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EE 80S: Sustainability Engineering and Design (Fall 2012)

Lecture time: T Th 8-9:45, Baskin Engineering 152 Lab times: M 3:30-4:40, Th 6-7:10, Th 7:30-8:40, F 8-9:10

Instructors: Katie Monsen (, Ronnie Lipschutz (, Melanie DuPuis (, Ben Crow ( TA: Nicholas Cramer ( Lab instructor: Nicholas Hawthorne (

Course web site: (sign in, then look for 22188 LEC 01: EE80S)

Please consult the website for the current and complete syllabus. Course description: This course is a topical introduction to principles and practices of sustainability engineering and ecological design (SEED) defined here as the planning, development and deployment of technological and social systems and institutions that can protect the earth’s ecological systems for this and future generations. The course provides students with an understanding of basic scientific, engineering and social principles in the design, deployment, and operation of resource-based human systems, and how they can be maintained for this and future generations. No specialized background in engineering, sciences or social sciences is required, and the course is open to all students. It is a gateway course to the curriculum in Sustainability Engineering and Ecological Design (SEED).

Course organization and requirements: The course consists of six parts: 1. A series of required lectures on topics relevant to sustainable engineering and design; 2. Weekly required lab/discussion sections; 3. Required and optional readings linked to topics; 4. Brief weekly in-class assignments on lecture and reading topics and content; 5. A team research project to address a specific problem studied in class (note three due dates on syllabus, when assignments are due in class); and 6. A final exam.

Grading: Weekly in-class assignments, 25%; lab participation, 30%; final projects, 25%; final exam, 20% Texts: There are no assigned texts for this course; all materials are on line under “Resources” on eCommons. Disability Accommodations: If you qualify for classroom accommodations because of a disability, please submit your Accommodation Authorization Letter from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to Katie during office hours or by appointment, preferably within the first two weeks of the quarter. Contact DRC by phone at 831-459-2089 or by email at for more information.