Note: new content will often be in gold font. Some highly rated content will have *** (or even ****) See also Films page. Individual topics will also often have audio and video.
Live Cams
UCSC falcon nests see also YouTube site
Elephant Sea Cam at Ano Nuevo (you can go on free tours)
Live cams from throughout the UC Natural Reserve System
TED is a conference that takes place early in the year in Monterey. It brings together the smartest, most passionate and creative people on the planet. These 20 min videos never fail to inspire. TEDTalks on the environment On animals Bold Predictions, Stern Warnings****
New! Conference talks from Bioneers
Green@Google has hour-long talks.
Academic Earth offers video courses, including ones on the environment.
Global 3000, a German program shown on PBS, has extensive coverage of green issues, especially with respect to Third World entrepreneurs. Examples: Coltan mining in Congo 7/10
The Opencast Matterhorn project coming from UCB
Snagfilms has many documentaries, some from PBS. ***
PBS Newshour has extensive coverage of Social Entrepreneurs,and also of environmental issues.PBS Now program often takes on green issues is being replaced by Need to Know. They cover social entrepreneurs too. Frontline documentaries can go into the most depth because they have more time. ****
Big Picture TV short 5-8 minute videos of smart people. Extensive selection. shown on PBS. Green stories.
MIT videos on energy and environment.
KQED Science website has local Bay Area programs, many on the environment, as well as links to PBS shows, including Heat, on global warming, as well as a variety of blogs to stay up to date on eco-issues. Especially good and relevant is Quest
UCTV has great talks, many on green topics and entrepreneurship. Science category Sample: Great Pacific Garbage Patch 1/10 ***
Another UC channel, has science.
German news show on PBS Deutsche Welle has extensive green coverage.
EcoLive TV great site
New York Times videos on the environment
FORA TV collects talks from great organizations, including The World Affairs Council often has green topic speakers. Highly recommended.****
Bay Nature On The Air has short videos on wildlife such as condors, coyotes, butterflies.
Brave Nation is offering a series of talks, relating especially to environmental justice with Van Jones and others.
Media Education Foundation has a number of excellent video documentaries, including the classic Advertising and the End of the World.
The Guardian (online site of UK newspaper) has audio and video of environmental news.
2008 Aspen Environment Forumincluding Van Jones, Majora Carter (EJ), Amory Lovins, Tim Kunstler (city design), Lester Brown, EO Wilson and many more.
Bioneers: Revolution form the Heart of Nature
Pacific has videos especially on ocean and China.
Berkeley Institute of the Environment
Earth Circle Cinema is a sort of NetFlix for green videos. Here are previews
Earthday TV will host the 1/30 webcast with Van Jones and has many other videos archived.
2010 Goldman Prize winners also previous years.
Douglas Adams. Best known for the amazing Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, he also wrote Last Chance to See about endangered animals. Intro Ch. 1 password required. Author reading about Komodo dragon encounter. Warning, some animals were harmed in the production of this book ;) NEW! Video at UC talk based on Last Chance experiences. The BBC has done a new series in which Stephen Frye retraces the original journey. Here are some of the original radio dispatches.
James Cameron in conversation with Eric Schmidt talking about 3D, Avatar 2 & 3, ocean exploration and more! Video Note: fee required.
Michael Pollan's bestselling book Omnivore's Dilemma is on PBS (he's also in Food Inc). weblink. book link Jan 2010 Michael Pollan on Food Rules: An Eater's Manual video
The National Parks is Ken Burns' excellent PBS series that contains much info on pioneering environmentalists such as Muir. All online for free link****
Photographer James Balog shares new image sequences from the Extreme Ice Survey, a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers receding at an alarming rate, some of the most vivid evidence yet of climate change.TEDtalk
The Cove is a documentary about the annual slaughter of dolphins in Japan. audio and videoText and audio. trailer. Short overview in Scientific American.
Home, the movie. "World Environment Day on Friday sees the worldwide release of a movie billed by producers as “the greatest green event ever”, a high-budget documentary to save the planet from Yann Arthus-Bertrand. From New York’s Central Park to the Champs de Mars by Paris’ Eiffel Tower, the French photographer known for the “Earth From The Air” books and “Seen From The Air” on TV, is releasing the green-awareness movie “Home” in over 100 countries simultaneously. YouTube link
Engineer Michael Pritchard invented the portable Lifesaver filter, which can make the most revolting water drinkable in seconds. An amazing demo from TEDGlobal 2009.
The End of the Line documentary on fishing.
Larry Brilliant on social entrepreneurs.
Capt. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation first discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch -- an endless floating waste of plastic trash. New CNN video segment7/16 update audio.
Pacific gyre filled with plastic. PBS news segment featuring UCSC folk.
Barefoot College in India trains poor women to build, install and maintain solar energy, empowering them and their villages. PBS News Hour
KilowattOurs Excellent documentary on energy use Watch online with script and links }}
Greasy Rider: Two Dudes, One Fast Food Fueled Car, and a Cross-Country Search for a Greener Future "Is it possible to drive coast-to-coast without stopping at a single gas pump? Journalist Greg Melville is determined to try. With his college buddy Iggy riding shotgun, he sets out on an enlightening road trip. The quest: to be the first people to drive cross-country in a french-fry car. " Long video interview with excerpts
Ocean Animal Emergency Features UCSC folks. You can volunteer to help at Marine Mammal Center (see volunteer page).
David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a color-shifting cuttlefish, a perfectly camouflaged octopus, and a Times Square's worth of neon light displays from fish who live in the blackest depths of the ocean. See also longer video TEDtalk
Paul MacCready: Nature vs. humans, and what we can do about it (TEDtalk video)
Jared Diamond, author of Collapse (TEDtalk video
Big Picture, Small Planet excellent short video overview by Medard Gabel, creator of online World Game by Buckminster Fuller.
Rachael Carson program by Bill Moyers, includes a play based on Carson.
Crude Impact: Oil Companies and the Environment from LinkTV
Fox News Attacks Global Warming from Brave New Films (partisan)
the REAL journey to the center of the earth (TEDtalk)
Jill Bolte-Taylor discusses insights based on her experience of having a stroke. Inspiring TEDtalk.
Juan Enriquez challenges our definition of bioenergy. Oil, coal, gas and other hydrocarbons are not chemical but biological products, based on plant matter -- and thus, growable. Our whole approach to fuel, he argues, needs to change. TEDTalk video.
Chris Jordan makes stunning images that give us a sense of how much we are consuming, among the effects of other decisions, collective and not, conscious and not.
Robin Chase founded Zipcar, the world’s biggest car-sharing business. That was one of her smaller ideas. Here she travels much farther, contemplating road-pricing schemes that will shake up our driving habits and a mesh network vast as the Interstate. TEDtalk video.
Al Gore's followup to Inconvenient Truth TEDtalks
Crittercam is a videocamera attached to ocean animals to observe their behavior. UCSC alum will show this work April 5th at UCSC.
Michael Pollan, author of Omnivore's Dilemma (Ch 1. online free). Video of debate with John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods Video link (Realplayer required). Their correspondence, which has explored such issues as organic and local food, animal agriculture, and the role of Whole Foods, is available at Whole Foods site and Michael Pollan site.
Global Warming skeptic comes clean
Dolphins playing with bubbles
Avery Lovins on the Oil Endgame, a TEDtalk. See also
The Story of Stuff an excellent look at consumption ***
Great video on global warming***
Lester Brown talk at Google Jan 2006
James Howard Kunstler: The tragedy of suburbia Strong language. In James Howard Kunstler's view, public spaces should be inspired centers of civic life -- the physical manifestation of the common good. Instead, he argues, what we have in America is a nation of places not worth caring about.
Interview with creator of Virtual Reality eco-village in Second Life, Etopia.
Majora Carter works for Environmental Justice in the Bronx 20 min.****
The Meatrix, animated short film about the meat industry ***
UCSC's Predatory Bird Group video archives of falcon nest in San Jose***
Quest KQED NPR San Francisco has great California environmental stories.
National Public Radio stories on the environment
Talk of the Nation--Science Friday often has excellent coverage of eco-issues.
Commonwealth Club hosts talks by smart people throughout the Bay Area. Many of these are podcast. INFORUM are talks tailored to people in their 20-30's, often having green topics.
LongNow Foundation seeks to inspire longterm thinking through its speaker series (including some on building an incredibly cool 10K year clock)
Bioneers: Revolution form the Heart of Nature
UCSC's own radio station KZSC has programs related to the environment, science, and social justice like On What Grounds. For example, here's a history of SC agriculture. You can learn how to make your own radio programs as well.
KQED's Forum program frequently covers eco issues, often local.
KPFA's Terra Verde with Pratap Chatterjee Fridays 1-1:30 pm. A live public affairs program focusing on investigating and analyzing environmental issues from a global perspective. Archives online.
Living on Earth NPR weekly environmental program. Archives online.
Pulse of the Planet are short pieces heard daily on NPR
Raj Patel writer, activist, academic and author of Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System is a researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley. His more recent book on economics is The Value of Nothing first chapter and video here, also covered in Commonwealth Club talk 1/10, (Realplayer)
Alan Weisman's book, The World Without Us, grew out of two questions, he said. One was, "How can I write a best-seller about the environment?" The answer to that was the second question: "How would the rest of nature behave without the constant pressure we put on it?" talk
Jared Diamond Friday, July 15, 2005 "How Societies Fail-And Sometimes Succeed" Video availablefrom
Daniel Goleman, psychologist, science journalist and author of "Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything" and "Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence." Interview Website
Terry Tempest Williams talks about her latest book, "Finding Beauty in a Broken World." In the book, Williams finds inspiration in the study of mosaics -- a pursuit which takes her from Ravenna, Italy to Bryce Canyon, Utah.
20th Annual Goldman Environmental Prize which was awarded to grassroots activists from around the world today. We talk with recipients including Maria Gunnoe, a West Virginian who battled against King Coal and mountaintop removal, and Rizwana Hasan who worked to end the dangerous ship breaking industry in Bangladesh.
Audio of panel discussion of California's new Green Chemistry initiative. 12/08 See also here and 12/18
EO Wilson, wonderful interview on his life and work with ants. Includes excerpt from his new book, Superorganisms
Ig Noble Prizes for experiments that cannot and should not be replicated. Pure fun for the seriously nerdy.
Tom Friedman interview based on his new book Hot, Flat and Crowded excerpt/intro 09/08
Quest story on CA native plant impact by global warming Related story on water supply .
Brent Stirton, Chronicling the Virunga Gorilla Murders
Elizabeth Royte interviewed on new book Bottlemania on water bottles.
Elizabeth Royte's new book Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It (includes Podcast interview) Her previous book Garbage Land is a good read.
Boat Made of Plastic Bottles to Sail the Pacific. How do you raise awareness about plastic debris floating in the Pacific? You sail a boat made out of 15,000 plastic bottles from California to Hawaii. Marine scientists Joel Paschal and Marcus Erikson discuss their voyage.
Navajo Nation Pushes for Uranium Cleanup. May 30, 2008 · Despite the lure of potentially big money, the Navajo Nation has banned uranium mining on its reservation, which spans parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. In part, the decision reflects deep Navajo concerns about how past mining activities have damaged health and the environment.
Goldman Eco-Hero prize (Audio interview with four 2008 winners).
Interview with Jeffrey Sachs, an economist interested in ecological and social justice issues.
Adam Werbach. Once the youngest president in the history of the Sierra Club, San Francisco-based Adam Werbach has served as a sustainability consultant to Wal-Mart and recently sold his firm to global advertising giant Saatchi and Saatchi. He discusses his goal "to construct a consumer movement for sustainability" -- and about the risks of corporate "greenwashing."
NPR interview with Dan Koeppel, author of Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, gives us a primer on the expansive history — and the endangered future — of this seedless, sexless fruit.
Global Warming skeptics meet in NY
Diamonds to Rice Land devastated by mining is becoming productive
Lester Brown's Plan B 3.0 an Environmental Call to Action (audio interview) Free download of book
Three Gorges Dam in China is a massive project with huge ecological end social effects (audio and images)
Gore speaks in Bali Conf. Also an inspiring talk by David Kucinich on greening the US.
Climate Connections NPR and National Geographic team up to provide great info on climate change
Do you know where your blue jeans have been? We follow the path of a pair of jeans, from the cotton fields to the seamstresses to the retail store. Rachel Louise Snyder's new book is Fugitive Denim: A Moving Story of People and Pants in the Borderless World of Global Trade. audio interview
An amazing whale story (Realplayer required)***
Naturalist Craig Childs, author of The Secret Knowledge of Water. audio interview
A Gap in Nature Author Tim Flannery on extinction (see link to audio interview)
'Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest' by Sy Montgomery (several chapters on audio)
Websites has many organizations and solutions to environmental and developmental problems. Video overview from TEDtalk ****
Follow the oil money in politics. A dynamic map ***
Care2 gives various kinds of eco and demographic info based on geography
eNature allows you to identify, track and report wildlife in your area
Encyclopedia of Earth a green Wikipedia?
Gapminder allows you to see demographic trends in a very powerful way. ****
Scorecard Type in your Zip Code and see who's poisoning your home town
Pesticide Use in CA useful lists by county and chemical
UCSC Atlas of Global Inequality ****
Wiser Earth a directory of people and organizations in the fight
Worldmapper ***
Calculate your ecological impact on the planet
See Greenmuze for Art, and Waste and Space
Oscar-nominated documentary ‘Waste Land’ explores art made from the world’s largest garbage dump.
Vik Muniz, Atlanta and Hippomenes after Guido Reni (Pictures of Junk)
Artist Dianna Cohen shares some tough truths about plastic pollution in the ocean and in our lives. TEDtalk video
UCSC's Elliot Anderson and Jennifer Parker are featured artists in Groundswell. Parker and Barney Haynes present a new media installation that interactively engages gallery viewers with solar wind data. Anderson examines the technological landscape with a hydroponic garden that phytoremediates water polluted with mercury and other heavy metals left from 19th century mining operations.
Local singer-songwriter Vienna Teng, whose songs are hauntingly beautiful, has raised money for green efforts and walked her talk on merchandising; she's going back to school to study green business but performing 5/17 in Santa Cruz Link
Laura Veirs often writes about the joy of being in nature, inspired by farmers' market peaches and canoe river trips.
Cuyahoga On June 22, 1969, an oil slick and debris in the Cuyahoga River caught fire in Cleveland, Ohio, drawing national attention to environmental problems in Ohio and elsewhere in the United States and led to the Clean Water Act. Recently, the reclamation of the river was celebrated.
Jellyfish made out of plastic bottles
Hotel made of trash collected on beach
Giant robot elephant from recycled materials (from Greenmuze)
"Without a doubt, with no hyperbole: Theo Jansen is an absolute genius. Listen to his talk about the new creatures he builds from 'plastic tubes and lemonade bottles'"...Link
UCSC Digital Arts bio-art [1]
A Muir Web is a complex mapping of an ecosystem. The term was coined by the Mannahatta Project, which has an amazing recreation of New York City. (here are some images). Here's an artist's interpretation of its symmetry, beauty and complexity.
UCSC has produced at least three world class nature photographers: Gordon Wiltsie (NPR audio interview), [ Frans Lanting (a TEDtalk video), and Kennan Ward.
Jim Balog won the Rowell Award. Here he documents global warming. Photographer James Balog shares new image sequences from the Extreme Ice Survey, a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers receding at an alarming rate, some of the most vivid evidence yet of climate change.Link
Five Gyres project is sailing to all major subtropical oceanic gyres (North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, and Indian Ocean) in order to study the every growing problem of marine plastic pollution. See slideshow
In this image-filled talk, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his three most recent projects on humanity and our habitat -- stunning aerial photographs in his series "The Earth From Above," TEDtalk video. Download his amazing new movie Home.
Andy Goldsworthy uses natural materials for his sculptures/photographs Interview Rivers and Tides (video)
More nature inspired art, but groovier
Crop circles another one
Frans Lanting presents The LIFE Project, a collection that tells the story of our planet, from its eruptive beginnings to its present diversity. Hoping for a glimpse of the world the way it was in the age of photosynthesizing stromatolites, "back before the sky turned blue," Lanting journeyed to a remote lagoon in Australia, the only place in the world where stromatolites still exist. The story moves forward from there, via a lyrical collection of photographs set to a soundtrack from Philip Glass. TEDtalk video
Stunning images of accumulated consumer goods and resources by Chris Jordan. TEDtalk video PBS episode. Chris Jordan's heart-rending images of Albatross chicks who starved to death with their stomachs full of plastic.
Photographer Edward Burtynsky documents how humans alter the world, and to a lesser degree the people engaged in doing the work (example). Video of TEDtalk accepting his award. A video, Manufactured Landscapes, (trailer) was made about his trip to China and its factories and the Three Gorges Dam. Excerpt.
Jesus Bubu Negron, a Puerto Rican artist, made this rug out of cigarette butts found on the streets. link
"Empty Los Angeles" pictures remind me of best-selling book The World Without Us multimedia
60 Stunning satellite images of Earth
Valerie Ucumari's photos of animals
Sophie Gerrard's images of e-waste in India
UCSC's Don Rothman's One Way of Seeing
Other Media
Graphic Novel on Diane Wilson Wilson's book, An Unreasonable Woman
See also Literature, Art, and the Environment and Social Documentation
Please send your suggestions for content to Patrick McKercher [2]