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[https://www.alternet.org/food/environmental-and-public-health-disaster-awaits-if-usda-gives-organic-label-hydroponics  Environmental and Public Health Disaster Awaits—If USDA Gives Organic Label to Hydroponics] 11/17.
[https://www.alternet.org/food/environmental-and-public-health-disaster-awaits-if-usda-gives-organic-label-hydroponics  Environmental and Public Health Disaster Awaits—If USDA Gives Organic Label to Hydroponics] 11/17.
[https://www.alternet.org/environment/amazon-deforestation-linked-mcdonalds-other-retail-food-giants Amazon Deforestation Linked to McDonald's, Other Retail Food Giants]: Large-scale agribusiness operations clear large swathes of native forest to make way for soy plantations.
[http://ecowatch.com/2016/04/10/ocean-farmers/ How an Army of Ocean Farmers Is Starting an Economic Revolution] 4/16. but Fish Farms have problems too:
[http://ecowatch.com/2016/04/10/ocean-farmers/ How an Army of Ocean Farmers Is Starting an Economic Revolution] 4/16. but Fish Farms have problems too:

Revision as of 19:27, 5 November 2017

This page includes health effects of bad dietThis is a complex issue impacted by many factors, some of which will be addressed below.

See also food production and consumption and Urban Agriculture, as well as Solid Waste. See also Third World Development (and its associated topics, including Africa). Genetically Modified Organisms as well as Population, Water, and Food Safety and health as well as Global Warming as well as Soil. For labor issues, see Labor page.


For Food Insecure Children, Uncertainty About the Next Meal Leads to Many Problems 5/14.

(Short video overview) As the world's human population grows, more food is needed to feed it. Unfortunately, there is not always enough to go around, and more than 862 million people in the world go hungry. In developing countries nearly 16 million children die every year from preventable and treatable causes. Sixty percent of these deaths are from hunger and malnutrition.

In the United States, 11.7 million children live in households where people have to skip meals or eat less to make ends meet. That means one in ten households in the U.S. are living with hunger or are at risk of hunger.

Deep dive into players Neo, take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.

News Sources

Grist stories



Hunger at UCSC 5/16 More.2011.

Environmental and Public Health Disaster Awaits—If USDA Gives Organic Label to Hydroponics 11/17.

Amazon Deforestation Linked to McDonald's, Other Retail Food Giants: Large-scale agribusiness operations clear large swathes of native forest to make way for soy plantations.

How an Army of Ocean Farmers Is Starting an Economic Revolution 4/16. but Fish Farms have problems too: EcoWatch 9/17. (Import source of protein, especially for poor people) see Fish.

Global Food Crops Also Face Earth's Sixth Great Mass Extinction 9/17.

What Would Happen If Several of the World's Biggest Food Crops Failed at the Same Time? Climate change is expected to generate heat waves and drought that could cause crop losses in most of the world's breadbaskets. 6/17.

How a Supermarket Sales Gimmick Has Become a Major Driver of Climate Change: As uneaten food rots in landfills, it releases a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide.

THE STAGGERING SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS OF FOOD WASTE: During this season of charitable spirit, holiday meal preparation, and reckless consumer behavior, the amount of food we throw in the trashcan deserves a moment of our attention. Fifty-two million tons of food are wasted by consumers and consumer-facing businesses annually — over 80 percent of all U.S. food waste. Currently, less than 10 percent of that food is recovered by reaching the 1 in 7 Americans without enough to eat. Food that goes to landfills breaks down in a heap without oxygen, producing methane, a gas with 86 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. These emissions are no small matter. Considered on a national scale, organic matter rotting in landfills accounts for 1/5 of methane emissions. In fact, if global food loss and waste were its own country, it would be the world’s third largest source of greenhouse gases. 12/16 see Solid Waste, but ONLINE CALCULATOR HELPS CUT FARMS’ GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS.

10 Reasons You Should Start Foraging for Your Own Food.

The Planet's Food Supply Could Be Saved By a Kind of Bee You Probably Have Never Heard Of 6/16.

Earth Has Lost a Third of Arable Land in Past 40 Years, Scientists Say 12/15. See Soil.

This Women's Collective Is Using Agroecology to Fight India's Green Revolution 10/15 see Women and India.

Why Two Filmmakers Ate Nothing But Trash for Six Months 7/15.

How Seed Laws Make Farmers’ Seeds Illegal see GMO's and Food Inc movie.

Stunning Photos of Food Finds After Dumpster Diving Across America

New Heat-Resistant Beans Could Stave Off Hunger In A Warming World not a GMO.

People on Food Stamps Make Healthier Grocery Decisions Than Most of Us 3/15.

The Real Junk Food Project, created a “Pay As You Feel” (PAYF) cafe, which asks customers to pay what they see fit for perfectly good food that, due to strict food labeling laws, would have otherwise been thrown out. 3/15

Two Young Entrepreneurs Offer Way to Grow Food in Dead of Winter The converted shipping containers are “outfitted with vertical hydroponics, high-efficiency LED lights and an automated climate control system. 2/15. see Entrepreneurs.

After Years Without a Grocery Store, These Neighbors Are Building One Themselves—And They’ll Own It 10/14.

Our alarming food future, explained in 7 charts based on new National Climate Assessment. 5/14.

Food Riots: The New Normal? Reduced land productivity, combined with elevated oil costs and population growth, threaten a systemic, global food crisis. Citing findings from a study by Paul and Anne Ehrlich, published by the Royal Society, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed identified the links among intensifying economic inequality, debt, climate change, and fossil fuel dependency to conclude that a global food crisis is now “undeniable.”

Corn based ethanol. Since 2007, the federal government has made an aggressive push into corn-based ethanol: oil companies are now required to add millions of gallons of ethanol to gasoline, and farmers are encouraged to plow more land in a bid to keep up with demand. But the stated goals of those efforts — produce more green energy and curb global warming — aren't coming to pass. In a sweeping investigation, the Associated Press reveals that "the ethanol era" has exacted a devastating environmental toll on land across the country. A whopping 5 million acres of conservation land, for instance, have been plowed by farmers trying to produce more corn — much of which now goes to ethanol production rather than livestock feed. That plundering has contaminated waterways, released heaps of greenhouse gasses, and funneled resources into coal- and gas-burning ethanol factories. 11/13. More corn grown in U.S. this year than ever before (drought cut in half last years). Thanks,biofuels. An update of Pollan's critique of industrial corn.

Is America Teetering on the Edge of the Hunger Cliff? 10/13.

Trader Joe's Ex-President To Turn Expired Food Into Cheap Meals 9/13. (text and audio) see more about labels.

Americans Are 110 Times More Likely to Die from Contaminated Food Than Terrorism: Cantaloupe vs. al-Qaeda: What's more dangerous? 9/13.

9 problems with meat 9/13. see Meat.

Our Coming Food Crisis because of global warming By GARY PAUL NABHAN nyt.7/13. Is Climate Change Driving the Southwest Toward a Dust Bowl? 7/13.

The Risks of Hunger. It Makes You Take More Risks.

Worldwide food prices to rise 6/13.

Saltwater agriculture is possible examples include Mexico and Eritrea in Africa.

The New Crime of Eating While Homeless (Hard Times, USA)By outlawing dumpster diving, Houston is making life impossible for the most vulnerable. 5/13.

Are snails the answer to hunger? 10/12. or bugs?

Test tube meat

Produce Standards and Food Waste in America 4/13. (overview)

Should Sugar Be Regulated Like Alcohol? Writing in the journal Nature, UCSF pediatrician Robert Lustig argues education is not enough. Author of Fat Chance (npr audio).

Sugar/High Fructose Corn syrup.

Somalia Famine Partially Blamed On Climate Change In New Study 3/13.

Quinoa, called the "miracle grain of the Andes", but the appetite of countries such as ours for this grain has pushed up prices to such an extent that poorer people in Peru and Bolivia, for whom it was once a nourishing staple food, can no longer afford to eat it. Imported junk food is cheaper. In Lima, quinoa now costs more than chicken. Outside the cities, and fuelled by overseas demand, the pressure is on to turn land that once produced a portfolio of diverse crops into quinoa monoculture. 1/13.

Francis Lappe sees the end of hunger in Indian women's group 12/12

Mayor Cory Booker takes the food stamp/SNAP challenge 12/12. Could you live on $2/day?

For the first time, cities see a drop in childhood obesity

USDA backpedals on healthy school-lunch rules 12/12

A grocery store for the people planned for West Oakland food desert 11/12. Food deserts in CA Central Valley. 3/11.

Are snails the answer to hunger? 10/12.

Global land grab, mostly by China, for food security, in the face of global warming. (author interview) audio.

Land grab by China and multinational corporations such as Monsanto and private equity funds (sometimes as tax dodge) may be the largest threat to food security. "Inefficient" small subsistence farmers (mostly women) become refugees and miners. Extensive research by Oakland Institute. 6/12

Gleaners gather food from farms, farmer's markets even yards.

Food Issues

Food Waste

UCSC grad overview

TEDtalks Rob Greenfield, TEDx NY.

WASTED! The Story of Food Waste trailer 11/17.

How a Supermarket Sales Gimmick Has Become a Major Driver of Climate Change: As uneaten food rots in landfills, it releases a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide.

THE STAGGERING SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS OF FOOD WASTE: During this season of charitable spirit, holiday meal preparation, and reckless consumer behavior, the amount of food we throw in the trashcan deserves a moment of our attention. Fifty-two million tons of food are wasted by consumers and consumer-facing businesses annually — over 80 percent of all U.S. food waste. Currently, less than 10 percent of that food is recovered by reaching the 1 in 7 Americans without enough to eat. Food that goes to landfills breaks down in a heap without oxygen, producing methane, a gas with 86 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. These emissions are no small matter. Considered on a national scale, organic matter rotting in landfills accounts for 1/5 of methane emissions. In fact, if global food loss and waste were its own country, it would be the world’s third largest source of greenhouse gases. 12/16 see Solid Waste, but ONLINE CALCULATOR HELPS CUT FARMS’ GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS.

DIVE! LIVING OFF AMERICA'S WASTE BY JEREMY SIEFERT (DVD) follows circle of friends as they dumpster dive in the back alleys and gated garbage receptacles of L.A.'s supermarkets. In the process they uncover thousands of dollars worth of good food and an ugly truth about waste in America: grocery stores know they are wasting and most refuse to do anything about it.

Why Two Filmmakers Ate Nothing But Trash for Six Months see Food.

American Wasteland Jonathan Bloom reports that close to half of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. Book.

Can the EU Make a Dent in Food Waste By Nixing ‘Best By’ Labels? 5/14.

Trader Joe's Ex-President To Turn Expired Food Into Cheap Meals 9/13. (text and audio) see more about labels.

40 Percent of Food Goes to Waste, Study Shows PBS NewsHour (video and links). 9/12.

Food Cowboy is an app to reduce waste. 3/13.

For Restaurants, Food Waste Is Seen As Low Priority, contributes methane to global warming. 11/12.

Omaha teenager starts a program to donate ungrateful kids’ fruit to the hungry

AmpleHarvest connects home gardeners to hungry people.

Food waste in rich and poor countries for different reasons.

Don’t toss your cookies: Curbing the crisis of food waste 8/12.

How to take action, some organizations including Phone app to reduce waste.

Food Waste in Santa Cruz article by UCSC student. 3/11

Other News

In February, the UN’s food price index rose for the eighth consecutive month, to the highest level since at least 1990. As a result, since 2010 began, roughly another 44 million people have quietly crossed the threshold into malnutrition, joining 925 million already suffering from lack of food. If prices continue to rise, this food crisis will push the ranks of the hungry toward a billion people, with another two billion suffering from “hidden malnutrition” from inadequate diets, nearly all in the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. That deprivation will shorten lives and stunt young minds, hitting the most vulnerable populations, such as the urban poor of food importing countries, in cities like Cairo, Tunis and Dhaka. “Diet Hard: With A Vengeance,” David Moberg, In These Times, 3/24/11.

Insects as human food source. 4/13.

The Hunger Wars in Our Future: Heat, Drought, Rising Food Costs, and Global Unrest 8/12

Food for 9 Billion from Center for Investigative Research.

Link to Nature article on climate change drought affect on food supply. 5/12

Is Walmart the Answer to "Food Deserts"? 1/12.

Food prices sparked Arab Spring

Preparing for drought in Sahel, Africa 3/12

Speculators drive price spikes 3/12.

Food vs. Fuel: Diversion of Crops Could Cause More Hunger by David J. Tenenbaum. Another take on the subject (pdf 2007).

New York Times correspondent Jeffrey Gettleman received a George Polk Award for his coverage of East Africa including Darfur, Congo, and Somalia. He makes the point that famines never happen simply because of drought; there's always another human factor such as war or inequality (Audio interview, some a bit disturbing) 4/12.

Dirt cookies in Haiti.


Food Waste

TEDtalks Rob Greenfield, TEDx NY.

WASTED! The Story of Food Waste trailer 11/17.

DIVE! LIVING OFF AMERICA'S WASTE BY JEREMY SIEFERT (DVD) follows circle of friends as they dumpster dive in the back alleys and gated garbage receptacles of L.A.'s supermarkets. In the process they uncover thousands of dollars worth of good food and an ugly truth about waste in America: grocery stores know they are wasting and most refuse to do anything about it.

Why Two Filmmakers Ate Nothing But Trash for Six Months see Food.

American Wasteland Jonathan Bloom reports that close to half of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. Book.

40 Percent of Food Goes to Waste, Study Shows PBS NewsHour.

PBS Food for 9 Billion includes farmers preserving forest, bloomuing the desert and a Singapore skyscraper (video). Satisfying China’s Growing Demand for Meat.

A Place at the Table, follows three people who are struggling with food insecurity: Barbie, a single Philadelphia mother who grew up in poverty and is trying to provide a better life for her two kids; Rosie, a Colorado fifth-grader who often has to depend on friends and neighbors to feed her and has trouble concentrating in school; and Tremonica, a Mississippi second-grader whose asthma and health issues are exacerbated by the largely empty calories her hardworking mother can afford. Their stories are interwoven with insights from experts including sociologist Janet Poppendieck, author Raj Patel and nutrition policy leader Marion Nestle; ordinary citizens like Pastor Bob Wilson and teachers Leslie Nichols and Odessa Cherry; and activists such as Witness to Hunger’s Mariana Chilton, Top Chef’s Tom Colicchio and Oscar®-winning actor Jeff Bridges.excerpt (directors).

Food and Climate change 2008 panel discussion. CA 2012 Heat and Harvest (audio panel discussion)

TEDtalk video by Josette Sheeran, the head of the UN's World Food Program, who talks about why, in a world with enough food for everyone, people still go hungry, still die of starvation, still use food as a weapon of war.

Louise Fresco shows us why we should celebrate mass-produced, supermarket-style white bread. She says environmentally sound mass production will feed the world, yet leave a role for small bakeries and traditional methods. TEDtalk video.

Food Stamped2010 documentary in which a couple with kids live on a food stamp budget for a week.

Food deserts.

Food Fight! The Battle to Bring Healthy Food to the State's Poorest. Nov 4 2011 Commonwealth Club panel.

The Authors@Google program welcomed the Wall St Journal's Scott Kilman and Roger Thurow to Google's New York office to discuss their book, "Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty" Link.

Global 3000 has extensive coverage of globalization issues. For example, Agricultural Land for Investors - Why Sudan's small farmers are being displaced. It's widely predicted that, by 2050, the population of the world will reach 9 billion and the need for food will increase by 70 percent. Also, Brazil has become the world's biggest exporter of beef. The government and farmers want to double production in the next 10 years.

The New Food Wars: Globalization GMOs and Biofuels. Across the world, food riots are taking place. Scientist and activist Vandana Shiva explores whether the future will be one of food wars or food peace. She argues that the creation of food peace demands a major shift in the way food is produced and distributed, and the way in which we manage and use the soil, water and biodiversity, which makes food production possible. UCI 2008.


Trader Joe's Ex-President To Turn Expired Food Into Cheap Meals 9/13.

Global food crisis studied by Raj Patelin Stuffed and Starved video interview and discussed in videos. Colbert Report. (recent local talk). UCB 2011 video, 85 min. Some history of Cold War and Green Revolution. (audio) See also books and video.

Food Deserts: A Mirage or Reality? 5/12


Alan Bjerga's Endless Appetites: How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest got glowing reviews from both Press Secretary Sara Sciammacco and Senior Communications and Policy Advisor Don Carr.

Oran Hesterman's Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System For All.

Thomas Keneally, author of Three Famines: Starvation and Politics, about the modern history of famines. author interview 10/11.

All You Can Eat: How Hungry Is America? by Joel Berg Seven Stories, 351 pp.

Terra Madre: Forging a New Global Network of Sustainable Food Communities by Carlo Petrini, with a foreword by Alice Waters Chelsea Green, 155 pp.

The Taste for Civilization: Food, Politics, and Civil Society by Janet A. Flammang University of Illinois Press, 325 pp. NY Review of Books 6/10/10

In his new book, World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse, Earth Policy Institute's Lester Brown looks at the state of the world's resources ( a "food bubble"), warning that the outlook does not look good when it comes to feeding the world's population.

The Food Wars by Walden Bello traces the evolution of the crisis, examining its eruption in Mexico, Africa, the Philippines and China, speaking out against the obscene imbalance in the most basic commodities between northern and southern hemispheres.

Global food crisis studied by Raj Patel, BigThink (video bio) in Stuffed and Starved video interview and discussed in videos. Colbert Report. See also Extensive talk (video) based on book. 6/12 update audio. He works with Food First. 2010 Panel with Anna Lappe (video) His newer book The Value of Nothing also has extensive info on food. Video talk for example, the real cost of a hamburger.

Review of book The End of Food

American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Nearly Half of Its Food (and What We Can Do about It) by Jonathan Bloom. American Wasteland Jonathan Bloom reports that close to half of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. Book.

Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply by Vandana Shiva McH Stacks HD9000.5 .S454 2000 Links

A historical view can be found in Late Victorian Holocausts (searchable) By Mike Davis, see also his modern take City of Slums.

Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations by David R Montgomery (book trailer) professor of geomorphology, University of Washington discusses the problem of global soil degradation and soil erosion and why it is one of the most significant environmental crises that face our species and planet for the next 400 years to come. another talk. Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations by David R. Montgomery. Dirt, soil, call it what you want—it's everywhere we go. It is the root of our existence, supporting our feet, our farms, our cities. This fascinating yet disquieting book finds, however, that we are running out of dirt, and it's no laughing matter. An engaging natural and cultural history of soil that sweeps from ancient civilizations to modern times, Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations explores the compelling idea that we are—and have long been—using up Earth's soil. Once bare of protective vegetation and exposed to wind and rain, cultivated soils erode bit by bit, slowly enough to be ignored in a single lifetime but fast enough over centuries to limit the lifespan of civilizations. A rich mix of history, archaeology and geology, Dirt traces the role of soil use and abuse in the history of Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, China, European colonialism, Central America, and the American push westward. We see how soil has shaped us and we have shaped soil—as society after society has risen, prospered, and plowed through a natural endowment of fertile dirt. David R. Montgomery sees in the recent rise of organic and no-till farming the hope for a new agricultural revolution that might help us avoid the fate of previous civilizations. UC Press.

Should Sugar Be Regulated Like Alcohol? Writing in the journal Nature, UCSF pediatrician Robert Lustig argues education is not enough. Author of Fat Chance (npr audio).


The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is the leading national organization working to improve public policy to eradicate hunger and under-nutrition in the United States. FRAC engages in research, analysis, training, technical assistance, advocacy, and public education to improve public nutrition programs and broaden their reach.

Food First is concerned with equity. Here's their overview on Food First overview migrant labor.

Local Food Systems, promoting strong local economies by building business ecosystems rooted in agriculture.

Roots of Change works for sustainable food systems.

Community Food Security represents a comprehensive strategy to address many of the ills affecting our society and environment due to an unsustainable and unjust food system.

The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) did a report asking "How can we reduce hunger and poverty, improve rural livelihoods, and facilitate equitable, environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development through the generation, access to, and use of agricultural knowledge, science and technology?" Hunger in California

Ironically/tragically, today in US kids of migrant laborers are going hungry (audio). (December 10, 2009) Nearly a million migrant children crisscross the U.S. with their families, from harvest to harvest and from job to job. In North Carolina, migrant families struggle to find work, and many rely on schools for food and clothing. The people who run the state's migrant program say living conditions and financial hardships for laborers are the worst in memory.

More info from Bread for the World.org

A Seat at the Table is a game/simulation from Oxfam.

We can feed 10 billion, but we have to change. 10/11


Stunning Photos of Food Finds After Dumpster Diving Across America 5/15.

New Food Desert map 3/13.

A tool that maps and grades "food deserts" to lure supermarkets. USDA version.

Smart people say food prices are falling — depends what you mean by ‘food’ Infographic.

US organic farms

Food Insecurity (hunger) in US by state/county.

World food map from CIR.

Big Bad Corn infographic.

Map shows how many people are on food stanps in your zip code. 5/13.

Pictures: Greening the Desert.


See Food section on Environmental Films page.

UCB Edible Education: Feeding the World had a great lineup, including Raj Patel, Marion Nestle, health effects, Slow Food 2011.

TEDtalks TEDtalks on food are great. a sample.

Ellen Gustafson says hunger and obesity are two sides of the same coin. At TED, she launches The 30 Project -- a way to change how we farm and eat in the next 30 years, and solve the global food inequalities behind both epidemics.

Open Source farm tools.

Frances Moore-Lappe, author of Diet for a Small Planet, talk entitled Eco-Mind. 9/11

Global 3000 has extensive coverage of globalization issues, including food issues. For example, Agricultural Land for Investors - Why Sudan's small farmers are being displaced. It's widely predicted that, by 2050, the population of the world will reach 9 billion and the need for food will increase by 70 percent. Also, Brazil has become the world's biggest exporter of beef. The government and farmers want to double production in the next 10 years.

Why Not Eat Insects? Marcel Dicke wants us to reconsider our relationship with insects, promoting bugs as a tasty -- and ecologically sound -- alternative to meat in an increasingly hungry world. TEDtalk video.

The Global Banquet exposes globalization’s profoundly damaging effect on our food system in terms that are understandable to the non-specialist. It debunks several underlying myths about global hunger.

Cuba: The Accidental Revolution are two one-hour documentaries celebrating the country's success in providing for itself in the face of a massive economic crisis, and how its latest revolutions, an agricultural revolution and a revolution in science and medicine are having repercussions around the world. Canadian TV Trailer.

"Up in Smoke," a documentary on the use of slash and burn agriculture in Central America. 6/11

Micha Peled’s documentary Bitter Seeds the final film in Peled’s “globalization trilogy,” exposes the havoc Monsanto has wreaked on rural farming communities in India, and serves as a fierce rebuttal to the claim that genetically modified seeds can save the developing world.

"The Garden" trailer (director Scott Hamilton Kennedy, the Academy Award winning documentary). The Garden is the unflinching look at the struggle between urban farmers and the City of Los Angeles and a powerful developer who wants to evict them and build warehousesinterview/excerpts

The varieties of wheat, corn and rice we grow today may not thrive in a future threatened by climate change. Cary Fowler takes us inside a vast global seed bank, buried within a frozen mountain in Norway, that stores a diverse group of food-crop for whatever tomorrow may bring. TEDtalk.

The Future of Food c2004 Film & Music DVD2936 (88 min.) In-depth investigation into unlabeled genetically-modified foods which have become increasingly prevalent in grocery stores. Unravels the complex web of market and political forces that are changing the nature of what we eat. Interview with maker The followup is Symphony of the Soil

Controlling Our Food documentary was aired on French television - a documentary that Americans won’t ever see. The gigantic bio-tech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.

The Monsanto Story Monsanto from their early days to 1994. Subjects covered include: Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT, chemical accidents, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring. Note: Part 2 has very disturbing images.

Biochar is helping transform agriculture in India. It's made for the purpose of adding it to soil as fertilizer, and since charcoal is a stable solid rich in carbon content, it can be used to lock carbon in the soil. Global 3000.


Global food crisis studied by Raj Patelin Stuffed and Starved video interview and discussed in videos. Colbert Report. See also Extensive talk (video) based on book. 6/12 update audio.

How Western Diets Are Making The World Sick. Interview with author of Consumption Kevin Patterson.

Drought Tolerant Rice works with fungus. 7/11 Loe.org

Anna Lappe Author, Diet for a Hot Planet 5/18/11 Founding Principal, Small Planet Institute; Author, Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It. With as much as one-third of total greenhouse emissions related to food production, the cost of our eating habits on the environment has never been more apparent. Lappe highlights the hidden cost of America’s culinary culture and outlines seven principles for a climate-friendly diet.recorded Audio.

Local Resources

Nancy Chen breaks down divisions between food and medicine, and she underscores that medicinal foods are the "front line of healing." Working to improve food security at UCSC: A professor of anthropology, Chen and Galarneau help lead a working group of faculty, staff, and student to improve food access. 1/16