Category:History Research

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General Sites

General UCSC Library page

UCSC Research page

E-Links info

Video tutorials on how to use UC library tools

Nerdy tools

General Tools

American National Biography (ANB) Available online to UCSC faculty, students, and staff. This searchable database contains information on more than American 17,400 men and women. Each entry contains a bibliography for further research and some have photos. Subject area(s): General Subjects.

InfoTrac [1] general articles

Lexis-N [2]


Gale Virt Ref Libr [4]

UC Online Resources A-Z [5]

These are taken from A-Z page:


Agricultural History


The Journal of American history

European Review of History

Journal of Medieval History Source: [0304-4181]

UC History e-journals

Am Hist ejournal

Am Hist resources [7]

Biography Res Gale [8]

C18 [9]

C19 [10]

C20 British:

Oxford University Press Journals Current Available starting with: 1996 (volume 7 , issue 1 )

Oxford University Press Journals Digital Archive Available starting with: 1990 (volume 1 , issue 1 ) and ending with: 1995

Early Am imprints [11]

Empire Online [12]

Ency Britannica [13]

Ency Islam [14]

Everyday Life and Women in America [15]

Great Images in NASA [16]

Grove Music [17]

Harper's Weekly The searchable database provides full-image reproductions of Harper's Weekly from 1857-1912, one of the most important weekly magazines read by Americans during the 19th century. [18]

Historical Abstracts Available online to UC faculty, students, and staff. Contains citations and abstracts for works covering the history of the world from 1450 to the present. Interface vendor is now EBSCOHost. Subject area(s): Humanities, Social Sciences. Covers: Articles written 1954 - present. Historical Statistics of the United States (Millennial Edition)

Early English Books Online [19]

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Available online to UC faculty, students, and staff. Contains information from the following print files: ISIS current bibliography of the history of science and its cultural influences, 1976- ; Current bibliography in the history of technology, 1987- ; and Bibliografia italiana di storia della scienza. Vendor is RLG/Eureka. Subject area(s): Humanities, Science and Engineering. Covers: 1975 - present [20]

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) Available online to UC students, faculty, and staff. Searchable and browsable database of the full text of British Parlimentary Papers, 19th Century. Subject area(s): General Subjects, Humanities, Social Sciences. Covers: 1801-1900. [21]

Find Primary Documents from American History via UCSC library

ITER: Gateway to the Renaissance Available online to UC students, faculty, and staff. Citations for articles and reviews from journals covering the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (400-1700 AD). Subject area(s): Humanities. Covers articles written 1843-present.

NASA Image eXchange (NIX) Available online to UCSC students, faculty, and staff. Cross-database search of images from NASA. The database includes images from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Johnson Space Center, the Ames Research Center, and many more.

National Archives AAD Available online to all Web users. Series of archival databases from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

Native American Studies: A UCSC Library Research Guide Contains background information and help for researching Native American Studies. The guide includes tips for finding articles, books, government documents, statistics, altases, and Websites. Native American resources UCSC]

Nature Magazine (art'l on lang origins [22]

Oxford Art Online Available to UC students, faculty, and staff. Includes: Contents of Grove Art Online, Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Access to Text: Complete full-text Subject Coverage: Art and Art History

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) Available online to UCSC students, faculty, and staff. "An illustrated collection of more than 50,000 specially written biographies of the men and women who shaped all aspects of Britain's past, from the fourth century BC to the year Database provider: Oxford University Press

Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

Oxford Reference Online Available online to UC students, faculty, and staff. Large, searchable database of reference sources including English language dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, quotation sources, and encyclopedias. Subjects include art and architecture, environmental science, literature, history, food and drink, law, maps, medicine, mythology, medicine, politics, religion, and science. Subject area(s): Art and Art History, General Subjects, Humanities, Science and Engineering, Social Sciences.

Oxford University Press Journals Available online to UCSC students, faculty, and staff. Searchable, full-text database of articles in over 100 journals from Oxford University Press. Subject area(s): General Subjects.

Vanderbilt Television News Archive Available online to UCSC students, faculty, and staff. The Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt University is the world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. The collection holds more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline since 1989.

World Almanac Available to UCSC students, faculty, and staff. This searchable full-text reference source contains short, ready-reference type of information on a large variety of subjects. Subject area(s): General Subjects.


Historical newspapers (there are several links on e-res page) [23]

Palmer's Index to the London Times, with Palmer's Full-text Available online to UC faculty, students, and staff. Historical coverage of the London Times newspaper. Provides citations to the text of articles published 1790-1905, available on microfilm in McHenry Library. The database also provides online full-text of the newspaper for the years 1824-1870. This resource is part of the 'Historical Newspapers Online' site. Subject area(s): General Subjects. Covers 1790-1905, full text available for 1824-1870.

Times Digital Archive Available online to UC students, faculty, and staff. Complete, searchable digital edition of The Times (London). Search results are available as full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching. Subject area(s): Humanities. Covers: 1785-1985.

This category currently contains no pages or media.