Resources for Writers

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At College Eight

College Life Class

General academic support


Writing 22A is a three-unit course providing language development and writing support is offered to bilingual students. You can check the Schedule of Classes, but since there's many people adding and dropping, you can go to any section; if there's not room, they can tell you if another section has any.

21060 WRIT-22A-01 Grammar & Editing SEM TuTh 02:00PM-03:10PM Porter Acad 249
21061 WRIT-22A-02 Grammar & Editing SEM TuTh 04:00PM-05:10PM Oakes Acad 103
21243 WRIT-22A-03 Grammar & Editing SEM MW 03:30PM-04:40PM Oakes Acad 103
24389 WRIT-22A-04 Grammar & Editing SEM MW 02:00PM-03:10PM Oakes Acad 103


Academic Success Workshops assist students with study skills development. Topics include:

    time management
    test anxiety
    stress management
    test taking
    note taking
    writing research papers
    decision making skills


Purdue's great writing site

General study skills info

Writing help