We think of globalization as a recent phenomenon, but it's not exactly true. Much of the inequality was a long time in the making. See History (also Africa and Latin America). See also Development.
Juan González's Harvest of Empire takes an unflinching look at the role that U.S. economic and military interests played in triggering an unprecedented wave of migration that is transforming our nation’s cultural and economic landscape. It's now the basis of a new documentary. Democracy Now segment.
Vijay Prashad, author of such books as Arab Spring, Libyan Winter, The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World and the Karma of Brown Folks. Blurb: "A landmark study that offers an alternative history of the Cold War from the point of view of the world's poor. Here, from a brilliant young writer, is a paradigm-shifting history of both a utopian concept and global movement—the idea of the Third World. The Darker Nations traces the intellectual origins and the political history of the twentieth century attempt to knit together the world’s impoverished countries in opposition to the United States and Soviet spheres of influence in the decades following World War II. Spanning every continent of the global South, Vijay Prashad’s fascinating narrative takes us from the birth of postcolonial nations after World War II to the downfall and corruption of nationalist regimes. A breakthrough book of cutting-edge scholarship, it includes vivid portraits of Third World giants like India’s Nehru, Egypt’s Nasser, and Indonesia’s Sukarno—as well as scores of extraordinary but now-forgotten intellectuals, artists, and freedom fighters. The Darker Nations restores to memory the vibrant though flawed idea of the Third World, whose demise, Prashad ultimately argues, has produced a much impoverished international political arena."
A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations by Clive Ponting 1991 McH Stacks GF75 .P66 1993. Great overview.
Natures Past : the environment and human history / Paolo Squatriti, editor Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2007 McH Stacks - GF13 .N38 2007 Link
Environment and Empire (UK) / William Beinart and Lotte Hughes Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007 McH Stacks - GF551 .B45 2007
Late Victorian Holocausts (searchable) By Mike Davis, see also his modern take City of Slums.
King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa
Changes in the Land by William Cronon was long the central text in the Core course, a pioneering work in eco-history, and it it still the best explanation of how we got where we are. These excerpts (requires course login) documents how Native Americans related to nature, and what happened when the market was introduced. Ch. 8 is the summary/conclusion. He was also wrote "Trouble with Wilderness," which set off a lively debate, which concludes here.