By Author

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Alphabetical List of Authors

Note: this list pertains only to authors assigned by one or more instructors in the Core course.

Edward Abbey Excerpt from Desert Solitaire

Cronon, William et al. Changes in the Land documents how Native Americans related to nature, and what happened when the market was introduced. Ch. 8 is the summary/conclusion. He was also wrote "Trouble with Wilderness," which set off a lively debate, which concludes here.

Davis, Mike "The New Urban Environmentalism" discusses attempts to limit urban sprawl.

Diamond, Jared Collapse seeks to understand why so many civilizations have been unable to avoid destroying the environment they depended upon. In this selection he summarizes the reasons.

Emerson, RW,

Hawken, Paul Blessed Unrest " The Long Green" and "Emerson's Savants" article on the book's origins

Mark Hertsgaard in his "The Green Dream" gives an overview of Earth Odyssey and gives idea on how market forces could help the environment. Chapter 6 on population.

Hill, Julia Butterfly engaged in a two year treesit to save a 600 year old redwood. "Luna's Cut"see image

Jim Houston
Prologue to Continental Drift
Donner Party book

Macy, J. and Brown, M. System Theory.

N. Scott Momaday's The Man Made of Words (excerpts)

Powell, John Wesley a one-armed Civil War officer who was the first to explore the Grand Canyon by boat. White speaks of regionalism, an idea pioneered by Powell. NPR audio

Reisner, Wiliam Cadillac Desert explores how crucial the development of dams were to the West. Introduction. Chapter 1 includes John Wesley Powell, a one-armed Civil War officer who was the first to explore the Grand Canyon by boat. White speaks of regionalism, an idea pioneered by Powell. NPR audio

Royte, Elizabeth Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of TrashIntroduction "Amphibious Assault"

Elba R. Sanchez "Sowing Seeds"

Schlosser, Eric Fast Food Nation provides information on the meat industry and chemicals in the food.

Snyder, Gary "At Tower Peak"

Leslie M. Silko's Gardens in the Dunes Bold text(excerpts)

Stegner, Wallace The Wilderness Letter
Introduction to Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs

Steingraber, Sandra Living Downstream explores the role of chemicals in cancer Time Pt 1 Time Pt 2 WWII origins of petrochemimical industry

Thoreau, HD

Paul Wartzman Obscene in the Extreme]: The Burning and Banning of The Grapes of Wrath Ch. 1 Part 1 Ch. 1 Part 2

Williams, Terry Tempest "Clan of the One-Breasted Women"