Academic skills

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See also Resources for Writers

On Campus

General academic support

Topics include:
time management
test anxiety
stress management
test taking
note taking
writing research papers
decision making skills

Writing 22A offers instruction on selected topics in grammar and conventions of written English as needed to strengthen the writing skills of students whose primary language is not standard English. The course provides students practice in applying these concepts to editing their own writing. Designed for entering first-year students, enrollment limited to 22. You can check the Schedule of Classes, but since there's many people adding and dropping, it may not be reliable. You can go to any section; if there's not room, they can tell you if another section has any. These fill up quickly, so don't delay. Fall quarter only.

21982 WRIT 22A - 01 Grammar & Editing SEM TuTh 06:00PM-07:45PM Rava,A. Merrill Acad 130

21983 WRIT 22A - 02 Grammar & Editing SEM TuTh 12:00PM-01:45PM Archimedes,S.M. Merrill Acad 132

21984 WRIT 22A - 03 Grammar & Editing SEM MWF 03:30PM-04:40PM Weaver,A.L. Soc Sci 2 165

21985 WRIT 22A - 04 Grammar & Editing SEM MWF 02:00PM-03:10PM Watkins,L. Oakes Acad 103

Note: Sections 5-7 give priority to international students:

21986 WRIT 22A - 05 Grammar & Editing SEM TuTh 04:00PM-05:45PM Parmeter,S. Hum & Soc Sci 250

23037 WRIT 22A - 06 Grammar & Editing SEM MW 05:00PM-06:45PM Newberry,E.S. Hum & Soc Sci 250

23038 WRIT 22A - 07 Grammar & Editing SEM TuTh 10:00AM-11:45AM Halk,E.L. Porter Acad 249

On the Web

General study skills info

Several handy guides on how to find and use research, including this one with some time management tips and how to avoid plagiarism.

How to improve memory (Word doc download)

Some instructional videos on memory.

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Phone: A Case For Writing Things Out.


Ellis, David B. Becoming a Master Student UCSC McH BF455 .R835 1989

Time Management

Multiple resources

Getting Things Done See also book website