Real-izing your Dream

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This page is about finding your passion, improving your creativity, and making a difference.


Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams (74 min youtube version). longer Google video version ****

Sir Ken Robinson has written numerous books, most recently "The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything." This longer 2009 talk explores ways to connect peoples' natural aptitudes with their personal passions to achieve at their highest levels in education and business. His TEDtalk on how schools kill creativity has been viewed 4 million times. ****


Barbara Sher helps people identify and follow their dreams. Wishcraft is online for free. She has made several very fine PBS programs sample.

General Ideas on Design and Creativity

As a creative director at Ideo, Paul Bennett reminds us that design need not invoke grand gestures or sweeping statements to be successful, but instead can focus on the little things in life. TEDtalk video

Tim Brown on creativity and play (TEDtalk video).

Yves Behar has produced some of the new millennium's most coveted objects, like the Leaf lamp, the Jawbone headset, and the XO laptop for One Laptop per Child. (TEDtalk video).

How writing improves creativity

Roger von Oech is a very good writer of popular books on creativity.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is the smartest researcher on creativity. His best known work is Flow. here's TEDtalk video on Flow ***

Inspired By Nature

Climbing devices based on geckos

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus TEDtalk video.

"Captain Organic," Ross Lovegrove embraces nature as the inspiration for his "fat-free" design. TEDtalk video

More TEDtalks on this theme.