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Environmental issues are interdisciplinary and wickedly complex.  Fortunately, following the lead of [http://www.dougengelbart.org/about/vision-highlights.html Doug Engelbart] and [http://www.bfi.org/about-bucky/biography Buckminster Fuller] see [http://www.youtube.com/user/dMASSnet (animated intro)], we have better tools for seeing order and solutions.  See also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/By_place Place page] for maps.  See also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Networks Networks] and [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Category:Systems_Thinking Systems Thinking].
Environmental issues are interdisciplinary and wickedly complex.  Fortunately, following the lead of [http://www.dougengelbart.org/about/vision-highlights.html Doug Engelbart] and [http://www.bfi.org/about-bucky/biography Buckminster Fuller] see [http://www.youtube.com/user/dMASSnet (animated intro)], we have better tools for seeing order and solutions.  See also [[By_place|Place page]] for maps.  See also [[Networks|Networks]] and [[:Category:Systems_Thinking|Systems Thinking]].
This is a new page.  Please send your ideas and links to [mailto:pmmckerc@ucsc.edu]
This is a new page.  Please send your ideas and links to [mailto:pmmckerc@ucsc.edu]
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[http://www.gapminder.org/videos/roslings-world-a-documentary-about-hans-rosling/ Hans Rosling], creator of [http://www.gapminder.org/ Gapminder.org], a fantastic tool, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVimVzgtD6w introduced at TED] , a later talk on [http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth.html global population growth] TEDtalk and more [http://www.gapminder.org/videos/ videos]. ****
[http://www.gapminder.org/videos/roslings-world-a-documentary-about-hans-rosling/ Hans Rosling], creator of [http://www.gapminder.org/ Gapminder.org], a fantastic tool, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVimVzgtD6w introduced at TED] , a later talk on [http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth.html global population growth] TEDtalk and more [http://www.gapminder.org/videos/ videos]. ****
[https://informationisbeautiful.net/beautifulnews  New from Information is Beautiful, Beautiful News] charts all the amazing, encouraging, inspiring, uplifting things happening in the world. Trends and achievements we don’t always see because we’re fixated on the news. 10/19 see [https://rachelcarson-wiki.lt.ucsc.edu/wiki/Good_News#Staying_Positive Good News].
[https://graphcommons.com/  Graphcommons.com] free powerful software and good tutorials 4/17 ***
[http://www-958.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/manyeyes/visualizations Many Eyes] gallery.
[http://www-958.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/manyeyes/visualizations Many Eyes] gallery.
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[http://www.visualizing.org/visualizations Visualizing.org] many green topics, searchable ***.
[http://www.visualizing.org/visualizations Visualizing.org] many green topics, searchable ***.
[http://www.globalpossibilities.org/here-are-7-terrifying-charts-that-show-exactly-what-were-doing-to-the-planet/ HERE ARE 7 TERRIFYING CHARTS THAT SHOW EXACTLY WHAT WE’RE DOING TO THE PLANET] 8/16.
[http://www.globalpossibilities.org/2016-a-look-into-the-future-infographic/ 2016: A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE – INFOGRAPHIC].
[http://diggingintodata.org/ Digging into Data Challenge], big data. 7/15.
[http://diggingintodata.org/ Digging into Data Challenge], big data. 7/15.
[http://demo.thinkmap.com/treeoflife/ Tree of Life] species map.
[http://www.scimaps.org/maps/browse/ Science Maps]. If you're new to science mapping or data visualization, here's an overview [http://scimaps.org/what_is_a_science_map.html (link)].
[http://www.scimaps.org/maps/browse/ Science Maps].
Simon Shum at Open University in the UK creates [http://kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/hyperdiscourse/tools.html amazing tools].
Simon Shum at Open University in the UK creates [http://kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/hyperdiscourse/tools.html amazing tools].
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[http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/ Visual Complexity].
[http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/ Visual Complexity].
[http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ Information is Beautiful].
[http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ Information is Beautiful].**** see David McCandless TEDtalk below.  [https://informationisbeautiful.net/beautifulnews  New from Information is Beautiful], Beautiful News charts all the amazing, encouraging, inspiring, uplifting things happening in the world. Trends and achievements we don’t always see because we’re fixated on the news. 10/19
[http://fathom.info/ Fathom] does brilliant design on various topics.
[http://fathom.info/ Fathom] does brilliant design on various topics.
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[http://www.deliveringhappiness.com/science-happiness-infographic/ Happiness].
[http://www.deliveringhappiness.com/science-happiness-infographic/ Happiness].
Old School: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lombardi Mark Lombardi's ]hand drawn maps of relationships [https://web.archive.org/web/20060703092523/https://www.pierogi2000.com/flatfile/lombardi.html examples)]. [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1487185 audio]
== Video ==
== Video ==
[http://www.ted.com/playlists/56/making_sense_of_too_much_data.html TEDtalks category on data overload/visualization]  
[http://www.ted.com/playlists/56/making_sense_of_too_much_data.html TEDtalks category on data overload] and    [http://www.ted.com/topics/visualizations visualization]  
[http://www.gapminder.org/videos/roslings-world-a-documentary-about-hans-rosling/ Hans Rosling], creator of [http://www.gapminder.org/ Gapminder.org], a fantastic tool, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVimVzgtD6w introduced at TED] , a later talk on [http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth.html global population growth] TEDtalk and more [http://www.gapminder.org/videos/ videos]. **** One of Top all-time TEDtalks.
[http://www.gapminder.org/videos/roslings-world-a-documentary-about-hans-rosling/ Hans Rosling], creator of [http://www.gapminder.org/ Gapminder.org], a fantastic tool, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVimVzgtD6w introduced at TED] , a later talk on [http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth.html global population growth] TEDtalk and more [http://www.gapminder.org/videos/ videos]. **** One of Top all-time TEDtalks.
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[http://www.visualizing.org/visualizations/welcome-anthropocene-felix-pharand-and-owen-gaffney Welcome to the anthrocene] (video)
[http://www.visualizing.org/visualizations/welcome-anthropocene-felix-pharand-and-owen-gaffney Welcome to the anthrocene] (video)
[http://www.ted.com/talks/david_mccandless_the_beauty_of_data_visualization.html David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization] TEDtalk
[http://www.ted.com/talks/david_mccandless_the_beauty_of_data_visualization.html David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization] TEDtalk *** [http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/]
[http://www.ted.com/talks/jer_thorp_make_data_more_human.html Jer Thorp] creates beautiful data visualizations to put abstract data into a human context. At TEDxVancouver, he shares his moving projects, from graphing an entire year’s news cycle, to mapping the way people share articles across the Internet. (video) 3/12
[http://www.ted.com/talks/jer_thorp_make_data_more_human.html Jer Thorp] creates beautiful data visualizations to put abstract data into a human context. At TEDxVancouver, he shares his moving projects, from graphing an entire year’s news cycle, to mapping the way people share articles across the Internet. (video) 3/12
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== Specific Topics ==
== Specific Topics ==
[http://www.fastcoexist.com/3021433/visualized/these-countries-have-the-best-quality-of-life-in-the-world Best countries to live]
[http://www.fastcoexist.com/3021433/visualized/these-countries-have-the-best-quality-of-life-in-the-world Best countries to live].
[http://ecowatch.com/2015/11/07/ocean-pollution-makes-us-sick/ 10 Ways Ocean Pollution Makes Us Sick] (infographic) 11/15. See also [[:Category:Ocean|Ocean]].
[http://www.iftf.org/futureofscience Science of the future]: A Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021.
[http://www.iftf.org/futureofscience Science of the future]: A Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021.
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[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/which-curse-words-are-popular-in-your-state Which Curse Words Are Popular In Your State? Find Out From These Maps.]
[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/which-curse-words-are-popular-in-your-state Which Curse Words Are Popular In Your State? Find Out From These Maps.]
== Energy == (See also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Category:Energy '''Energy'''])
== Energy ==  
(See also [[:Category:Energy|'''Energy''']])
[http://www.visualizing.org/visualizations/108 Various examples].
[https://www.alternet.org/environment/can-you-name-worlds-top-5-fuel-guzzling-countries-heres-interactive-map Top 20 country oil users] 11/17.
[http://www.visualizing.org/visualizations/108 Various examples]
[http://www.alternet.org/environment/bacteria-produces-fuel-welcome-future-sustainable-energy A Bacteria That Produces Fuel? ]This Could Be the Future of Sustainable Energy.  Renewable energy has entered an era of extraordinary change. 9/16  See [[:Category:Energy#Bio-Fuels|Bio-fuels]].
[http://www.good.is/post/transparency-how-much-does-the-united-states-subsidize-energy/ Subsidies]
[http://www.good.is/post/transparency-how-much-does-the-united-states-subsidize-energy/ Subsidies]
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[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/29/keystone-pipeline-infographic_n_941069.html Keystone XL Pipeline spill] infographic.
[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/29/keystone-pipeline-infographic_n_941069.html Keystone XL Pipeline spill] infographic.
== Food == (see also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Category:Food '''Food'''])
== Food ==  
(see also [[:Category:Food|'''Food''']])
[http://www.ewg.org/foodscores EWG's new interactive rate your food site] 10/14.***
[http://www.ewg.org/foodscores EWG's new interactive rate your food site] 10/14.***
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[http://www.ilsr.org/infographic-walmart-food/ How Walmart is Devouring the Food System] (Infographic) also good on consolidation of food system by small number of companies).
[http://www.ilsr.org/infographic-walmart-food/ How Walmart is Devouring the Food System] (Infographic) also good on consolidation of food system by small number of companies).
== Global Warming == (see also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Category:Global_Warming '''Global Warming'''] and [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/By_place#Global_Warming.2FAir_Pollution maps])
== Global Warming ==  
(see also [[:Category:Global_Warming|'''Global Warming''']] and [[By_place#Global_Warming.2FAir_Pollution|maps]])
[https://www.ecowatch.com/nasa-climate-science-trump-2553691889.html Trump Wants to Eliminate NASA’s Climate Research Programs: These Pictures Show What a Loss That Would Be]: Excellent update, overview with NASA images and graphs 3/18.
[http://www.ecowatch.com/xkcd-climate-change-2003991855.html 'Brilliant' Climate Change Cartoon Goes Viral After Elon Musk], John Green Share It on Twitter  see [[Multimedia#Graphic_Novels|Comics]] and [[:Category:Global_Warming|Global Warming]].
[http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-best-visualization-of-climate-change-isnt-a-graphits-a-death-spiral The Best Visualization of Climate Change isn't a Graph—It's a Death Spiral] 5/16.
[https://webbrain.com/u/1860 Climate Web] is an amazing explorable site using dynamic graphical interface. **** 12/15
[http://grist.org/news/check-out-some-of-the-prettiest-and-most-depressing-climate-change-data-out-there/ Check out some of the prettiest (and most depressing) climate change data out there]. 10/15.
[http://grist.org/news/check-out-some-of-the-prettiest-and-most-depressing-climate-change-data-out-there/ Check out some of the prettiest (and most depressing) climate change data out there]. 10/15.
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[http://cal-adapt.org/ Cal-Adapt] was built specifically to address projections about climate change in California, designed by Google, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Geological Survey, several California universities and others.  '''NEW'''
[http://cal-adapt.org/ Cal-Adapt] was built specifically to address projections about climate change in California, designed by Google, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Geological Survey, several California universities and others.  '''NEW'''
== Population == (see also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Population '''Population'''])
== Population ==  
(see also [[Population|'''Population''']])
Hans Rosling, creator of [http://www.gapminder.org/ Gapminder.org], a fantastic tool, on [http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth.html global population growth] TEDtalk [http://www.gapminder.org/videos/ videos].
Hans Rosling, creator of [http://www.gapminder.org/ Gapminder.org], a fantastic tool, on [http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth.html global population growth] TEDtalk [http://www.gapminder.org/videos/ videos].
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[http://persquaremile.com/2011/01/18/if-the-worlds-population-lived-in-one-city/ If the world's population lived in one city] (different densities).
[http://persquaremile.com/2011/01/18/if-the-worlds-population-lived-in-one-city/ If the world's population lived in one city] (different densities).
== Water == (see also [http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/college8core/c8wiki/index.php/Category:Water '''Water'''])
== Water ==  
(see also [[:Category:Water|'''Water''']])
[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/22/world-water-day-2012-infographic_n_1367394.html?ref=topbar Water]  
[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/22/world-water-day-2012-infographic_n_1367394.html?ref=topbar Water]  

Latest revision as of 23:13, 7 November 2019

Environmental issues are interdisciplinary and wickedly complex. Fortunately, following the lead of Doug Engelbart and Buckminster Fuller see (animated intro), we have better tools for seeing order and solutions. See also Place page for maps. See also Networks and Systems Thinking.

This is a new page. Please send your ideas and links to [1]


Hans Rosling, creator of Gapminder.org, a fantastic tool, introduced at TED , a later talk on global population growth TEDtalk and more videos. ****

New from Information is Beautiful, Beautiful News charts all the amazing, encouraging, inspiring, uplifting things happening in the world. Trends and achievements we don’t always see because we’re fixated on the news. 10/19 see Good News.

Graphcommons.com free powerful software and good tutorials 4/17 ***

Many Eyes gallery.

Good Transparency

Visualizing.org many green topics, searchable ***.



Digging into Data Challenge, big data. 7/15.

Science Maps. If you're new to science mapping or data visualization, here's an overview (link).

Simon Shum at Open University in the UK creates amazing tools.

Graphiz gallery. Open source software.

Visual Complexity.

Information is Beautiful.**** see David McCandless TEDtalk below. New from Information is Beautiful, Beautiful News charts all the amazing, encouraging, inspiring, uplifting things happening in the world. Trends and achievements we don’t always see because we’re fixated on the news. 10/19

Fathom does brilliant design on various topics.

Infographic of the day.

Fun cautionary tales on how graphs can be misleading.

Your place in the universe.

Nitrogen cycle. To Save Our Ecosystems, Stop Overloading Them Left alone, natural systems keep nitrogen, carbon, and other key ingredients of life balanced.

MIT researcher Deb Roy wanted to understand how his infant son learned language — so he wired up his house with videocameras to catch every moment (with exceptions) of his son's life, then parsed 90,000 hours of home video to watch "gaaaa" slowly turn into "water." Astonishing, data-rich research with deep implications for how we learn. Top TEDtalk.


Old School: Mark Lombardi's hand drawn maps of relationships examples). audio


TEDtalks category on data overload and visualization

Hans Rosling, creator of Gapminder.org, a fantastic tool, introduced at TED , a later talk on global population growth TEDtalk and more videos. **** One of Top all-time TEDtalks.

Welcome to the anthrocene (video)

David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization TEDtalk *** http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/

Jer Thorp creates beautiful data visualizations to put abstract data into a human context. At TEDxVancouver, he shares his moving projects, from graphing an entire year’s news cycle, to mapping the way people share articles across the Internet. (video) 3/12

Eric Berlow (TEDtalk video)(bio). Vibrant Data Labs is a collaborative collective of scientists, artists, designers, and social investors developing data-driven tools/approaches to navigate the complex landscape of our most pressing problems and convert limited resources into problem solving engines for positive change. Human disease visualization. 24000 TEDtalks. alt link.

Drew Berry shows his scientifically accurate (and entertaining!) animations that help researchers see unseeable processes within our own cells. (TEDtalk video).

Earth at night more NASA Earth from space (video).

Specific Topics

Best countries to live.

10 Ways Ocean Pollution Makes Us Sick (infographic) 11/15. See also Ocean.

Science of the future: A Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021.

Top 10 Green organizations

Start-up phases for entrepreneurs.

How Much is Left (resources) infographic.

Money (no kidding!) including breakdowns such as of electricity.

How the top .01% spend their money (political donations). See also "Dark matter" of political money.

It's the Inequality, Stupid 2011

"The State of Working America" by the Economic Policy Institute.

Food webs

US waste facilities.

Man vs Shark


Chemicals in your home.

E-waste infographic.

Which Curse Words Are Popular In Your State? Find Out From These Maps.


(See also Energy)

Various examples.

Top 20 country oil users 11/17.

A Bacteria That Produces Fuel? This Could Be the Future of Sustainable Energy. Renewable energy has entered an era of extraordinary change. 9/16 See Bio-fuels.


America's Energy, Where It's From and How It's Used

Our Energy Dilemma in Three easy Charts.

U.S. map showing installations of non-hydro renewable energy in 1970 compared to today.

Worst oil spills in history.

US Fracking map.

Keystone XL Pipeline spill infographic.


(see also Food)

EWG's new interactive rate your food site 10/14.***

Agroecology versus Industrial Agriculture

World's biggest employers.


Burgers Triple in size since 50's

Food infographics

Big Bad Corn.

Nitrogen cycle. To Save Our Ecosystems, Stop Overloading Them: Left alone, natural systems keep nitrogen, carbon, and other key ingredients of life balanced.

How Walmart is Devouring the Food System (Infographic) also good on consolidation of food system by small number of companies).

Global Warming

(see also Global Warming and maps)

Trump Wants to Eliminate NASA’s Climate Research Programs: These Pictures Show What a Loss That Would Be: Excellent update, overview with NASA images and graphs 3/18.

'Brilliant' Climate Change Cartoon Goes Viral After Elon Musk, John Green Share It on Twitter see Comics and Global Warming.

The Best Visualization of Climate Change isn't a Graph—It's a Death Spiral 5/16.

Climate Web is an amazing explorable site using dynamic graphical interface. **** 12/15

Check out some of the prettiest (and most depressing) climate change data out there. 10/15.


Why So Much Climate Denial in Congress? Follow the Money 11/14.

Infographic on which poor countries will be affected most by climate change, and which rich countries have stepped up 10/14.

Comprehensive overview infographic.

World map greenhouse gas emissions (per capita?) 1/14.

Excellent infographic sums it all up: reality vs press coverage vs public opinion.

U.S. Wildfire Interactive Shows Rising Temperatures, Less Snowfall Are Leading To More Fires infographic 7/13.

Google Earth GIFs, 'Timelapse' Project, Show Startling Impact Of Humans On The Planet, including ice loss 5/13. Great infographic sums it all up in terms of science 3/13

Climate "debate" Infograpic: Which Makes More Sense?

Various examples


Cal-Adapt was built specifically to address projections about climate change in California, designed by Google, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Geological Survey, several California universities and others. NEW


(see also Population)

Hans Rosling, creator of Gapminder.org, a fantastic tool, on global population growth TEDtalk videos.

The University Library is pleased to announce the acquisition of Social Explorer from Oxford University Press. Many faculty across the campus have expressed interest in this interactive resource, which makes it possible to use U.S. Census Data to create custom maps and find demographic data for both current and historical census years. 3/14.

Population Density and population vs age by Fathom.

several images including water and other resources. 6.12 See also bio-capacity

The Remotest Places on Earth

Ghost Counties

Care2 gives various kinds of eco and demographic info based on geography.

If the world's population lived in one city (different densities).


(see also Water)


Water quality


EcoTrust is a web-based environment for making decisions about the best economic and ecological uses of the ocean.

Cal-Adapt was built specifically to address projections about climate change in California, designed by Google, in collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Geological Survey, several California universities and others. NEW

Suresh K Lodha, Computer Science, has contributed to the Atlas of Global Inequality with Ben Crow, and The Atlas of California: Mapping the challenge of a new era (2013).