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[http://ej.ucdavis.edu/ UC Davis]
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[[Category:Environmental Justice]]
[[Category:Environmental Justice]]

Revision as of 18:05, 28 October 2007

== Environmental Justice: The fair treatment for people of all races, cultures, and incomes, regarding the development of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. == (As defined by the EPA).

Definition, brief history and links

Overview and better definition.

Scorecard allows you to look at EJ issues in any county

Majora Carter

Recent recipient of the McArthur "Genius Grant," Carter is reclaiming the South Bronx, an eco "sacrifice zone."

An amazing talk at TED conference in Monterey

Her project website

Video of local talk at Zeitgeist conference (prison and garbage as growth industry)

More videos

Van Jones

Oakland Activist

"Beyond Eco-Apatheid" also in course reader

Short video interview by Mark Hertsgaard

"Unbearable Whiteness of Green"

Recent article on jobs bill

UC Folk

Manuel Pastor



Andrew Szasz

Older but extensive bibliography

UC Davis