Movie Schedule

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Revision as of 17:26, 3 October 2007 by Pmmckerc (talk | contribs) (We need a student to set up the dataprojector for this event. if you can help, contact
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We need a student to set up the dataprojector for this event (we'll show you how). if you can help, contact

College 8 Movie Night is tentatively scheduled for Thursday nights at the Dining Hall during during Late Night (approximately 9:30 pm). Attendance is NOT mandatory, but we will try to select movies that will tie into the Core course. Your instructor may allow you to use the films to supplement (NOT replace) the readings. We'll also try to have some movies that are fun. Studying should always take priority, as you can watch most of these movies (even in a group) in the basement of McHenry Library (you can find them on Cruzcat, just select Film and Video).