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{{Event|Volunteer at a hospital|10/15/07 - indefinite|Dominican Hospital is looking for proactive volunteers to assist with patient cleaning, injections, surgery (brain, heart, and plastic positions are available), diagnosis, prescriptions, and pronouncements of death. Experience preferred.}}
Please send your listings to mailto:pmmckerc@ucsc.edu.  See also [[Green_Jobs|Green Jobs]] for internships.
{{Event|Help out at a major computer company|12/25/07|Small outfit seeks motivated individuals to help with some manual labor. A local computer company needs all of their most expensive equipment repaired, so we are going to transport it all to our headquarters on Christmas Day, when we won't be disturbing anybody. Must be discreet, lithe, uneducated. Ability to look the other way on command a must.}}
See also [[Event_Calendar|Event Calendar]]
== General Websites ==
{{Event|The Student Volunteer Center|ongoing|The Center has a list of one time and on-going volunteer opportunities, including environmental. <br /> Email: volunteer (at) ucsc.edu ,<br />Phone: (831) 459-3363<br />
Location: ARCenter - 1st Floor Reception Desk
[http://www2.ucsc.edu/svc/index.php Website]
It also offers [http://www2.ucsc.edu/svc/MoreInfoAltSpring.php Alternative Spring Break] rebuilding New Orleans. }} [http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?category=5&submit=Go&browseCategory=true&action=list Eco orgs search]
{{Event|one-800 Volunteer |ongoing|This website allows you to search for organizations nationwide}} [http://www.1-800-volunteer.org/1800Vol/santa-cruz-county/OpenAboutOrganizationAction.do?organizationId=232206 Link]
[http://www.volunteermatch.org/search/ Volunteer Match] has a new [http://www.volunteermatch.org/volunteers/services/iphoneapp.jsp iPhone app] that allows you to search wherever you are.
{{Event|Bay Area Volunteer Center|ongoing|This website cover all kinds of organization, including green ones.  [http://www.volunteerinfo.org/ Link]}}
{{Event|UCSC Campus Sustainability Organizations|ongoing|This website cover all kinds of organizations, including 
Student Environmental Center (SEC), Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP), The Campus Sustainability Council (CSC), Environmental Media Project (EMP). [http://sustainability.ucsc.edu/get-involved/students/student-organizations Link]. [http://sustainability.ucsc.edu/get-involved/clearinghouse UCSC sustainability projects] (some may offer internships). Here is a list of [http://www2.ucsc.edu/svc/alt_spring.php all UCSC student-led organizations].}} [http://sec.enviroslug.org/green-building.html Green Building program]
{{Event|Agroecology Opportunities|ongoing|Prof. Gliessman at the Plenary gave us lots of ways to get involved:  [http://communityagroecology.net/ CAN]
offers [http://communityagroecology.net/internships.htm internships] and a [http://www.canunite.org/en/agroeco_coffee_tour trip to Costa Rica] in September to study coffee production.
[http://www.canunite.org/ CAN] confronts some of the world’s most pressing problems in sustainability and conservation. The Network’s three programs work with partners in the United States, Mexico, and Central America. Through our initiatives, college students, farmers, researchers, and consumers support community members’ efforts to become economically viable, while at the same time protecting and improving their local environment. [http://www.canunite.org/programs Programs] include:
*CAN will be hosting an Info Session for our Summer Sustainable Development Field Course happening in Agua Buena, Costa Rica from July 15 - 28! This info session will take place Wednesday May 2nd from 7 - 8:30pm in building A3 of the Sustainable Living Center in the Village. This will be a great opportunity for students to come learn more about what this course offers and the logistics of participating, to meet with some of the lead instructors and organizers of the course, ask questions, and meet other prospective participants! Our application deadline for the course is May 15th, so anyone who's thinking of participating is strongly encouraged to attend this info session so they can submit their applications on time! For questions, please contact Arielle at fieldstudy@canunite.org.
* Alternative Coffee Trade: Order coffee through CAN’s Fairtrade Direct™ project and support Latin American coffee-growing communities.
* [http://www.canunite.org/student_action Action Education]: Through our education initiative we raise awareness and create tools for change around global trade and sustainable agriculture. We use field-study opportunities, farmer-to-farmer exchanges, research, organizational internships, and an annual shortcourse to inspire action for social and environmental justice.
* Participatory Research CAN researchers immerse themselves in the communities they work with and study the agroecology of the local communities. They learn how the farming and social systems work on site. Through collaborative relationships, farmer groups engage in the development of the research questions. This way the findings become directly useful to community members.  [http://www.canunite.org/en/alternative_spring_break_yucat%C3%A1n_newsletter Alternative Spring Break].
[http://news.ucsc.edu/2015/12/farm-internships.html Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS)]  internships. 12/15.
[http://casfs.ucsc.edu/training/index.html The Farm apprentice]
[http://ucscpica.org/ Live and work in The Village]
[http://www.lifelab.org/internships.html Lifelab] creates school gardens
see also [http://ecowatch.com/2015/01/07/wwoofing-101/ WWOOFing] (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)}}
{{Event|CalPIRG|ongoing |
Campaigns: Global Warming Solutions, 21st Century Transportation,  Health Care Work,  Getting to Graduation Campaigns,High-Speed Rail Campaigns, New Voters Project ,  Higher Education Campaigns, Textbooks,  Hunger & Homelessness,  Save Our Otters/Oceans. [http://energyservicecorps.org/about-us Energy Service Corps]
Interested in internships, volunteering?  Contact by e-mail/phone, or drop by our office: 3rd Floor Student Union
831-459-4649. Campus Organizer: Carolina Van Horn [mailto:carolina@calpirgstudents.org] also David Gamburd [mailto:david@calpirgstudents.org]
[http://www.calpirgstudents.org/ucsc Link]}}
{{Event|Environmental Studies Internship Resources |ongoing|Sample opportunities:
#  CAN—Community Agroecology Network
# Full Circle Energy Cooperative Inc.
# UCSC Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Farm Systems
# California Coastal Commission
# Pacific Biofuel
# California State Parks
# California Dept. of Fish and Game
# National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
# Santa Cruz City Parks Department
# Ecology Action 
[http://envs.ucsc.edu/internships/ Link]}}
{{Event|Local Sustainability Organizations |ongoing|[http://sustainablesantacruz.org/activist-organizations/ Link] excellent resource }}
== New Listings ==
[http://www.nativeanimalrescue.org/ Native Animal Rescue] Santa Cruz [http://loe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=15-P13-00042&segmentID=5 audio] 10/15. Need help with seabird rescue because of the Big Blog ocean warming.
[https://ugr.ue.ucsc.edu/ Undergraduate research opportunities] includes funding 6/15.
[http://www.sierraclub.org/youth/summer-sprog-training Summer Grassroots Training (SPROG)]: Sprog is a grassroots leadership training program that teaches tools for environmental and social justice activism to young folks across the country. 3/15.
[http://eanderson.ucsc.edu Elliot Anderson], an Associate Prof. of Art & Electronic Media in the Art Department and Digital Arts and the New Media, is seeking student researchers to work with him on his "Silicon Monuments: An Augmented Reality Tour of Silicon Valley Superfund Sites" ([http://www.siliconmonuments.org http://www.siliconmonuments.org]/). The project is described below.  If you are interested, please contact Professor Anderson at: ewanders AT ucsc.edu.
[http://environmentalmediaproject.wordpress.com/issues/ Gaia Magazine] is a student media environmental magazine here at UCSC. A good portion of our content comes from student submissions. More info at [http://environmentalmediaproject.wordpress.com/ 1/14
Natural Bridges, famous for its Monarch butterflies, seeks volunteers and interns. naturalbridgesstatebeach AT gmail.com  10/13.
{{Event|Kiva Fellows| ongoing|
Since 2007, the Kiva Fellows Program has offered over 450 individuals a rare opportunity to put their skills to work in support of global microfinance. Applicants chosen for the program serve as Kiva’s eyes and ears on the ground, working directly with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and other field partners in over 60 countries around the globe, and with new initiatives such as Kiva Zip in Kenya and the U.S. The Kiva Fellowship is an unpaid, volunteer position designed to increase Kiva's impact and to offer participants a unique insider experience. [http://www.kiva.org/fellows link]}}
{{Event|Wildlands program through CSUMB |ongoing|
The Wildlands Studies Program, California State University, Monterey Bay offers a series of environmental and cultural ecology field studies that we invite you to join. This year you can choose among sixteen wildlife, wildland and cultural ecology field studies searching for solutions to environmental and cultural challenges. Each program grants 4-12 upperdivision units credit. Please note that all programs are open and accepting applications now. Field studies take place in wildland locations throughout the Montana Rockies, California, Alaska, Canada, Belize, Peru, Chile, India, Thailand, Nepal, Tasmania, Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica and New Zealand.
All of our programs, now available for your consideration are described at our
[http://www.wildlandsstudies.com website]; or a catalog can be sent to you in the mail. Our email address is wildlands@wildlandsstudies.com If you have questions about any of our programs, please feel free to get back in touch with us.}}
[http://baykeeper.org/blog/baykeeper-seeks-2013-volunteer-pollution-investigators SF Baykeeper Seeks 2013 Volunteer Pollution Investigators] 7/13.
[http://www.ted.com/speakers/mick_ebeling.html Mick Ebeling] shares how he and a team of collaborators built an open-source invention that gave the artist -- and gives others in his circumstance -- the means to make art again.  The nerve disease ALS left graffiti artist TEMPT paralyzed from head to toe, forced to communicate blink by blink. Ebeling founded the [http://notimpossiblelabs.com/ Not Impossible Lab], a nonprofit that lets '''you''' help develop creative solutions to real-world problems [http://www.ted.com/talks/mick_ebeling_the_invention_that_unlocked_a_locked_in_artist.html TEDtalk] 5/13.
[http://www.oxfamamerica.org/whoweare Oxfam America] is looking for [http://www.oxfamamerica.org/whatyoucando/take-action/community-action/forms/join-action-corps?utm_source=ActionCorps2013Recruit&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ActionCorps&utm_content=2484258 Bay Area volunteers] 1/13.
[http://boingboing.net/2012/12/21/hackers-for-charity.html Hackers for Charity] (see also [http://giip.org/ GIIP]).
{{Event|Global Brigades| ongoing| [http://waterslugs.weebly.com/other-programs.html Global Brigades] wins Chancellor Award.  They do medical, dental, economic and water development in Third World countries, often during summer.}}
[http://www.ucscbrigades.org/ UC Santa Cruz Global Brigades] is one of the many university chapters of Global Brigades, Inc in North America and Europe where volunteering students are dedicated to the research, design, and construction of socially
responsible, environmentally sustainable solutions towards problems in the
developing world. Ultimately, extended relationships between brigades and
communities will result in not only the implementation of a variety of
projects, but also the accumulation of a vast wealth of knowledge
from which future students and communities can learn.}}
[http://www.riseupghana.org/ Rise Up Development Collective] (RUDC) is a nonprofit organization focused on development in the Wli Todzi community, in the Volta Region in Ghana. We raise funds to sustainably construct, stock, and staff a much needed health clinic for the people of Wli Todzi.
[http://www.globalexchange.org/internships Global Exchange] co-founded by a Slug!  Gives reality tours, helps poor people sell goods, puts on green festivals.
[http://www.nativeanimalrescue.org/volunteering/ Native Animal Rescue]
[http://www.350.org 350.org] is doing amazing world organizing against climate change, XL pipeline etc.
[http://www.earthday.org/mobilizeu MobilizeU] is an international movement of concerned and active college students competing and mobilizing their campuses around acts of green throughout the month surrounding Earth Day 2012.  Join now! 
[http://www.rhok.org/ Random Hacks of Kindness] creates software for disaster relief etc.
{{Event|Habitat Restoration| ongoing|
Habitat Restoration Team of the California Native Plant Society at Quail Hollow Ranch County Park: Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 19.  10-1, bring a lunch, water, and gloves [http://www.cruzcnps.org/events.html#item2 Link]
Herbarium Volunteer work parties:  Nat Sci 2 rm 229. [http://www2.ucsc.edu/mnhc/get_involved/ Link]
[http://www.wildwork.org/ The Wildlands Restoration Team] is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the rich biological diversity of the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Save Our Shores Cleanup parties:
[http://www.saveourshores.org/ Link]
UCSC Site Stewardship Program: Ecological restoration opportunities:}}
[http://ucscplant.ucsc.edu/ucscplant/Grounds/index.jsp?page=Stewardship_Program Link]
{{Event|community building and social justice ideas| ongoing|
College 9 and 10 have PRAXIS  [http://collegeten.ucsc.edu/studentlife/studentorgs/praxis.php Link]. Praxis is an organization geared toward community building and social justice. The themes of College Nine and College Ten, International and Global Perspectives, and Social Justice and Community, are implemented in PRAXIS. Students from both colleges are encouraged to join. Each month Praxis members engage in a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout Santa Cruz county and neighboring communities. During the Praxis campus meetings, students learn about and discuss the issues facing these diverse communities.}}
{{Event|Alternative Spring Break Trip to New Orleans|post 12/1|
Alternative Spring Break Trip to New Orleans - Contact Johanna at programs@santacruzhillel.org}}
{{Event|Greenaction on Environmental Justice| ongoing| 
To learn more about Bradley Angel's Environmental Justice work with Greenaction and what you can do to help the people of Kettleman City [http://www.greenaction.org/ link]}}
{{Event|Wilderness protection| ongoing|
If anyone would like to get involved with the political campaign to protect the Andrew Molera Wilderness, or future volunteering with the Ventana Wilderness Alliance (VWA) all of which involves awesome camping in Big Sur and the Ventana Wilderness, please get in touch with Morgan Harris. His contact info:
Morgan Harris
Ventana Wilderness Alliance
My email:morgan@ventanawild.com
My Phone  #: eight05.714.6034
VWA site: ventanawild.org
Check out this  [http://xasauantoday.com/2010/03/28/proposed-molera-wilderness/ blog]
Extra resource: [http://ventana.sierraclub.org/conservation/lospadres_ventwild/index.shtml here]}}
{{Event|Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab| ongoing| 
Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab [http://www2.ucsc.edu/seymourcenter/calendar.html Event Calendar]
First Tuesdays Free
See also
Docent Training Begins
School guides: September 24 (9 AM-12:30 PM), September 29(6-9 PM), October 1 (9 AM-12:30 PM), October 6 (6-9 PM), and October 8 (9 AM-12:30 PM).
Marine mammal Research tours
Raptor Observation
[http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu/employment.html Student Internships]
Contact information for this listing:
Seymour Center
[http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu Link] }}and [http://www.facebook.com/SeymourCenter?sid=8bcb64c2d1846e12f991509fcd424f77&ref=s Facebook]
[http://www.ucsc.edu/news_events/calendar/DisplayEvent.aspx?EventId=16261 Link]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR3tX5EMEfA&feature=channel video overview]
{{Event|Citizen Science| ongoing|
[http://www.scienceforcitizens.net/ Citizen Science] gives people the opportunity to collect data, even go on [http://www.scienceforcitizens.net/project/227/ archaeological digs].}}
{{Event|Reef Environmental Education Foundation| ongoing|
[http://www.reef.org/ The Reef Environmental Education Foundation] is a grass-roots organization that seeks to conserve marine ecosystems by educating, enlisting and enabling divers and other marine enthusiasts to become active ocean stewards and citizen scientists.  They do annual fish counts and [http://www.reef.org/fieldsurveys/schedule trips].  They have several stations in the area.  [http://www.reefguardian.org/ReefLinks.html Other groups].}}
{{Event|Urban Watch Water Quality Monitoring | ongoing|
Wednesday, June 23 2010, 8:30am.  Do you care about water quality, and the health of fish and other organisms in our waterways? Join the [http://www.coastal-watershed.org/ Coastal Watershed Council] as we collect water quality data as part of the Urban Watch program. This volunteer-based program monitors storm drain outfalls for common urban pollutants like detergent, chlorine and ammonia-nitrogen.  Urban Watch program participants work in teams with CWC staff to monitor water quality at storm drains in Live Oak and Aptos every two weeks from June through October. Urban Watch program volunteers run in-field chemical analysis on water collected from these storm drains.
Location : 3701 Portola Drive, Santa Cruz CA
464-9200, volunteer AT coastalws.org}}
{{Event|Transitions Santa Cruz| ongoing|
[http://transitionsc.org/ Transitions Santa Cruz]. "Our mission is to be a catalyst for Santa Cruz' relocalization—the development of local self-reliance in food, energy, transportation, media, systems of care, economy and the arts—through a broadly inclusive community-building process." [http://transitionsc.org/node/204 Monthly gathering] the third Weds of the month.}}
{{Event|LifeLab| ongoing|
[http://www.lifelab.org/internships.php LifeLab] teaches kids about food and sustainability through school gardens.  Summer camp program too.}}
{{Event| Greenpeace Organizing Term|5/10|The Greenpeace Organizing Term is a semester of advanced training for student activists. It's action-filled and the best hands-on training for students to become environmental leaders.  We are looking for:
* Students who are passionate, smart, and visionary.
* Applicants must be committed to protecting the environment.
* Rising freshmen and sophomores are preferred.
* Must be 18-24 years of age as well as a current undergraduate student. No prior experience is necessary.
* Greenpeace strongly encourages applications from women, people of color and other underrepresented communities.
You'll be:
* making an investment in your leadership skills
* getting training in grassroots organizing, media, direct action, and campaign strategy
* traveling with Greenpeace on campaign trips and on the Greenpeace Expedition, meeting with incredible activists working to protect the planet!
[http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/getinvolved/greenpeace-organizing-term Link]}}
== Current Listings ==
[http://norriscenter.ucsc.edu/education/natural-history-club.html UCSC Natural History Club] 1/16
[http://www.pachamama.org/about/san-francisco-internships-volunteering-jobs Pachamama Alliance] 1/13
{{Event| Bloggers for the Greenopolis website|posted 4/15|
I'm looking for community bloggers for the Greenopolis website who can write  brief (200-600 words) posts on a regular basis for a mainstream audience. The posts need to be about waste to resource, reuse/recycling, closed loop/cradle to cradle and conservation issues, or stories that can be told through that lens.
There's no pay, but lots of online promotion of the work. Greenopolis is reaching about 500,000 consumers a month, over 25,000 followers on our Facebook page, and is neck and neck with Mother Nature Network in this space.
Joe Laur, Senior Manager
Community Engagement and Development
WM Organic Growth Group
313 Farley Rd
Wendell,Ma 01379
Ofc: 978.544.0001 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              978.544.0001      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Cell: 978.790.6999
Fax: 978.544.7777
[http://www.greenopolis.com Link]
{{Event| Work in Haiti with Doctors Without Borders|3/25|
(Presumably these will be offered periodically)
Work in the Field Information Sessions
Teleconference & Webinar,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
8:00 PM
8:00 PM Eastern time
7:00 PM Central time
6:00 PM Mountain time
5:00 PM Pacific time
4:00 PM Alaska time
3:00 PM Hawaii time
All prospective medical and nonmedical aid workers: join us for a live teleconference and webinar to learn more about how you can become part of Doctors Without Borders' field work. Human Resources Officers will discuss requirements, and participants will be able to ask questions about the recruitment process and life in the field.}}
[http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/work/field/infosessions.cfm?ref=home-sidebar-left Link]
{{Event|Pinniped Cognition & Sensory Systems Laboratory. |ongoing|  Our program is powered by a group of hard working volunteer research assistants. These individuals typically work 12-15 hours per week in the laboratory and receive comprehensive training in all areas of the research program. Preference is generally given to UCSC students in the natural, behavioral, or physical sciences, or to individuals with a background in computer sciences/engineering. For more information about the program, including instructions on how to apply for a volunteer research position, please contact us at akbernar@ucsc.edu.
Intern. We offer 3-4 month internships to individuals that are recent college graduates with an interest in marine mammalogy, bioacoustics, comparative cognition, and/or animal husbandry. Interns complete an intensive training program followed by participation in all aspects of the program, including specialized roles in upcoming and ongoing research projects. Interns typically work five full days per week, mainly in the laboratory and occasionally in field research settings. Internships are not paid positions, and applicants are responsible for their own housing arrangements. For more information about the program, including instructions on how to apply for an internship, please contact us at akbernar@ucsc.edu.
[http://www.pinnipedlab.org/getinvolved/index.htm Link]}}
{{Event|Rising International|ongoing|
Rising International envisions a future where hopes are realized in even the poorest parts of the world; where lives are uplifted by economic prosperity.  Contribute to the economic support of 1000's of woman entrepreneurs around the globe. [http://www.risinginternational.org/new_page_bases/homepage.html Link]}}
{{Event|Long Marine Lab 2010 Docent Training begins|1/13|
01/13/2010 Wednesday 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
(Classes continue every Wednesday evening and most Saturday mornings through March.) Make a difference in the world, have fun, and get involved while you spread the importance of ocean science and conservation. This intensive marine science interpretation course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to inspire curiosity in visitors from across California and around the world. To join the docent team, you must be at least 18 years old by the day training begins, and willing to commit to one four-hour shift, one day every other week, for a minimum of one year. Applicants will be interviewed prior to the training start date. This class is offered only once a year––don’t miss out! Visit our website for more information and an application.
Location: Other Campus Location
Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab
Category: Announcement - Class/Workshop
Invited Audience: Open to Public
Admission: Free
Estimated Attendance: 20
Contact information for this event:
Name: Abby Borsgard
Phone: (831) 459-3799
Email: aborsgar@ucsc.edu
[http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu Link]}}
{{Event|Christmas Bird Count|12/26|
This is a national annual event.  here's a local request:
Can you help [http://baykeeper.org/take-action/volunteer-opportunities Baykeeper] with a Christmas Bird Count on December 26th? The [http://www.audubon.org/Bird/cbc/ annual Audubon Society's count] provides data to assess the stability of bird populations and to guide conservation actions. We need at least two experienced birders familiar with pelagic bird species to join us on the Baykeeper boat for the day.
Also, if you have a boat and would like to join the effort, you can help us monitor Richardson Bay and near China Camp. Audubon will host a dinner in Mill Valley for participants. If you would like to sign up, please contact Rosalind Becker, Baykeeper Program Fellow, at rosalind@baykeeper.org. [http://theoceanproject.org/wod/ weblink]}}
{{Event|Dude, Surfrider Monthly Cleanup|11/7 | Seabright State Beach Cleanup
Surfrider Monthly Cleanup
November 7, 2009, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Seabright State Beach
Hosted by: Surfrider Foundation
Register now at: [http://www.cleanbeachescoalition.org link]}}
{{Event|Day of Action for Climate Change|10/24 |This is an invitation from Bill McKibben to help build a movement--to take one day day and use it to stop the climate crisis.
You can [http://www.350.org/presentation download a presentation] to give at UCSC; i will help you arrange a room and video equipment, contact pmmckerc@ucsc.edu
On October 24, we will stand together as one planet and call for a fair global climate treaty. United by a common call to action, we'll make it clear: the world needs an international plan that meets the latest science and gets us back to safety.
This movement has just begun, and it needs your help.
Here's the plan: we're asking you, and people in every country on earth, to organize an action in your community on October 24.
[http://www.350.org/oct24 http://www.350.org/oct24]
There are no limits here--imagine bike rides, rallies, concerts, hikes, festivals, tree-plantings, protests, and more. Imagine your action linking up with thousands of others around the globe. Imagine the world waking up.
If we can pull it off, we'll send a powerful message on October 24: the world needs the climate solutions that science and justice demand.
It's often said that the only thing preventing us from tackling the climate crisis quickly and equitably is a lack of political will. Well, the only thing that can create that political will is a unified global movement--and no one is going to build that movement for us. It's up to regular people all over the world.  That's you.
So register an event in your community for October 24, and then enlist the help of your friends. Get together with your co-workers or your local environmental group or human rights campaign, your church or synagogue or mosque or temple; enlist bike riders and local farmers and young people. All over the planet we'll start to organize ourselves.
With your help, there will be an event at every iconic place on the planet on October 24-from America's Great Lakes to Australia's Great Barrier Reef--and also in all the places that matter to you in your daily lives: a beach or park or village green or town hall.
If there was ever a time for you to get involved, it's right now.}}
{{Event|The California Student Sustainability Coalition|ongoing|
We are uniting and empowering California's community of higher education to collaboratively and nonviolently transform ourselves and our institutions based on our inherent social, economic, and ecological responsibilities. Internships available. [http://sustainabilitycoalition.org/ link] }}
{{Event|Friends of the Sea Otter|ongoing|
Friends of the Sea Otter has some new and exciting programs that will be starting shortly, and we need volunteers to make them a success!
Program 1: Marine Water Monitoring
Water quality plays a significant role in sea otter health, which is why FSO is teaming up with the California Department of Public Health and asking volunteers to collect water samples all along the coast of California. The data from the water samples will ultimately be received and used by researchers working with otters and other sea mammals. Volunteers are needed to collect samples at locations along the coast where the southern sea otter call home (San Francisco to Santa Barbara). Sampling takes only about 15 minutes and must be done weekly; if we get enough interest, teams can be created so that individuals can take turns with sampling throughout the month.
Program 2: Otter Recovery
The California Sea Otter Research Group needs help with otter recovery on Friday afternoons and weekends. This job would entail removing dead or hurt otters from the shoreline. Volunteers would need to walk along the shoreline and then take care of any
otters that are found.
Program 3: Data Compilation and Organization People with a scientific background are needed to help the California Sea Otter Research Group in Santa Cruz compile data. A great deal of sea otter data has already been collected and is in desperate need of organization. This work would be done in their laboratories located in Santa Cruz.[http://www.seaotters.org/getinvolved.html Link]}}
'''Alternative Spring Break (2011)''':
A number of opportunities are currently beng offered, but these usually require a commitment/orientation in advance, as the logistics are such that you can't just show up at the last minute.  Habitat for Humanity has a meeting 1/20 thurs).  Jewishjustice.org has one 1/23 for Alternative Spring Break Trip to New Orleans - Contact Johanna at programs@santacruzhillel.org.  SVC has a [http://www2.ucsc.edu/svc/alt_spring.php trip to Tacoma]. CAFSF has two opportunities:
Southwest Wanderings: Pueblo Service Learning and New Mexico Wilderness Excursio , 3/18-27
Steep yourself in the majestic landscape of New Mexico and the Southwest for an adventure into building relationships, assisting others, and exploring wild spaces. This service learning trip from March 18 - March 27 combines work with pueblo farmers and exploration of some of New Mexico's most beautiful wilderness areas. Read more about the trip and sign up starting on Tuesday, January 11 through the UCSC Recreation Department. Cost of the trip is $325 for UCSC students. Measure 43 funding help support this service learning expedition.
The first ever week-long organic gardening intensive offered by staff of the CASFS Farm & Garden Apprenticeship and invited experts will take place from March 9-16 (spring break week) at the UCSC Farm. The Friends of the Farm & Garden, CASFS staff, and UCSC's Recreation Department have teamed up to offer the "Garden Cruz" course for those who want to learn or improve their organic gardening skills through an intensive week of lectures and hands-on practice. "Garden Cruz" is an ideal program for students and community members involved in campus and community gardens, or looking to enhance their ability to grow food at home.  Questions? Call 459-3240 or email casfs@ucsc.edu.
{{Event|Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley/Habitat for Humanity|ongoing|Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley is a non-profit organization that performs free home accessibility and safety repairs/modifications for older adults and disabled homeowners in Santa Clara County. We also serve other non-profit organizations, including "greening" buildings, so that they can dedicate their resources to the community rather than to facility repair.  Big event in October.  Similar work is done by [http://www.habitatsc.org/ Santa Cruz Habitat for Humanity].
[http://www.rebuildingtogether-sv.org/ Link]}}
{{Event|Write for Worldchanging|ongoing|Worldchanging relies on our global network of connected, informed, engaged volunteer contributors to send us smart, original, cutting-edge content from around their world. Our team of correspondents includes noted authors, activists, designers, educators, businesspeople, researchers and many others.
[http://www.worldchanging.com/guidelines/ Link]}}
{{Event|Santa Cruz Wharf Seafood Consumption Study|ongoing|
The purpose of this 2-year pilot study is to collect information about Santa Cruz Wharf anglers, the seafood they catch, and the consumption of that seafood.
Volunteer Duties: Gain practical experience and critical skills as part of a multi-disciplinary research team studying people who fish at the Wharf. The Work: 1. Approximately 10 hours per week 2. Training in public relations, communication & survey interview skills 3. Data entry 4. Bi-weekly team meetings 5. One or two shifts per week interviewing people fishing at the wharf (weekdays & weekends).  This is organized to fit into an internship - so if you are interested in receiving academic credit, it can be arranged.
Contact Name Veronica Long
AgencyEmail vhlong@ucsc.edu
Agency Address Ocean Sciences UCSC
Agency Phone 459-3347 }}[http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=198 Weblink]
{{Event|Natural Bridges State Park|ongoing|Leading educational programs for school groups and tours for the general public on topics like, Monarch butterflies, tide pools, wetlands. maintaining milkweed garden and salt water aquarium.
Contact Name Martha Nitzberg
Agency Email NaturalBridges@juno.com}}
[http://www.parks.ca.gov weblink to Santa Cruz Parks]}}
{{Event|Peregin Falcon Watch|3/28|As the young Peregrine Falcons reach fledging age, trained volunteers gather nearby and commit to shifts so that they may help keep the youngsters safe upon fledging. Training is required for full participation. We recommend that interested members of the public subscribe to the online discussion group for the nest camera location of interest to stay up to date and learn more about the date and location of training opportunities. We will provide a background on the Peregrine Falcon Recovery and training for interested volunteers who wish to participate by committing to one or more Fledge Watch shifts during early June. This training will be held at the Martin Luther King Library located at 4th and San Fernando streets in San Jose on March 28th at 1:30 p.m. RSVP by emailing Glenn Stewart with the subject line, “fledge watch rsvp” at gstewart@ucsc.edu. [http://www2.ucsc.edu/scpbrg/fledge_watch.htm Link]}}
{{Event|Pelican Network|ongoing|various opportunities such as feed birds, count sea otters, observe elephant seals  etc.[http://www.pelicannetwork.net/mont.bay.vol.htm Link]}}
{{Event|Sacramento Internships|ongoing|Live and work in the state capitol }}
[ Link]
== Individual Organizations ==
{{Event|Marine Mammal Rescue Center|ongoing|Various opportunities including rescuing stranded animals at the [http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/ Marine Mammal Rescue Center] Here is info on [http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/Get-Involved/volunteer/ local rescue volunteering.][http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/science/Working-with-Endangered-Species/ research] . <br/> See also [http://www.mmpp.ucsc.edu/The_Marine_Mammal_Physiology_Project/Jobs.html Marine Mammal Physiology Project] for jobs at UCSC's Long Marine Laboratory.}}
{{Event|Training Classes for Arboretum Volunteers|ongoing|
01/07/2009 through 02/11/2009 Wednesday 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Our staff holds a yearly set of 6 orientation and training days for people who want to find out more about the Arboretum and where their talents and interests can become involved in its operations. The set of 6 Wednesdays will give you a broad range of where you can fit your talents and interest into the Arboretum's operations.
Location: Arboretum
Room: The Horticulture Building
Invited Audience: Open to Public
Admission: Free
Sponsored by: UCSC Arboretum
Contact information for this event:
Name: Susie Bower
Phone: (831) 427-2998
Email: susiehb@ucsc.edu
[http://arboretum.ucsc.edu Link]}}
{{Event|Student Environmental Center|Weds. evenings|Our mission is to organize student involvement on campus, to collaborate with the University to implement environmentally sound practices on campus. The SEC serves as a central space for existing student environmental organizations, and encourages the development of new projects.[http://www.enviroslug.org/ http://www.enviroslug.org/]
Our General Gatherings are every Wednesday at 5-7:30pm at the College 8 Student Commons, the red building at the foot of the plaza.}}[http://sua.ucsc.edu/csc/ Details]}}
{{Event|Engineers Without Borders|ongoing|[http://www.ewb-usa.org/index.php  Engineers Without Borders]  is a non-profit humanitarian organization established to partner with developing communities worldwide in order to improve their quality of life. This partnership involves the implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while involving and training internationally responsible engineers and engineering students. They have [http://www.ewb-usa.org/get_involved.php volunteer opportunities] for engineers (and non-engineers) as well. }}
{{Event|Ruckus Society|ongoing|"We are living in a time of extreme challenges... In order to effectively meet these challenges, now, more than ever, environmental and social justice organizers must develop winning strategies that are creative, nonviolent, and take their lead from impacted communities. By building on the traditions of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., we, at The Ruckus Society, provide our partner organizations and activists with the tools, training, and support necessary to tackle these problems and achieve their goals."  Based in Oakland.  Also has job opening}} [http://www.ruckus.org/section.php?id=59 Link]
{{Event|UC Atlas of Global Inequality Internships|ongoing|The [http://ucatlas.ucsc.edu/ Atlas] has been accessed by more than 11 million people.  If you'd like to share (or even acquire) digital and research skills, contact them here: [http://ucatlas.ucsc.edu/contact.html Link]}}
{{Event|Santa Cruz Fungus Fair|ongoing|[http://www.fungusfed.org/body/funfair.html Santa Cruz Fungus Fair] Jan 10-11. Contact volunteers@santacruzmuseums.org to help out.}}
{{Event|Aquatic Protection Agency|ongoing|The mission of the Aquatic Protection Agency is to promote healthy aquatic ecosystems through pollution prevention, research and education.}} [http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=102 Link]
{{Event|Homeless Garden Project|ongoing|Bring Together people from throughout the community in the beauty and security of our certified organic garden. Practice and Teach principles of economic and ecological sustainability through classes and hands-on experience. Provide homeless men and women job training and transitional employment.  }}[http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=370 Link]
{{Event|Our City Forest|ongoing|Based in San Jose, plants trees and conducts education programs (some jobs available}} [http://www.ourcityforest.org/ Link]
{{Event|Recycling Services at UCSC|ongoing|There are a multitude of opportunities available including but not limited to: event organizing, outreach campaigns, organic gardening/composting, teaching children, public relations and marketing, website design, research and analysis, writing grants or funding proposals, community clean-ups, and implementing waste reduction strategies on campus.}}[http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=175 Link]
{{Event|Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Transportation |ongoing|The Hub is Santa Cruz County's resource center for human powered transportation. We promote the use of feet, bicycles, pedi-cabs, bike trailers, skateboards and other non-motorized vehicles. }} [http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=58 Link]
{{Event|Earthwatch|ongoing|Earthwatch Institute is an international non-profit organization that brings science to life for people concerned about the Earth's future. Founded in 1971, Earthwatch supports scientific field research by offering volunteers the opportunity to join research teams around the world. This unique model is creating a systematic change in how the public views science and its role in environmental sustainability.
Today, Earthwatch recruits close to 4,000 volunteers every year to collect field data in the areas of rainforest ecology, wildlife conservation, marine science, archaeology, and more. Through this process, we educate, inspire, and involve a diversity of people, who actively contribute to conserving our planet [participants help fund expeditions]. [http://www.earthwatch.org/ Link]}}
{{Event|O'Neill Sea Odyssey|ongoing|O'Neill Sea Odyssey (OSO) was founded in 1996 by wetsuit innovator and surfer Jack O'Neill. A living classroom was created on board a 65-foot catamaran sailing the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary where 4th - 6th grade students from schools throughout Central California receive hands-on lessons about the marine habitat and the importance of the relationship between the living sea and the environment. The program is conducted on board the catamaran with follow-up lessons at the shore-side Education Center at the Santa Cruz Harbor. It is free of charge, but students earn their way into the program by designing and performing a project to benefit their community. [http://www.oneillseaodyssey.org/sponsorship/volunteer.asp Link]}}
{{Event|Save Our Shores|ongoing|Save Our Shores is a non-profit marine conservation organization in Santa Cruz, California. Our mission is marine conservation through policy research, education and citizen involvement (see calendar for frequent activities such as beach cleanup)  Internships available. [http://saveourshores.org/get-active Link]}}
{{Event|Institute of Marine Sciences UCSC|ongoing|Many opportunities to do hands-on science [http://ims.ucsc.edu/news/resources.html Link]}}
{{Event|The Wildlands Restoration Team|ongoing|The Wildlands Restoration Team  was formed to protect and restore the biological diversity of the Santa Cruz mountains. Although this has required that we consider many kinds of impacts on the land, the overwhelming need for our time and effort has been to stop the spread of invasive non-native plant species.
[http://www.wildwork.org/ link]}}
{{Event|California Certified Organic Farmers|ongoing|CCOF is offering internships to students interested in organic food and marketing or for those that just want to learn more about organic certification.  You can learn more about the program at [http://www.ccof.org/intern.php internship link] or contact
Elizabeth O'Sullivan <br/>
Intern Program Coordinator  <br/>
CCOF  <br/>
mailto: organic@ccof.org  <br/>
2155 Delaware Ave, Suite 150  <br/>
Santa Cruz, CA 95060  <br/>
831-423-2263 ext. 25 [http://www.ccof.org/ Website]}} 
{{Event|UCSC Predatory Bird Research Group|ongoing| Annual count and on-going observation of nests.
[http://www2.ucsc.edu/scpbrg/get_involved.htm Link]}}
{{Event|Monterey Bay Aquarium|ongoing|
[http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/aa/aa_jobs/aa_jobs_volunteer.asp Link]}}
{{Event|Natural History Vol. Opportunities|ongoing|Sample opportunities: [http://www2.ucsc.edu/scpbrg/get_involved.htm Predatory bird group], [http://ucreserve.ucsc.edu/index.html UCSC Natural Reserves] etc  [http://mnhc.ucsc.edu/opportunities.html Website]}}
{{Event|Volunteer at Seymour Marine Center|ongoing|Inspire children’s interest in marine science by joining our incredible school volunteer team! Learn to lead hands-on science activities, lead tours to the marine mammal overlook, and more. All four sessions required.}}[http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu info]
{{Event|Global Information Internship Program|ongoing|The Global Information Internship Program is an innovative "digital service learning" program at UC Santa Cruz. GIIP is creating a new generation of "info activists," committed to advancing social justice, democratizing globalization, and building social entrepreneurship.  In 2008 GIIP Fellows initiated a campaign to create an intensive major and minor in [http://giip.org/what-we-do/majorminor-a-courses Global Information and Social Enterprise Studies] (GISES).  Designed as a service learning program for the formation of digital social entrepreneurs,it provides an excellent foundation for students pursuing careers in non-profit management, community organizing, social advocacy, sustainable development and digital education. [http://www.cityonahillpress.com/2010/04/22/teaching-technology/ City on the Hill article]
[http://giip.org/ Website]}}
{{Event|Rock the Earth|ongoing|Rock the Earth is a not-for-profit, national public interest environmental organization dedicated to protecting and defending America's natural resources through partnerships with the music industry and the world-wide environmental community. We act as advocates to ensure the existence of a sustainable and healthy environment for all and represent those individuals and communities whose environment or natural surroundings are directly and adversely affected by others. [rocktheearth.org Website]}} [http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=199 Listing]
{{Event|Homeless Garden Project|ongoing|Sample opportunities: gardening, marketing, staffing retail store, office work, errands, working in the workshop.  [www.homelessgardenproject.org Website]}} [http://volunteer.ucsc.edu/opportunities/index.cfm?action=view&opportunitiesID=370 Listing]
{{Event|Surfrider Santa Cruz|ongoing|Lots of different kinds of jobs and skills
[http://www2.ucsc.edu/svc/featured_sr.php Website]}}
{{Event|UCSC Stormwater Internship|ongoing|Web gurus, writers, artists, marketing specialists and facilitators are needed to work on storm water issues to enhancethe overall campus environment and facilitate sustainability.
[http://cleanwater.ucsc.edu/intern_and_volunteer_flyer.pdf Website]}}
{{Event|Project Budburst, Global Warming Data Collection|ongoing|Join us in collecting important climate change data on the timing of leafing and flowering in your area through Project BudBurst! This national field campaign targets native tree and flower species across the country. With your help, we will be compiling valuable environmental and climate change information around the United States.
[http://www.windows.ucar.edu/citizen_science/budburst/ Website]}}
{{Event|TRAINING SESSION FOR VOLUNTEERS at the Arboretum|ongoing|These classes are open to anyone who has an interest in gardening and volunteering; there is a niche for almost everyone. Presentations will cover Arboretum gardens & plant collections, plant conservation, gardening tips, plant propagation and much more. Volunteer possibilities include: Garden Work, Tours, Special Events, Library, Gift Shop, Education Program, and Propagation! Attend all or just a few sessions.
Susie Bower
Phone: (831)-427-2998
Email: susiehb@ucsc.edu }}
{{Event|Earth Island Institute, San Francisco|ongoing|Employment and Volunteer offerings among the Earth Island Community
[http://www.earthisland.org/getinvolved/iwork.html#internships Website]}}
{{Event|Site Stewardship Program|ongoing| Help maintain the natural beauty of the campus.  The first volunteer day next quarter will be Saturday, Jan. 26. The next two are joint work days with the Campus Natural Reserve on Sunday, Feb. 3, and Saturday, March 1.  For information about the program or to volunteer, call (831) 459-2643 or send an [mailto:grounds_interns@ucsc.edu e-mail]}}
{{Event|Peace Corps|monthly |Come find out more about the Peace Corps! Facts and myths, questions and answers, stories and pictures. It's never too early or too late to start thinking about your application!
With 47 alumni in service, UC Santa Cruz  on the annual list of "Peace Corps Top Colleges and Universities," released last week 2/10.
[http://www.volunteeroverseas.org/html/index.html  How To Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas ] book by UC alum
Aimee Munroe
Phone: (831) 459-4470
[http://www.peacecorps.gov website]}}
[http://www.ucsc.edu/news_events/text.asp?pid=3526 ranks No. 21]
{{Event|Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition|ongoing|[http://svtc.etoxics.org Website ]}}
{{Event|San Francisco Bay Oil Spill|ongoing|[http://www.baykeeper.org/ Baykeeper] info on latest count of [http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/owcn/ birds affected]}}
{{Event|Oxfam Campaigns|ongoing|Oxfam works on many of the issues we look at in  the Core course [http://www.oxfamamerica.org/whatwedo/campaigns/agriculture website]}}
== Older Postings == (but some may be on-going or repeated)
{{Event|Student Regent|ongoing|A candidate for the position of student Regent must be an enrolled undergraduate, graduate, or professional student in good academic standing for the two year duration of the student Regent term. The student Regent's academic and parking fees are waived for the two year period. Additionally, a student Regent will be reimbursed for expenses incurred for attendance at Regental and committee meetings.
Interested students may obtain an application at the Career Center, colleges, and various departments across campus, or [http://www2.ucsc.edu/careers/jobs/regent.html download an application].  Applications are due no later than February 19, 2009.  Students are encouraged to get an early start in completing the application by researching the essay questions and preparing a resume during the Winter break. }}
{{Event|Seymour Center Docent Training|1/14| Docent Training Begins
01/14/2009 Wednesday 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
The Seymour Center offers docent training only once a year-- it's the best way to start off 2009! Join the team--get your hands wet, learn more, inspire other, and help protect the oceans. This 10-week course meets twice weekly ; docents make a one-year volunteer commitment. If you've wondered how you can work for positive change, as a Seymour Center docent you will be empowered by new knowledge,meet new people, volunteer in your community, and have a lot of fun! For more information call Shauna Potocky at (831)459-3854. Applications are currently being accepted and reviewed. Sponsored by David Morrelll and Kirsten Gruesz.
Location:Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab
Invited Audience: Open to Public
Admission: Free
Sponsored by: David Morrell and Kirsten Gruesz
Estimated Attendance: 20
Contact information for this event:
Name: Abby Borsgard
Phone: (831) 459-3799
Email: aborsgar@ucsc.edu
[http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu Link] Additional [http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu/volunteers.html opportunities] available, including raptor observation}}
{{Event|Summer Internship at WiserEarth |3/11|Help the WiserEarth community grow!
The Natural Capital Institute is currently hiring for the following positions:
•    Development/Fundraising Intern
•    Student Outreach Intern
•    Online Community Organizer Interns
•    Event Research Intern
Hours and Compensation:
Full-time Internship: Three-month commitment of 4 days/week, 8:30-5 PST, 30 hours minimum. This position includes a monthly stipend of $500, with travel costs reimbursed.
Positions are located in Sausalito, CA
Please contact Genevieve Logan on WiserEarth or send her an email at logan@naturalcapital.org with application (download above), cover letter, and resume to apply.
[http://wiserearth.org/job/view/9df3f52c048fbc9479d0c17a6b7055ef Website]}}
{{Event|Permaculture Event Organizer|3/11|Looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping design and contribute to this year's 2 day Permaculture Symposium and 3 day Convergence.
Planning meeting happen every couple of weeks with more involvemnet in May and June.
Please send inquires to Benjamin Fahrer at pcdesigns@earthlink.net
[http://www.wiserearth.org/job/view/437e5dcc575c07df6869b0700f74c8b9 Website]}}
{{Event|Organic Farm Education Internship on Live Earth Farm|ongoing|We are offering a new Farm Educator Internship this school year.  This internship will have a unique focus on our education programs.  The intern will spend at least 50% of their time on these activities and the other 50% on farm tasks.  Education programs include: a weekly visit by 7th and 8th grade Montessori students, half day farm tours for students of all ages and two afternoons a week with middle school students from a local charter school.
The position will involve leading farm tours, working with ongoing farm education programs and some office work such as scheduling farm tours and processing deposits and payments.  Farm tasks include vegetable and fruit production and marketing, animal care and greenhouse management.[http://www.wiserearth.org/job/view/6e4d313b2be3ef8055fe4fbeae9af807 link]}}
{{Event|Practical Activism Conference Planning|ongoing|
Interested in volunteering on the day of this year's conference? Interested in helping to plan Practical Activism 2008? We are looking for a small group of talented, diverse, and committed students from College Nine, College Ten, and Oakes College to develop and implement the fifth annual Practical Activism conference. Students from the previous years’ conferences will work with you to select keynote speakers, workshop topics, and artistic performances that reflect the social justice issues that concern you. Planning will begin spring quarter 2008 with occasional meetings and retreats. In Fall quarter 2008, earn course credit while continuing to work on the conference.
In particular, we are looking for individuals with the following skills: computer skills, research skills, promotional experience, writing and verbal communication skills, activism experience, contacts with campus and community organizations, reliability, flexibility, responsibility, organization and time-management skills.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Wendy Baxter at wbaxter@ucsc.edu or 459-3142 for more information.
[http://activism.ucsc.edu/volunteer.html Website]}}
{{Event|VOLUNTEER FAIR|Thurs 10/07|The Campus and Community Involvement Fair is UCSC’s volunteer fair held annually each fall. The Student Volunteer Center hosts over 40 community organizations at the Quarry Plaza (outside the Baytree Bookstore) for an afternoon of networking and education on the social issues in Santa Cruz. Organizations attend the event to table, promote their organization, and to seek UCSC students to fill their volunteer needs.
STUDENTS! Come sign up for more information on SVC and other organizations, volunteer, or come and meet other students interested in volunteering. Each year the fair seems to grow, incorporating many more types of organizations. 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM Qarry Plaza, outside the Bay Tree Bookstore}}[http://www2.ucsc.edu/svc/index.php more info]

Latest revision as of 12:41, 18 October 2018

Please send your listings to mailto:pmmckerc@ucsc.edu. See also Green Jobs for internships.

See also Event Calendar

General Websites

The Student Volunteer Center
ongoing The Center has a list of one time and on-going volunteer opportunities, including environmental.
Email: volunteer (at) ucsc.edu ,
Phone: (831) 459-3363

Location: ARCenter - 1st Floor Reception Desk Website It also offers Alternative Spring Break rebuilding New Orleans.

Eco orgs search

one-800 Volunteer
ongoing This website allows you to search for organizations nationwide


Volunteer Match has a new iPhone app that allows you to search wherever you are.

Bay Area Volunteer Center
ongoing This website cover all kinds of organization, including green ones. Link

UCSC Campus Sustainability Organizations
ongoing This website cover all kinds of organizations, including

Student Environmental Center (SEC), Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP), The Campus Sustainability Council (CSC), Environmental Media Project (EMP). Link. UCSC sustainability projects (some may offer internships). Here is a list of all UCSC student-led organizations.

Green Building program

Agroecology Opportunities
ongoing Prof. Gliessman at the Plenary gave us lots of ways to get involved: CAN

offers internships and a trip to Costa Rica in September to study coffee production.

CAN confronts some of the world’s most pressing problems in sustainability and conservation. The Network’s three programs work with partners in the United States, Mexico, and Central America. Through our initiatives, college students, farmers, researchers, and consumers support community members’ efforts to become economically viable, while at the same time protecting and improving their local environment. Programs include:

  • CAN will be hosting an Info Session for our Summer Sustainable Development Field Course happening in Agua Buena, Costa Rica from July 15 - 28! This info session will take place Wednesday May 2nd from 7 - 8:30pm in building A3 of the Sustainable Living Center in the Village. This will be a great opportunity for students to come learn more about what this course offers and the logistics of participating, to meet with some of the lead instructors and organizers of the course, ask questions, and meet other prospective participants! Our application deadline for the course is May 15th, so anyone who's thinking of participating is strongly encouraged to attend this info session so they can submit their applications on time! For questions, please contact Arielle at fieldstudy@canunite.org.
  • Alternative Coffee Trade: Order coffee through CAN’s Fairtrade Direct™ project and support Latin American coffee-growing communities.
  • Action Education: Through our education initiative we raise awareness and create tools for change around global trade and sustainable agriculture. We use field-study opportunities, farmer-to-farmer exchanges, research, organizational internships, and an annual shortcourse to inspire action for social and environmental justice.
  • Participatory Research CAN researchers immerse themselves in the communities they work with and study the agroecology of the local communities. They learn how the farming and social systems work on site. Through collaborative relationships, farmer groups engage in the development of the research questions. This way the findings become directly useful to community members. Alternative Spring Break.

Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) internships. 12/15.

The Farm apprentice

Live and work in The Village

Lifelab creates school gardens

see also WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)


Campaigns: Global Warming Solutions, 21st Century Transportation, Health Care Work, Getting to Graduation Campaigns,High-Speed Rail Campaigns, New Voters Project , Higher Education Campaigns, Textbooks, Hunger & Homelessness, Save Our Otters/Oceans. Energy Service Corps Interested in internships, volunteering? Contact by e-mail/phone, or drop by our office: 3rd Floor Student Union 831-459-4649. Campus Organizer: Carolina Van Horn [1] also David Gamburd [2]


Environmental Studies Internship Resources
ongoing Sample opportunities:
  1. CAN—Community Agroecology Network
  2. Full Circle Energy Cooperative Inc.
  3. UCSC Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Farm Systems
  4. California Coastal Commission
  5. Pacific Biofuel
  6. California State Parks
  7. California Dept. of Fish and Game
  8. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  9. Santa Cruz City Parks Department
  10. Ecology Action


Local Sustainability Organizations
ongoing Link excellent resource

New Listings

Native Animal Rescue Santa Cruz audio 10/15. Need help with seabird rescue because of the Big Blog ocean warming.

Undergraduate research opportunities includes funding 6/15.

Summer Grassroots Training (SPROG): Sprog is a grassroots leadership training program that teaches tools for environmental and social justice activism to young folks across the country. 3/15.

Elliot Anderson, an Associate Prof. of Art & Electronic Media in the Art Department and Digital Arts and the New Media, is seeking student researchers to work with him on his "Silicon Monuments: An Augmented Reality Tour of Silicon Valley Superfund Sites" (http://www.siliconmonuments.org/). The project is described below. If you are interested, please contact Professor Anderson at: ewanders AT ucsc.edu.

Gaia Magazine is a student media environmental magazine here at UCSC. A good portion of our content comes from student submissions. More info at [http://environmentalmediaproject.wordpress.com/ 1/14

Natural Bridges, famous for its Monarch butterflies, seeks volunteers and interns. naturalbridgesstatebeach AT gmail.com 10/13.

Kiva Fellows

Since 2007, the Kiva Fellows Program has offered over 450 individuals a rare opportunity to put their skills to work in support of global microfinance. Applicants chosen for the program serve as Kiva’s eyes and ears on the ground, working directly with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and other field partners in over 60 countries around the globe, and with new initiatives such as Kiva Zip in Kenya and the U.S. The Kiva Fellowship is an unpaid, volunteer position designed to increase Kiva's impact and to offer participants a unique insider experience. link

Wildlands program through CSUMB

The Wildlands Studies Program, California State University, Monterey Bay offers a series of environmental and cultural ecology field studies that we invite you to join. This year you can choose among sixteen wildlife, wildland and cultural ecology field studies searching for solutions to environmental and cultural challenges. Each program grants 4-12 upperdivision units credit. Please note that all programs are open and accepting applications now. Field studies take place in wildland locations throughout the Montana Rockies, California, Alaska, Canada, Belize, Peru, Chile, India, Thailand, Nepal, Tasmania, Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica and New Zealand.

All of our programs, now available for your consideration are described at our website; or a catalog can be sent to you in the mail. Our email address is wildlands@wildlandsstudies.com If you have questions about any of our programs, please feel free to get back in touch with us.

SF Baykeeper Seeks 2013 Volunteer Pollution Investigators 7/13.

Mick Ebeling shares how he and a team of collaborators built an open-source invention that gave the artist -- and gives others in his circumstance -- the means to make art again. The nerve disease ALS left graffiti artist TEMPT paralyzed from head to toe, forced to communicate blink by blink. Ebeling founded the Not Impossible Lab, a nonprofit that lets you help develop creative solutions to real-world problems TEDtalk 5/13.

Oxfam America is looking for Bay Area volunteers 1/13.

Hackers for Charity (see also GIIP).

Global Brigades
ongoing Global Brigades wins Chancellor Award. They do medical, dental, economic and water development in Third World countries, often during summer.

UC Santa Cruz Global Brigades is one of the many university chapters of Global Brigades, Inc in North America and Europe where volunteering students are dedicated to the research, design, and construction of socially responsible, environmentally sustainable solutions towards problems in the developing world. Ultimately, extended relationships between brigades and communities will result in not only the implementation of a variety of projects, but also the accumulation of a vast wealth of knowledge from which future students and communities can learn.}}

Rise Up Development Collective (RUDC) is a nonprofit organization focused on development in the Wli Todzi community, in the Volta Region in Ghana. We raise funds to sustainably construct, stock, and staff a much needed health clinic for the people of Wli Todzi.

Global Exchange co-founded by a Slug! Gives reality tours, helps poor people sell goods, puts on green festivals.

Native Animal Rescue

350.org is doing amazing world organizing against climate change, XL pipeline etc.

MobilizeU is an international movement of concerned and active college students competing and mobilizing their campuses around acts of green throughout the month surrounding Earth Day 2012. Join now!

Random Hacks of Kindness creates software for disaster relief etc.

Habitat Restoration

Habitat Restoration Team of the California Native Plant Society at Quail Hollow Ranch County Park: Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 19. 10-1, bring a lunch, water, and gloves Link

Herbarium Volunteer work parties: Nat Sci 2 rm 229. Link

The Wildlands Restoration Team is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the rich biological diversity of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Save Our Shores Cleanup parties: Link

UCSC Site Stewardship Program: Ecological restoration opportunities:


community building and social justice ideas

College 9 and 10 have PRAXIS Link. Praxis is an organization geared toward community building and social justice. The themes of College Nine and College Ten, International and Global Perspectives, and Social Justice and Community, are implemented in PRAXIS. Students from both colleges are encouraged to join. Each month Praxis members engage in a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout Santa Cruz county and neighboring communities. During the Praxis campus meetings, students learn about and discuss the issues facing these diverse communities.

Alternative Spring Break Trip to New Orleans
post 12/1

Alternative Spring Break Trip to New Orleans - Contact Johanna at programs@santacruzhillel.org

Greenaction on Environmental Justice

To learn more about Bradley Angel's Environmental Justice work with Greenaction and what you can do to help the people of Kettleman City link

Wilderness protection

If anyone would like to get involved with the political campaign to protect the Andrew Molera Wilderness, or future volunteering with the Ventana Wilderness Alliance (VWA) all of which involves awesome camping in Big Sur and the Ventana Wilderness, please get in touch with Morgan Harris. His contact info: Morgan Harris Ventana Wilderness Alliance My email:morgan@ventanawild.com My Phone #: eight05.714.6034 VWA site: ventanawild.org Check out this blog Extra resource: here

Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab

Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab Event Calendar

First Tuesdays Free See also Docent Training Begins School guides: September 24 (9 AM-12:30 PM), September 29(6-9 PM), October 1 (9 AM-12:30 PM), October 6 (6-9 PM), and October 8 (9 AM-12:30 PM).

Marine mammal Research tours

Raptor Observation

Student Internships Contact information for this listing: Seymour Center Link

and Facebook

Link video overview

Citizen Science

Citizen Science gives people the opportunity to collect data, even go on archaeological digs.

Reef Environmental Education Foundation

The Reef Environmental Education Foundation is a grass-roots organization that seeks to conserve marine ecosystems by educating, enlisting and enabling divers and other marine enthusiasts to become active ocean stewards and citizen scientists. They do annual fish counts and trips. They have several stations in the area. Other groups.

Urban Watch Water Quality Monitoring

Wednesday, June 23 2010, 8:30am. Do you care about water quality, and the health of fish and other organisms in our waterways? Join the Coastal Watershed Council as we collect water quality data as part of the Urban Watch program. This volunteer-based program monitors storm drain outfalls for common urban pollutants like detergent, chlorine and ammonia-nitrogen. Urban Watch program participants work in teams with CWC staff to monitor water quality at storm drains in Live Oak and Aptos every two weeks from June through October. Urban Watch program volunteers run in-field chemical analysis on water collected from these storm drains. Location : 3701 Portola Drive, Santa Cruz CA 464-9200, volunteer AT coastalws.org

Transitions Santa Cruz

Transitions Santa Cruz. "Our mission is to be a catalyst for Santa Cruz' relocalization—the development of local self-reliance in food, energy, transportation, media, systems of care, economy and the arts—through a broadly inclusive community-building process." Monthly gathering the third Weds of the month.


LifeLab teaches kids about food and sustainability through school gardens. Summer camp program too.

Greenpeace Organizing Term
5/10 The Greenpeace Organizing Term is a semester of advanced training for student activists. It's action-filled and the best hands-on training for students to become environmental leaders. We are looking for:
  • Students who are passionate, smart, and visionary.
  • Applicants must be committed to protecting the environment.
  • Rising freshmen and sophomores are preferred.
  • Must be 18-24 years of age as well as a current undergraduate student. No prior experience is necessary.
  • Greenpeace strongly encourages applications from women, people of color and other underrepresented communities.

You'll be:

  • making an investment in your leadership skills
  • getting training in grassroots organizing, media, direct action, and campaign strategy
  • traveling with Greenpeace on campaign trips and on the Greenpeace Expedition, meeting with incredible activists working to protect the planet!


Current Listings

UCSC Natural History Club 1/16

Pachamama Alliance 1/13

Bloggers for the Greenopolis website
posted 4/15

I'm looking for community bloggers for the Greenopolis website who can write brief (200-600 words) posts on a regular basis for a mainstream audience. The posts need to be about waste to resource, reuse/recycling, closed loop/cradle to cradle and conservation issues, or stories that can be told through that lens.

There's no pay, but lots of online promotion of the work. Greenopolis is reaching about 500,000 consumers a month, over 25,000 followers on our Facebook page, and is neck and neck with Mother Nature Network in this space.

Joe Laur, Senior Manager Community Engagement and Development Greenopolis WM Organic Growth Group 313 Farley Rd Wendell,Ma 01379 Ofc: 978.544.0001 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 978.544.0001 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Cell: 978.790.6999 Fax: 978.544.7777 Link joe_laur@greenopolis.com

Work in Haiti with Doctors Without Borders

(Presumably these will be offered periodically)

Work in the Field Information Sessions

Teleconference & Webinar, Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:00 PM

8:00 PM Eastern time 7:00 PM Central time 6:00 PM Mountain time 5:00 PM Pacific time 4:00 PM Alaska time 3:00 PM Hawaii time

All prospective medical and nonmedical aid workers: join us for a live teleconference and webinar to learn more about how you can become part of Doctors Without Borders' field work. Human Resources Officers will discuss requirements, and participants will be able to ask questions about the recruitment process and life in the field.


Pinniped Cognition & Sensory Systems Laboratory.
ongoing Our program is powered by a group of hard working volunteer research assistants. These individuals typically work 12-15 hours per week in the laboratory and receive comprehensive training in all areas of the research program. Preference is generally given to UCSC students in the natural, behavioral, or physical sciences, or to individuals with a background in computer sciences/engineering. For more information about the program, including instructions on how to apply for a volunteer research position, please contact us at akbernar@ucsc.edu.

Intern. We offer 3-4 month internships to individuals that are recent college graduates with an interest in marine mammalogy, bioacoustics, comparative cognition, and/or animal husbandry. Interns complete an intensive training program followed by participation in all aspects of the program, including specialized roles in upcoming and ongoing research projects. Interns typically work five full days per week, mainly in the laboratory and occasionally in field research settings. Internships are not paid positions, and applicants are responsible for their own housing arrangements. For more information about the program, including instructions on how to apply for an internship, please contact us at akbernar@ucsc.edu. Link

Rising International

Rising International envisions a future where hopes are realized in even the poorest parts of the world; where lives are uplifted by economic prosperity. Contribute to the economic support of 1000's of woman entrepreneurs around the globe. Link

Long Marine Lab 2010 Docent Training begins

01/13/2010 Wednesday 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Classes continue every Wednesday evening and most Saturday mornings through March.) Make a difference in the world, have fun, and get involved while you spread the importance of ocean science and conservation. This intensive marine science interpretation course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to inspire curiosity in visitors from across California and around the world. To join the docent team, you must be at least 18 years old by the day training begins, and willing to commit to one four-hour shift, one day every other week, for a minimum of one year. Applicants will be interviewed prior to the training start date. This class is offered only once a year––don’t miss out! Visit our website for more information and an application. Location: Other Campus Location Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab Category: Announcement - Class/Workshop Invited Audience: Open to Public Admission: Free Estimated Attendance: 20

Contact information for this event: Name: Abby Borsgard Phone: (831) 459-3799 Email: aborsgar@ucsc.edu Link

Christmas Bird Count

This is a national annual event. here's a local request: Can you help Baykeeper with a Christmas Bird Count on December 26th? The annual Audubon Society's count provides data to assess the stability of bird populations and to guide conservation actions. We need at least two experienced birders familiar with pelagic bird species to join us on the Baykeeper boat for the day.

Also, if you have a boat and would like to join the effort, you can help us monitor Richardson Bay and near China Camp. Audubon will host a dinner in Mill Valley for participants. If you would like to sign up, please contact Rosalind Becker, Baykeeper Program Fellow, at rosalind@baykeeper.org. weblink

Dude, Surfrider Monthly Cleanup
11/7 Seabright State Beach Cleanup

Surfrider Monthly Cleanup

November 7, 2009, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Seabright State Beach

Hosted by: Surfrider Foundation

Register now at: link

Day of Action for Climate Change
10/24 This is an invitation from Bill McKibben to help build a movement--to take one day day and use it to stop the climate crisis.

You can download a presentation to give at UCSC; i will help you arrange a room and video equipment, contact pmmckerc@ucsc.edu

On October 24, we will stand together as one planet and call for a fair global climate treaty. United by a common call to action, we'll make it clear: the world needs an international plan that meets the latest science and gets us back to safety.

This movement has just begun, and it needs your help.

Here's the plan: we're asking you, and people in every country on earth, to organize an action in your community on October 24.


There are no limits here--imagine bike rides, rallies, concerts, hikes, festivals, tree-plantings, protests, and more. Imagine your action linking up with thousands of others around the globe. Imagine the world waking up.

If we can pull it off, we'll send a powerful message on October 24: the world needs the climate solutions that science and justice demand.

It's often said that the only thing preventing us from tackling the climate crisis quickly and equitably is a lack of political will. Well, the only thing that can create that political will is a unified global movement--and no one is going to build that movement for us. It's up to regular people all over the world. That's you.

So register an event in your community for October 24, and then enlist the help of your friends. Get together with your co-workers or your local environmental group or human rights campaign, your church or synagogue or mosque or temple; enlist bike riders and local farmers and young people. All over the planet we'll start to organize ourselves.

With your help, there will be an event at every iconic place on the planet on October 24-from America's Great Lakes to Australia's Great Barrier Reef--and also in all the places that matter to you in your daily lives: a beach or park or village green or town hall.

If there was ever a time for you to get involved, it's right now.

The California Student Sustainability Coalition

We are uniting and empowering California's community of higher education to collaboratively and nonviolently transform ourselves and our institutions based on our inherent social, economic, and ecological responsibilities. Internships available. link

Friends of the Sea Otter

Friends of the Sea Otter has some new and exciting programs that will be starting shortly, and we need volunteers to make them a success!

Program 1: Marine Water Monitoring Water quality plays a significant role in sea otter health, which is why FSO is teaming up with the California Department of Public Health and asking volunteers to collect water samples all along the coast of California. The data from the water samples will ultimately be received and used by researchers working with otters and other sea mammals. Volunteers are needed to collect samples at locations along the coast where the southern sea otter call home (San Francisco to Santa Barbara). Sampling takes only about 15 minutes and must be done weekly; if we get enough interest, teams can be created so that individuals can take turns with sampling throughout the month.

Program 2: Otter Recovery The California Sea Otter Research Group needs help with otter recovery on Friday afternoons and weekends. This job would entail removing dead or hurt otters from the shoreline. Volunteers would need to walk along the shoreline and then take care of any otters that are found.

Program 3: Data Compilation and Organization People with a scientific background are needed to help the California Sea Otter Research Group in Santa Cruz compile data. A great deal of sea otter data has already been collected and is in desperate need of organization. This work would be done in their laboratories located in Santa Cruz.Link

Alternative Spring Break (2011):

A number of opportunities are currently beng offered, but these usually require a commitment/orientation in advance, as the logistics are such that you can't just show up at the last minute. Habitat for Humanity has a meeting 1/20 thurs). Jewishjustice.org has one 1/23 for Alternative Spring Break Trip to New Orleans - Contact Johanna at programs@santacruzhillel.org. SVC has a trip to Tacoma. CAFSF has two opportunities:

Southwest Wanderings: Pueblo Service Learning and New Mexico Wilderness Excursio , 3/18-27

Steep yourself in the majestic landscape of New Mexico and the Southwest for an adventure into building relationships, assisting others, and exploring wild spaces. This service learning trip from March 18 - March 27 combines work with pueblo farmers and exploration of some of New Mexico's most beautiful wilderness areas. Read more about the trip and sign up starting on Tuesday, January 11 through the UCSC Recreation Department. Cost of the trip is $325 for UCSC students. Measure 43 funding help support this service learning expedition.

The first ever week-long organic gardening intensive offered by staff of the CASFS Farm & Garden Apprenticeship and invited experts will take place from March 9-16 (spring break week) at the UCSC Farm. The Friends of the Farm & Garden, CASFS staff, and UCSC's Recreation Department have teamed up to offer the "Garden Cruz" course for those who want to learn or improve their organic gardening skills through an intensive week of lectures and hands-on practice. "Garden Cruz" is an ideal program for students and community members involved in campus and community gardens, or looking to enhance their ability to grow food at home. Questions? Call 459-3240 or email casfs@ucsc.edu.

Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley/Habitat for Humanity
ongoing Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley is a non-profit organization that performs free home accessibility and safety repairs/modifications for older adults and disabled homeowners in Santa Clara County. We also serve other non-profit organizations, including "greening" buildings, so that they can dedicate their resources to the community rather than to facility repair. Big event in October. Similar work is done by Santa Cruz Habitat for Humanity.


Write for Worldchanging
ongoing Worldchanging relies on our global network of connected, informed, engaged volunteer contributors to send us smart, original, cutting-edge content from around their world. Our team of correspondents includes noted authors, activists, designers, educators, businesspeople, researchers and many others.


Santa Cruz Wharf Seafood Consumption Study

The purpose of this 2-year pilot study is to collect information about Santa Cruz Wharf anglers, the seafood they catch, and the consumption of that seafood.

Volunteer Duties: Gain practical experience and critical skills as part of a multi-disciplinary research team studying people who fish at the Wharf. The Work: 1. Approximately 10 hours per week 2. Training in public relations, communication & survey interview skills 3. Data entry 4. Bi-weekly team meetings 5. One or two shifts per week interviewing people fishing at the wharf (weekdays & weekends). This is organized to fit into an internship - so if you are interested in receiving academic credit, it can be arranged.

Contact Name Veronica Long AgencyEmail vhlong@ucsc.edu Agency Address Ocean Sciences UCSC Agency Phone 459-3347


Natural Bridges State Park
ongoing Leading educational programs for school groups and tours for the general public on topics like, Monarch butterflies, tide pools, wetlands. maintaining milkweed garden and salt water aquarium.

Contact Name Martha Nitzberg Agency Email NaturalBridges@juno.com

weblink to Santa Cruz Parks}}

Peregin Falcon Watch
3/28 As the young Peregrine Falcons reach fledging age, trained volunteers gather nearby and commit to shifts so that they may help keep the youngsters safe upon fledging. Training is required for full participation. We recommend that interested members of the public subscribe to the online discussion group for the nest camera location of interest to stay up to date and learn more about the date and location of training opportunities. We will provide a background on the Peregrine Falcon Recovery and training for interested volunteers who wish to participate by committing to one or more Fledge Watch shifts during early June. This training will be held at the Martin Luther King Library located at 4th and San Fernando streets in San Jose on March 28th at 1:30 p.m. RSVP by emailing Glenn Stewart with the subject line, “fledge watch rsvp” at gstewart@ucsc.edu. Link
Pelican Network
ongoing various opportunities such as feed birds, count sea otters, observe elephant seals etc.Link

Sacramento Internships
ongoing Live and work in the state capitol


Individual Organizations

Marine Mammal Rescue Center
ongoing Various opportunities including rescuing stranded animals at the Marine Mammal Rescue Center Here is info on local rescue volunteering.research .
See also Marine Mammal Physiology Project for jobs at UCSC's Long Marine Laboratory.

Training Classes for Arboretum Volunteers

01/07/2009 through 02/11/2009 Wednesday 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM Our staff holds a yearly set of 6 orientation and training days for people who want to find out more about the Arboretum and where their talents and interests can become involved in its operations. The set of 6 Wednesdays will give you a broad range of where you can fit your talents and interest into the Arboretum's operations. Location: Arboretum Room: The Horticulture Building Invited Audience: Open to Public Admission: Free Sponsored by: UCSC Arboretum

Contact information for this event: Name: Susie Bower Phone: (831) 427-2998 Email: susiehb@ucsc.edu Link

Student Environmental Center
Weds. evenings Our mission is to organize student involvement on campus, to collaborate with the University to implement environmentally sound practices on campus. The SEC serves as a central space for existing student environmental organizations, and encourages the development of new projects.http://www.enviroslug.org/

Our General Gatherings are every Wednesday at 5-7:30pm at the College 8 Student Commons, the red building at the foot of the plaza.


Engineers Without Borders
ongoing Engineers Without Borders is a non-profit humanitarian organization established to partner with developing communities worldwide in order to improve their quality of life. This partnership involves the implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while involving and training internationally responsible engineers and engineering students. They have volunteer opportunities for engineers (and non-engineers) as well.

Ruckus Society
ongoing "We are living in a time of extreme challenges... In order to effectively meet these challenges, now, more than ever, environmental and social justice organizers must develop winning strategies that are creative, nonviolent, and take their lead from impacted communities. By building on the traditions of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., we, at The Ruckus Society, provide our partner organizations and activists with the tools, training, and support necessary to tackle these problems and achieve their goals." Based in Oakland. Also has job opening


UC Atlas of Global Inequality Internships
ongoing The Atlas has been accessed by more than 11 million people. If you'd like to share (or even acquire) digital and research skills, contact them here: Link

Santa Cruz Fungus Fair
ongoing Santa Cruz Fungus Fair Jan 10-11. Contact volunteers@santacruzmuseums.org to help out.

Aquatic Protection Agency
ongoing The mission of the Aquatic Protection Agency is to promote healthy aquatic ecosystems through pollution prevention, research and education.


Homeless Garden Project
ongoing Bring Together people from throughout the community in the beauty and security of our certified organic garden. Practice and Teach principles of economic and ecological sustainability through classes and hands-on experience. Provide homeless men and women job training and transitional employment.


Our City Forest
ongoing Based in San Jose, plants trees and conducts education programs (some jobs available


Recycling Services at UCSC
ongoing There are a multitude of opportunities available including but not limited to: event organizing, outreach campaigns, organic gardening/composting, teaching children, public relations and marketing, website design, research and analysis, writing grants or funding proposals, community clean-ups, and implementing waste reduction strategies on campus.


Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Transportation
ongoing The Hub is Santa Cruz County's resource center for human powered transportation. We promote the use of feet, bicycles, pedi-cabs, bike trailers, skateboards and other non-motorized vehicles.


ongoing Earthwatch Institute is an international non-profit organization that brings science to life for people concerned about the Earth's future. Founded in 1971, Earthwatch supports scientific field research by offering volunteers the opportunity to join research teams around the world. This unique model is creating a systematic change in how the public views science and its role in environmental sustainability.

Today, Earthwatch recruits close to 4,000 volunteers every year to collect field data in the areas of rainforest ecology, wildlife conservation, marine science, archaeology, and more. Through this process, we educate, inspire, and involve a diversity of people, who actively contribute to conserving our planet [participants help fund expeditions]. Link

O'Neill Sea Odyssey
ongoing O'Neill Sea Odyssey (OSO) was founded in 1996 by wetsuit innovator and surfer Jack O'Neill. A living classroom was created on board a 65-foot catamaran sailing the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary where 4th - 6th grade students from schools throughout Central California receive hands-on lessons about the marine habitat and the importance of the relationship between the living sea and the environment. The program is conducted on board the catamaran with follow-up lessons at the shore-side Education Center at the Santa Cruz Harbor. It is free of charge, but students earn their way into the program by designing and performing a project to benefit their community. Link

Save Our Shores
ongoing Save Our Shores is a non-profit marine conservation organization in Santa Cruz, California. Our mission is marine conservation through policy research, education and citizen involvement (see calendar for frequent activities such as beach cleanup) Internships available. Link

Institute of Marine Sciences UCSC
ongoing Many opportunities to do hands-on science Link

The Wildlands Restoration Team
ongoing The Wildlands Restoration Team was formed to protect and restore the biological diversity of the Santa Cruz mountains. Although this has required that we consider many kinds of impacts on the land, the overwhelming need for our time and effort has been to stop the spread of invasive non-native plant species.


California Certified Organic Farmers
ongoing CCOF is offering internships to students interested in organic food and marketing or for those that just want to learn more about organic certification. You can learn more about the program at internship link or contact

Elizabeth O'Sullivan
Intern Program Coordinator
mailto: organic@ccof.org
2155 Delaware Ave, Suite 150
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
831-423-2263 ext. 25 Website

UCSC Predatory Bird Research Group
ongoing Annual count and on-going observation of nests.


Monterey Bay Aquarium


Natural History Vol. Opportunities
ongoing Sample opportunities: Predatory bird group, UCSC Natural Reserves etc Website

Volunteer at Seymour Marine Center
ongoing Inspire children’s interest in marine science by joining our incredible school volunteer team! Learn to lead hands-on science activities, lead tours to the marine mammal overlook, and more. All four sessions required.


Global Information Internship Program
ongoing The Global Information Internship Program is an innovative "digital service learning" program at UC Santa Cruz. GIIP is creating a new generation of "info activists," committed to advancing social justice, democratizing globalization, and building social entrepreneurship. In 2008 GIIP Fellows initiated a campaign to create an intensive major and minor in Global Information and Social Enterprise Studies (GISES). Designed as a service learning program for the formation of digital social entrepreneurs,it provides an excellent foundation for students pursuing careers in non-profit management, community organizing, social advocacy, sustainable development and digital education. City on the Hill article


Rock the Earth
ongoing Rock the Earth is a not-for-profit, national public interest environmental organization dedicated to protecting and defending America's natural resources through partnerships with the music industry and the world-wide environmental community. We act as advocates to ensure the existence of a sustainable and healthy environment for all and represent those individuals and communities whose environment or natural surroundings are directly and adversely affected by others. [rocktheearth.org Website]


Homeless Garden Project
ongoing Sample opportunities: gardening, marketing, staffing retail store, office work, errands, working in the workshop. [www.homelessgardenproject.org Website]


Surfrider Santa Cruz
ongoing Lots of different kinds of jobs and skills


UCSC Stormwater Internship
ongoing Web gurus, writers, artists, marketing specialists and facilitators are needed to work on storm water issues to enhancethe overall campus environment and facilitate sustainability.


Project Budburst, Global Warming Data Collection
ongoing Join us in collecting important climate change data on the timing of leafing and flowering in your area through Project BudBurst! This national field campaign targets native tree and flower species across the country. With your help, we will be compiling valuable environmental and climate change information around the United States.


ongoing These classes are open to anyone who has an interest in gardening and volunteering; there is a niche for almost everyone. Presentations will cover Arboretum gardens & plant collections, plant conservation, gardening tips, plant propagation and much more. Volunteer possibilities include: Garden Work, Tours, Special Events, Library, Gift Shop, Education Program, and Propagation! Attend all or just a few sessions.

Susie Bower Phone: (831)-427-2998 Email: susiehb@ucsc.edu

Earth Island Institute, San Francisco
ongoing Employment and Volunteer offerings among the Earth Island Community


Site Stewardship Program
ongoing Help maintain the natural beauty of the campus. The first volunteer day next quarter will be Saturday, Jan. 26. The next two are joint work days with the Campus Natural Reserve on Sunday, Feb. 3, and Saturday, March 1. For information about the program or to volunteer, call (831) 459-2643 or send an e-mail

Peace Corps
monthly Come find out more about the Peace Corps! Facts and myths, questions and answers, stories and pictures. It's never too early or too late to start thinking about your application!

With 47 alumni in service, UC Santa Cruz on the annual list of "Peace Corps Top Colleges and Universities," released last week 2/10.

How To Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas book by UC alum

Aimee Munroe Phone: (831) 459-4470 [3] website

ranks No. 21

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
ongoing Website

San Francisco Bay Oil Spill
ongoing Baykeeper info on latest count of birds affected

Oxfam Campaigns
ongoing Oxfam works on many of the issues we look at in the Core course website

== Older Postings == (but some may be on-going or repeated)

Student Regent
ongoing A candidate for the position of student Regent must be an enrolled undergraduate, graduate, or professional student in good academic standing for the two year duration of the student Regent term. The student Regent's academic and parking fees are waived for the two year period. Additionally, a student Regent will be reimbursed for expenses incurred for attendance at Regental and committee meetings.

Interested students may obtain an application at the Career Center, colleges, and various departments across campus, or download an application. Applications are due no later than February 19, 2009. Students are encouraged to get an early start in completing the application by researching the essay questions and preparing a resume during the Winter break.

Seymour Center Docent Training
1/14 Docent Training Begins

01/14/2009 Wednesday 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM The Seymour Center offers docent training only once a year-- it's the best way to start off 2009! Join the team--get your hands wet, learn more, inspire other, and help protect the oceans. This 10-week course meets twice weekly ; docents make a one-year volunteer commitment. If you've wondered how you can work for positive change, as a Seymour Center docent you will be empowered by new knowledge,meet new people, volunteer in your community, and have a lot of fun! For more information call Shauna Potocky at (831)459-3854. Applications are currently being accepted and reviewed. Sponsored by David Morrelll and Kirsten Gruesz.

Location:Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab Invited Audience: Open to Public Admission: Free Sponsored by: David Morrell and Kirsten Gruesz Estimated Attendance: 20

Contact information for this event: Name: Abby Borsgard Phone: (831) 459-3799 Email: aborsgar@ucsc.edu Link Additional opportunities available, including raptor observation

Summer Internship at WiserEarth
3/11 Help the WiserEarth community grow!

The Natural Capital Institute is currently hiring for the following positions:

• Development/Fundraising Intern • Student Outreach Intern • Online Community Organizer Interns • Event Research Intern

Hours and Compensation:

Full-time Internship: Three-month commitment of 4 days/week, 8:30-5 PST, 30 hours minimum. This position includes a monthly stipend of $500, with travel costs reimbursed.

Positions are located in Sausalito, CA

Please contact Genevieve Logan on WiserEarth or send her an email at logan@naturalcapital.org with application (download above), cover letter, and resume to apply.


Permaculture Event Organizer
3/11 Looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping design and contribute to this year's 2 day Permaculture Symposium and 3 day Convergence.

Planning meeting happen every couple of weeks with more involvemnet in May and June.

Please send inquires to Benjamin Fahrer at pcdesigns@earthlink.net Website

Organic Farm Education Internship on Live Earth Farm
ongoing We are offering a new Farm Educator Internship this school year. This internship will have a unique focus on our education programs. The intern will spend at least 50% of their time on these activities and the other 50% on farm tasks. Education programs include: a weekly visit by 7th and 8th grade Montessori students, half day farm tours for students of all ages and two afternoons a week with middle school students from a local charter school.

The position will involve leading farm tours, working with ongoing farm education programs and some office work such as scheduling farm tours and processing deposits and payments. Farm tasks include vegetable and fruit production and marketing, animal care and greenhouse management.link


Practical Activism Conference Planning

Interested in volunteering on the day of this year's conference? Interested in helping to plan Practical Activism 2008? We are looking for a small group of talented, diverse, and committed students from College Nine, College Ten, and Oakes College to develop and implement the fifth annual Practical Activism conference. Students from the previous years’ conferences will work with you to select keynote speakers, workshop topics, and artistic performances that reflect the social justice issues that concern you. Planning will begin spring quarter 2008 with occasional meetings and retreats. In Fall quarter 2008, earn course credit while continuing to work on the conference.

In particular, we are looking for individuals with the following skills: computer skills, research skills, promotional experience, writing and verbal communication skills, activism experience, contacts with campus and community organizations, reliability, flexibility, responsibility, organization and time-management skills.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Wendy Baxter at wbaxter@ucsc.edu or 459-3142 for more information. Website

Thurs 10/07 The Campus and Community Involvement Fair is UCSC’s volunteer fair held annually each fall. The Student Volunteer Center hosts over 40 community organizations at the Quarry Plaza (outside the Baytree Bookstore) for an afternoon of networking and education on the social issues in Santa Cruz. Organizations attend the event to table, promote their organization, and to seek UCSC students to fill their volunteer needs.

STUDENTS! Come sign up for more information on SVC and other organizations, volunteer, or come and meet other students interested in volunteering. Each year the fair seems to grow, incorporating many more types of organizations. 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM Qarry Plaza, outside the Bay Tree Bookstore

more info