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Tips on Finding Content on this Site

Broken links. We had to change servers, so if a link does not work, try cutting and pasting into the Wayback Machine; you can also send help request to Patrick McKercher (

If you use the search in the left Navigation bar, if you hit the Go button you will only get results if there happens to be page with that name (here's a list of all pages). If you get no result be sure to scroll down (or if you hit the Search button) in theory it will show you all instances of that word appearing on the site.

Here are pages ranked by popularity.

List of topics in no particular order.

A rough draft of a dynamic visual map of the site topics showing relationships. UNDER repair

The organization of this site is evolving organically based on the interests of contributors and the needs of the College Eight Core course.

If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact [1]