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See also Globalization and Entrepreneurshipalso Colonialism



and Third World Development

Population is an important topic, since in general more people mean more resource use. However, wealthy people use far more resources per capita than poor ones, and trying to control population is hard ethically and practically (for example, China's longstanding one child policy). Fortunately, as food security rises and infant mortality rates fall, so do fertility rates, since people have a greater assurance that they will have children to help (often on farms) and to support them in their old age, since there are no pensions or Social Security systems. it is a complex problem, but educating women is very close to the proverbial magic bullet.


Dashboard for the planet

Gapminder.org (see its creator Rosling in TEDtalk videos)


Living within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos(1995) by Garrett Hardin (of Tragedy of the Commons fame). More recent is The Ostrich Factor: Our Population Myopia.


College 8 Plenary 2010 Nov. 9 "On Population," Jade Sasser, UC Berkeley.
Reading: Hartmann "10 Reasons Why Population Control is not the Solution to Global Warming", Hart "Treading on Taboo," and Petroni "An Ethical Approach to Population and Climate Change "


7 Billion And Counting: Can Earth Handle It? Link 1/11 NPR segment and slideshow


Grist article 1/11 with links to National Geographic etc.

"The world is one poor harvest away from chaos" by Lester Brown "In early January, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that its Food Price Index had reached an all-time high in December, exceeding the previous record set during the 2007-08 price surge. Even more alarming, on Feb. 3, the FAO announced that the December record had been broken in January as prices climbed an additional 3 percent. Will this rise in food prices continue in the months ahead? In all likelihood, we will see further rises that will take the world into uncharted territory in the relationship between food prices and political stability..." More 2/11. Note that food prices were in part responsible for Tunisia etc uprisings.

Mother Jones Magazine has a series of articles on population (5/10)One of the authors participated in a radio panel 5/10 . There's a consensus that Earth doesn't have enough resources to support the world's growing population -- but there's disagreement about the root of the problem. Some think the problem lies with the growing third world, others that it is the consumption habits of the developed nations that cause the problem. More.

Petroni, Suzanne "An Ethical Approach to Population and Climate Change " (Requires College 8 password)

J.A. Goldstone "The New Population Bomb" Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2010 Accessible via UCSC library


Hans Rosling video and other links. Here are so more amusing and opinionated takes videos.

If the earth were 100 people video

Online Courses

Global Problems of Population Growth: This Yale survey course introduces students to the important and basic material on human fertility, population growth, the demographic transition and population policy. Topics include: the human and environmental dimensions of population pressure, demographic history, economic and cultural causes of demographic change, environmental carrying capacity and sustainability. Political, religious and ethical issues surrounding fertility are also addressed. The lectures and readings attempt to balance theoretical and demographic scale analysis with studies of individual humans and communities. The perspective is global with both developed and developing countries included.

World Maps (other maps)

Atlas of Global Inequality Ben Crow and others UC folk are creating this.

AAAS Atlas of Population & Environment

Plants vs people