Globalization involves how the world economy is increasingly integrated, and the environmental implications of that. Moreover, Chernobyl was only the first signal that national borders are irrelevant to environmental problems, and global warming is clearly a pressing issue that makes international cooperation essential.
See also Economics and Consumption
The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time Jeffrey D. Sachs
We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-Capitalism recommended by Rebecca Solnit.
Hot, Flat, and Crowded. Thomas L. Freidman, author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree, and The World Is Flat(here's video of lecture at MIT based on the latter book) on globalization, explains how America can lead the green revolution in the 21st century (audio and video too).
21st century dissent : anarchism, anti-globalization and environmentalism / Giorel Curran Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 McH Stacks - JC328.3 .C87 2006 Link
Worlds Apart: Globalization and the Environment James Gustave Speth (Editor), Island Press, 2003, ISBN: 1559639997, 192 pp UCSC: S & E Lib GE170 .W674 2003
Worlds Apart presents a cohesive set of essays by leading thinkers on the subject of globalization, offering a thoughtful overview of the major environmental issues related to globalization in a clear, reasoned style. Framed by Gus Speth’s introduction and conclusion, essays range from Jane Lubchenco’s discussion of the scientific indicators of global environmental change to Robert Kates’ examination of the prospect that our growing global interconnectedness could lead a transition to a more sustainable world to Vandana Shiva’s impassioned plea for a new “living democracy” that counters the degrading, dehumanizing tendencies of the global economy. Other contributors include Maurice Strong on the Rio Earth Summit and the future course of environmentalism, José Goldemberg on energy, Jerry Mander on the inherent destructiveness of the global economic system, Stephan Schmidheiny on the forestry industry, and Daniel Esty and Maria Ivanova on global environmental governance. Download Google Book
In Defense of Globalization Jagdish N. Bhagwati,
Articles in category "Globalization"
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