

Lopez, Anna A , who obtained her PhD in Environmental Studies from UC Santa Cruz, wrote The Farmworkers' Journey brings together for the first time the many facets of this issue into a comprehensive and accessible narrative: how corporate agribusiness operates, how binational institutions and laws promote the subjugation of Mexican farmworkers, how migration affects family life, how genetically modified corn strains pouring into Mexico from the United States are affecting farmers, how migrants face exploitation from employers, and more.

Macy, J. and Brown, M. essay. Here are other resources on Systems Theory. from Coming Back to Life : Practice to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World / Joanna Macy, Molly Young Brown 1998 Location McH Stacks GF80 .M33 1998

Mann, Charles C., the author of 1491, talks about the thriving and sophisticated Indian landscape of the pre-Columbus Americas 2002 interview

Don Mitchell, The Lie of the Land--migrant workers and the California landscape (Minnesota, 1996). (password required)

N. Scott Momaday's The Man Made of Words (excerpts)

Nash, Linda "The Fruits of Ill Health: Pesticides and Workers' Bodies in Post-World War II California"

Marion Nestle on sugar from What to Eat 2006. Nestle on mercury in fish.

Orwell, George "Politics and the English Language" backup copy

Petroni, Suzanne "An Ethical Approach to Population and Climate Change "

Powell, John Wesley a one-armed Civil War officer who was the first to explore the Grand Canyon by boat. White speaks of regionalism, an idea pioneered by Powell. NPR audio

Reisner, Wiliam Cadillac Desert explores how crucial the development of dams were to the West. Introduction. Chapter 1 includes John Wesley Powell, a one-armed Civil War officer who was the first to explore the Grand Canyon by boat. White speaks of regionalism, an idea pioneered by Powell. NPR audio. The book was made into an excellent PBS documentary.

Royte, Elizabeth Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of TrashIntroduction "Amphibious Assault" see Plastic.

Scott Russell Sanders "After the Flood"

Schlosser, Eric Fast Food Nation provides information on worker safety in the meat industry(from Fast Food Nation) see also "The Chain Never Stops," and chemicals in the food. Course reader has info on meat safety.

Daniel Simberloff, Ingrid M Parker, and Phyllis N Windle "Introduced Species Policy, Management, and Future Research Needs"

Singer, Peter "The Hidden Cost of Cheap Chicken" from The Way We Eat by Peter Singer and Jim Mason 2006. Interview with Singer.

On meat and milk from The Way We Eat by Peter Singer and Jim Mason 2006

Leslie M. Silko's Gardens in the Dunes (excerpts)

Stegner, Wallace The Wilderness Letter
Introduction to Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs

Steingraber, Sandra Living Downstream explores the role of chemicals in cancer Time Pt 1 (C8 login required)Time Pt 2. She also traces their military origins of petrochemical industry in "War". A film is being made based on the book. Here's an interview with her about that (audio 5/10). Video documentary. See also Chemicals Page see Plastic.

Thoreau, HD

John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto Breakfast of Biodiversity : The Truth about Rain Forest Destruction / by  ; foreword by Vandana Shiva Oakland, Calif. : Institute for Food and Development Policy, c1995 S&E Stacks SD414.T76 V36 1995 c.3 Online Includes bananas.

David Foster Wallace's excellent "Consider the Lobster" (alt link) is an excellent essay on the ethics of eating animals. Bonus his fine commencement address (audio), (video 22 min), "This is Water" (11 min) by novelist David Foster Wallace, about why college matters (animated version).

Paul Wartzman Obscene in the Extreme]: The Burning and Banning of The Grapes of Wrath Ch. 1 on public reaction and Ch. 3 on Steinbeck's reaction to the public reaction. Google books link

Waters, Alice "Slow Food Nation".

Alan Weisman Polymers Are Forever: Alarming tales of a most prevalent and problematic substance. see Plastic.Alan Weisman's book, The World Without Us, grew out of two questions, he said. One was, "How can I write a best-seller about the environment?" The answer to that was the second question: "How would the rest of nature behave without the constant pressure we put on it?" Longnow.org talk (audio). This led him to wonder how does population factor into all of this, which gives us Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth? 2014.

Williams, Terry Tempest "Clan of the One-Breasted Women", alt link, 09 audio interview. Terry Tempest Williams Ups the Ante on the ‘Crime of America’s Lands Being Sold to the Highest Bidder’ 1/16. The Hour of Land: Terry Tempest Williams on the Responsibility of Awe and the Wilderness as an Antidote to the War Within Ourselves Popova's Brainpickings overview. Terry Tempest Williams "Clan of the One-Breasted Women" Her new book is Finding Beauty see info on her, her new book and audio interview and another 09 audio interview.

E.O Wilson "Is Humanity Suicidal?"

Donald Worster.Dust Bowl : The Southern Plains in the 1930s New York : Oxford University Press, 1979. McHenry Stacks F786.W87 . Ch1: the Black Blizzard Rolls In ; Ch 13 excerpt, "A New Deal for Nature" see Dust Bowl.

Worster O Pioneers Ch 12 "Dust Follows the Plow" excerpt from Nature's Economy.

Yeoman, B "Fork in the Road", on organic food. 2011.

UCSC Long Range Development Plan

Long Range Development Plan UCSC 1963 Warnecke and Assoc.

An Uncommon Place: A Digital Companion traces decisive moments in the creation of UC Santa Cruz, from the 1950s until the late 1970s. This Digital Companion follows the structure of the original exhibit in the Porter College Sesnon Gallery and the Cowell College Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery, marking the early history of UCSC through images and multi-media material. The exhibit was curated by emeriti professors James Clifford, Michael Cowan, Virginia Jansen, and emeritus campus architect Frank Zwart for the 50th Anniversary of UCSC.

In the Ecotone: The UC Santa Cruz Campus is a new book by emeritus humanities professor Jim Clifford that reflects on the campus as an extraordinary architectural and ecological site. Part 2 Part 3

2020-2040 LRDP Slide Presentation

Unnatural History of UCSC is a book written by UCSC students in Jeff Arnet's class.

Opening the Door on Student Housing West: On-campus housing to expand using public-private partnership. By Georgia Johnson - June 8, 2017.

The Many Faces of Capstone: Developer part of complex corporate web with history of faulty construction. By Sean Ross - February 15, 2018.

Revised EIR 2917.
