Category:History Research

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General UCSC Library page

UCSC Research page

E-Links info

Nerdy tools

InfoTrac [1] general articles

Lexis-N [2]

Gale Virt Ref Libr [4]

        • UC Online Resources A-Z [5]

These are taken from A-Z page:


Historical newspapers (there are several links on e-res page) [7]

Am Hist resources [8]

Biography Res Gale [9]

C18 [10]

C19 [11]

Early Am imprints [12]

Empire Online [13]

Ency Britannica [14]

Ency Islam [15]

Everyday Life and Women in America [16]

Great Images in NASA [17]

Grove Music [18]

Harper's Weekly The searchable database provides full-image reproductions of Harper's Weekly from 1857-1912, one of the most important weekly magazines read by Americans during the 19th century. [19]

Historical Abstracts Available online to UC faculty, students, and staff. Contains citations and abstracts for works covering the history of the world from 1450 to the present. Interface vendor is now EBSCOHost. Subject area(s): Humanities, Social Sciences. Covers: Articles written 1954 - present. Historical Statistics of the United States (Millennial Edition)

      • Early English Books Online [20]

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Available online to UC faculty, students, and staff. Contains information from the following print files: ISIS current bibliography of the history of science and its cultural influences, 1976- ; Current bibliography in the history of technology, 1987- ; and Bibliografia italiana di storia della scienza. Vendor is RLG/Eureka. Subject area(s): Humanities, Science and Engineering. Covers: 1975 - present [21]

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) Available online to UC students, faculty, and staff. Searchable and browsable database of the full text of British Parlimentary Papers, 19th Century. Subject area(s): General Subjects, Humanities, Social Sciences. Covers: 1801-1900. [22]

This category currently contains no pages or media.