Blogs and Social Networks

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Remember, none of this content has been reviewed by anyone. It is, however, a way to see different points of view on current events.


Mother Jones Magazine digests a couple other blogs (and links to a bunch of green ones).

Top 35 Green blogs, according to Read/Write/Web.

Yale's Environment 360

HuffPo Green (videos)

Rebecca Solnit is a fine and inspiring Bay Area writer. top rated by Time Magazine

Dot Earth, NYT reporter Andrew C. Revkin examines efforts to balance human affairs with the planet’s limits.

Green Wombat has good coverage of energy and California

Earthfirst (not to be confused with Earthfirst!, the direct action group) recently recognized UCSC's green leadership.

Mark Hertsgaard tracks emerging green technology, as does

Energy, Food, Environment by Dustin Mulvaney, College 8 instructor.

Eco-Blog Index

another Eco-Blog Index

GristMill You can comment on stories here.

Wendy's Blog

The Environmental Blog

by Environmental Working Group, with links to other sites/blogs

Outside Magazine blog

Worldchanging is inspiring

Social Networks

Audio interview with Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler, two researchers exploring social networks and how they affect our health and behavior. In their new book 'Connected,' the pair describe research into how social networks tie into obesity, smoking, voting behavior, happiness, and more.

Brilliant video explaining Web 2.0 issues such as tagging ****

Howard Rheingold talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action -- and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group. As he points out, humans have been banding together to work collectively since our days of hunting mastodons. TEDtalk video.


Hugg is like Digg for the environment

tag cloud Tag cloud

Virtual Reality/Gaming

Create or run online simulations examples and a video on how to make them.

A number of new books out, including Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter and Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames

Seth Priebatsch looks at the next layer in progress: the "game layer," a pervasive net of behavior-steering game dynamics that will reshape education and commerce. TEDtalk video

Games are invading the real world -- and the runaway popularity of Farmville and Guitar Hero is just the beginning, says Jesse Schell. TEDtalk video

Hazard Cards tests your knowledge of eco-disasters.

Representing Earth is an NYU course that investigates the potential of recreating the earth in images, VR etc.

Second Life is a virtual world that allows people to build almost anything and invite the world in to experience it. It has its own economy, and some people have built worlds that include working model ecosystems. Because it includes community, an economy, and ecosystems, it present interesting possibilities to explore the interaction between the three. Envirolink has an SL community. Interview with creator of Virtual Reality eco-village in Second Life, Etopia, and one with creator of Svarga and a video tour. Some of these virtual worlds are already having real world effects, such as this one for the rain forest. Adding technology such as the Wii to interact with rich virtual worlds give them additional potential, including training. New: Polluted Ithaca. 11/7

Will Wright, creator of SimCity created the mind-blowing Spore, a game for investigating evolution & complexity TEDtalk video. **** Hour long demo talk (video).

"Saving the World Through Game Design" (video) Jane McGonigal talks with Daniel Zalewski about alternate-reality gaming. From “Stories from the Near Future,” the 2008 New Yorker Conference. You can play future forecasting game, Superstruct from Institute for the Future, which has the potential to affect the real world. Earlier game project, World Without Oil

Serious Games blog environment

Games for Change

Green games and Second Life video

Mannahatta Project. Eric Sanderson pictures New York -- before the City. 400 years after Hudson found New York harbor, Sanderson shares how he made a 3D map of Mannahatta's fascinating pre-city ecology of hills, rivers, wildlife -- accurate down to the block -- when Times Square was a wetland and you couldn't get delivery. TEDtalk video.

Nuclear plant simulator game (no earthquake mode).

Let me know if you find other green "serious games"