Academic Skills

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College Eight

College 8 Resources]

On Campus

General academic support

Free writing tutoring

Academic Success Skills
time management
Test anxiety and strategies
Stress management
Test taking
note taking
writing research papers
Decision making skills
Preparing for the ELWR exam

On the Web

How to Succeed in Anything.

Latest research on how to study best 2/13.

General study skills info An excellence collection of many and quite specific advice.

How to Improve your Vocabulary Need help with chemistry, math and bio concepts? Clear video explanations.

Wolfram is a great source of statistical info and math help.

Zygote Body 3D visualization tool.

Why we don't use Wikipedia for university work. Wikipedia is not considered a legitimate source for college level work. See PRwatch article on corporations altering Wikipedia including Chevron deleting the entire article on bio-diesel, and Exxon rewriting the history of the Valdez oil spill.

Best way to research is to go to the library reference desk, ask for something and watch how they search and ask questions. If you use the online system, you should ask for tips as well. If you have to use Google, you might as well be smart about it (what you learn about search from librarian applies to it as well). See Google search tips (for more scroll to bottom of page) for example (geekier) search tips.

Umm I'm not sure we need more distraction, but here's a new spin on flashcards: Popling. Let us know what you think.

Multi-tasking Stanford Study demonstrates why trying to multitask doesn't work (7/13 update)Colbert version. Your Brain on Computers: Neuroscience and Tech's Devices of Distraction (audio). Anti-Social Phone Tricks TEDtalk video). Sad, scary and funny survey numbers. Douglas Rushkoff is a brilliant analyst of digital culture, his critique.

Get an education, not a GPA21st-century-skills: collaboration, knowledge construction, skilled communication, global awareness, self-regulation, real-world problem-solving, and technology used in learning. green economy.

The importance of sleep, new research.


See also Resources for Writers

How to Write With Style by Kurt Vonnegut

MLA research paper format McHenry MLA guide.

How to avoid plagiarism

APA style guide.

Why Silicon Valley CEO won't hire anyone with bad grammar 9/12.


Ellis, David B. Becoming a Master Student UCSC McH BF455 .R835 1989

Leo Babauta Focus: A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction Excerpt. (password required). Longer version

Time Management

Getting Things Done See also book website